[QUOTE=RedBird;4139802]Ooooh I saw that before but I didnt know it was a cover, its beautiful! I wonder if Scalera will be doing any more covers :)[/QUOTE]
I think this color would look great issued in this sepia tone, without color.
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[QUOTE=RedBird;4139802]Ooooh I saw that before but I didnt know it was a cover, its beautiful! I wonder if Scalera will be doing any more covers :)[/QUOTE]
I think this color would look great issued in this sepia tone, without color.
Haha the tiny eyes on the visor emoting! Jason looks so done. S is for sword. What they teach at League school. :D
Scalera's variant for 31[/QUOTE]
Has the colored version been posted yet?
I feel this is appropriate.
[QUOTE=G-Potion;4142124]Has the colored version been posted yet?
Honestly I love both, I want both copies, sepia and coloured. :)
Of course the dog would get fanart too.
The dog is great and in my eyes already a nonofficial member of the outlaws. I'll be so mad if anything happens to her. And Jason probably too.
Here's a quote from last year's appreciation thread. It's kinda fitting.
[QUOTE=Jackalope89;3987448]Mama Bear Red Him.
[QUOTE=RedBird;4142243]Honestly I love both, I want both copies, sepia and coloured. :)[/QUOTE]
I think I like the cover in sepia more, but honestly, the coloured version is beautiful too. Damn good variant.
As expected, jjmk delivers. That's a really good looking Nightwing, btw.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4138687]The final cover of Teen Titans Annual #1. I still have no idea what's going on. And judging by Jason's body language on the cover, he hasn't either.
While I'm looking forward to this it would be great if writers gave us more arcs where the family aren't fighting. Successful team ups, explore relationships, develop relationships. More looking out for each other than fighting.
[QUOTE=dietrich;4143712]While I'm looking forward to this it would be great if writers gave us more arcs where the family aren't fighting. Successful team ups, explore relationships, develop relationships. More looking out for each other than fighting.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, we should have at least seen them working together first. What was it, a single panel of them together?
[QUOTE=dietrich;4143712]While I'm looking forward to this it would be great if writers gave us more arcs where the family aren't fighting. Successful team ups, explore relationships, develop relationships. More looking out for each other than fighting.[/QUOTE]
I think a few moments of the family not fighting is only the stuff of dreams. Although I hope this cover is misleading.
And we're up again
[QUOTE=oasis1313;4143880]I think a few moments of the family not fighting is only the stuff of dreams. Although I hope this cover is misleading.[/QUOTE]
Well, RHatO Rebirth Annual did have a good team up of Jason, Dick, Artemis, and Biz. After they got Dick to dress up as a clown. lol
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4145262]And we're up again
Yaaaay! Wondering how much it did last month.