[URL="https://twitter.com/missing24seven/status/1134806534029025280"]Colored version[/URL]
[I]#Some moments in Jason’s life[/I]
[QUOTE=Arsenal;4385475]Yeah, that's the one.[/QUOTE]
Okay, my first guess was a Penguin: Year of the Villain Special (similar to Black Mask and Sinestro) which shows the final showdown between Jason and Penguin (the long black thing in the panel front could be Penguin's cane). But it would be kind of awkward if DC tells that story in a separate issue instead of RH:O - especially since Black Mask and Sinestro are also stand-alone stories, I think. So my second guess is a RHatO special similar to the Titans or Teen Titans special when the new teams were introduced. So maybe Bizarro and Artemis will finally return and/or these punk kids from #37 will officially be added to the RHatO cast.
But hopefully the next solicitations will tell us a little more.
The shown panel is already colored and Woods isn't drawing RH:O #37 although his last pause isn't that long ago with #32. That makes me believe that Woods is on a rather tight time schedule with his sorta-RHatO-relevant work. So I expect an announcement in the near future.
Maybe that's even the reason why the RHatO schedule has changed in August to the last week of the month. Because otherwise Woods wouldn't be able to draw whatever he is drawing now and RH:O #38.
Maybe Woods is contributing towards one of the Leviathan books? [SIZE=1](That's a thing right? I'm pretty sure that's a thing that happens)[/SIZE]
Though a possible one shot special that formally re-establishes the Outlaws team (whoever they may be) could be it. Or could be a RHATO related YOTV one shot. Than again, both of those possibilities don't necessarily have to be separate things.
Jason's logo looks so much better when it's spread over his whole chest instead of putting a smaller version in the middle like it is done in the comic.
I understand that Woods wants to show the whole logo for recognition value and to do so the vest is in the way. But I'd still prefer a bigger logo that's not always shown in full.
Suddenly I'm interested in this AU.
I’ve always thought a Star Wars AU could be a lot of fun.
[QUOTE=G-Potion;4388313]Suddenly I'm interested in this AU.[/QUOTE]
Surprisingly there is a fanfic with the Bat Boys being enrolled into Hogwarts. But they're not magic. Rather, they're there to stop and bring in the Gotham Rogues, while Harry, Ron, and Hermione are wondering if they're losing what sanity they have being around them.
I should point out, its only the second ever Harry Potter fanfic (crossover or not) I have ever followed.
Woods run as the artist of RHO ends soon, he just said he’s working on the last 4 pages now.
[QUOTE=Arsenal;4388995]Woods run as the artist of RHO ends soon, he just said he’s working on the last 4 pages now.[/QUOTE]
Good riddance.
Here's hoping next artist can do better or ideally, we get Dexter back.
[QUOTE=Jackalope89;4388479]Surprisingly there is a fanfic with the Bat Boys being enrolled into Hogwarts. But they're not magic. Rather, they're there to stop and bring in the Gotham Rogues, while Harry, Ron, and Hermione are wondering if they're losing what sanity they have being around them.
I should point out, its only the second ever Harry Potter fanfic (crossover or not) I have ever followed.[/QUOTE]
There is a bunch of Hogwarts AU actually. It's an AU with a lot of following. But then, it's to be expected; Rowling's is a fictional universe with a ton of fanfics itself. What's the tittle of this one, btw?
Good riddance.
Here's hoping next artist can do better or ideally, we get Dexter back.[/QUOTE]
I know his art was kind of rough in the beginning (especially when compared to Soy) but I think it’s gotten a lot better lately. Since Woods is leaving I wonder if that means Jason’s suit is gonna change again or remain the same.
Though if we have to lose Woods to get Soy or Rockafort back you won’t see me complaining.
[QUOTE=Zaresh;4389051]There is a bunch of Hogwarts AU actually. It's an AU with a lot of following. But then, it's to be expected; Rowling's is a fictional universe with a ton of fanfics itself. What's the tittle of this one, btw?[/QUOTE]
Oh, I know there's a ton of HP fanfics. 2nd or Most popular one out there, crossover or not. The only other one I ever followed was a one shot between Harry Potter and Saints Row.
Anyway, here's the link to the first chapter.
[QUOTE=Jackalope89;4389095]Oh, I know there's a ton of HP fanfics. 2nd or Most popular one out there, crossover or not. The only other one I ever followed was a one shot between Harry Potter and Saints Row.
Anyway, here's the link to the first chapter.
Thanks a bunch :cool:.
Ah, Red X. One of two foes the Teen Titans never did catch (Slade being the other, despite dying). And yes, I am on board with him being Jason.
I don't know if Artemis is younger than Donna, but I'm not complaining.
Jason Fabok [URL="https://twitter.com/JasonFabok/status/1135556846318755840"]said yesterday on Twitter[/URL]: "[I]Working on the pencils for the covers to Batman: Three Jokers. I've redrawn these covers 2 or 3 times each. They need to "feel" right. I want covers that will jump out at you on the shelf and beg you to take a look. Hopefully we will be able to reveal all three together soon.[/I]"
And when asked how far along he is drawing, Fabok answered "[I]halfway, which means close to a release date. These pages are taking me twice as long as any other project Ive done. No cutting corners. If a scene asks me to draw 20 cops...Im drawing them, in all panels...every detail. I want to give the readers my everything.[/I]"
I don't know if Artemis is younger than Donna, but I'm not complaining.[/QUOTE]
Jason seems to have a preference for chit-chatting with Amazons in the snow.
[QUOTE=Jackalope89;4390118]I don't know if Artemis is younger than Donna, but I'm not complaining.[/QUOTE]In the current continuity Donna is clay golem, that and was from my under standing created quite recently. So Artemis would be older.
Pre Flashpoint Donna was the same age as Dick, but I have no idea how old Artemis was. But probably at least around the same age.
DC has changed the title of the last story arc from "Underlife" to "Requiem for an archer"?
(And I'm a little sad that they didn't keep Putri's variant as a volume cover.)
I like this cover more than the previous one, but still think the variant to issue #27 would of been the best choice of the bunch.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4390342]DC has changed the title of the last story arc from "Underlife" to "Requiem for an archer"?
(And I'm a little sad that they didn't keep Putri's variant as a volume cover.)
That's just the name of the volume, those don't always use the titles of the storylines. Vol 4 for example, is titled "Good Night Gotham"
Event Leviathan #2 Variant by Jason Fabok
If nothing else, the more they use Jason front and center of promotional materials, the less likely for him actually being Leviathan.
Unless of course, that Bendis is really that bad of a writer.
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4394317]If nothing else, the more they use Jason front and center of promotional materials, the less likely for him actually being Leviathan.
Unless of course, that Bendis is really that bad of a writer.[/QUOTE]
Bendis has a terrible tendency toward writing characters that are not the focus of his work out of character so I wouldn't bank on Leviathan not being Jason. Seems like exactly the kind of thing Bendis would do.
So yeah, I know I'm a bit behind but I just read through the first 4 volumes of this run over the last couple of days, and wanted to share some thoughts.
First off, I never in my life thought I would ever care for someone like Bizarro, but he was so well-written in this so you just can't not like the guy. "Bizarro, cloned on a wednesday. Kick butt on friday" is one of the best lines I've read in a long time :cool: Also, the scene where he is about to murder all those henchmen by gassing them I was like "Holy shit, is this really happening? He's truly committed to this cause"
I was hoping though that someone could explain to me why after becoming smart, he sometimes wears his "S" the right way and sometimes the reverse way?
Artemis was also really cool and I can't wait to find out what happened to her and Bizarro when they disappeared together with the flying HQ.
It was pretty obvious from the start that something was gonna happen between her and Jason so I really appreciate the fact that they waited 20+ issues until actually getting to it instead of just rushing it.
I'm already pretty familiar with Jason Todd as a character (I really like Death in the family and Under The Red Hood is one of my fave DC movies). I haven't read the N52 run though and according to what I've read about it I am in no hurry to do so. I really like how he is written here (they all are), as opposed to that Morrison Batman & Robin title, for example.
All in all, a really entertaining and well-written run with great art. I usually don't pick up single issues so I will most likely wait for the next trade to come out until I continue reading.
[QUOTE=gohei_;4394912]So yeah, I know I'm a bit behind but I just read through the first 4 volumes of this run over the last couple of days, and wanted to share some thoughts.
First off, I never in my life thought I would ever care for someone like Bizarro, but he was so well-written in this so you just can't not like the guy. "Bizarro, cloned on a wednesday. Kick butt on friday" is one of the best lines I've read in a long time :cool: Also, the scene where he is about to murder all those henchmen by gassing them I was like "Holy shit, is this really happening? He's truly committed to this cause"
I was hoping though that someone could explain to me why after becoming smart, he sometimes wears his "S" the right way and sometimes the reverse way?[/QUOTE]
You are not the only one. When RHatO Rebirth was announced, I was more than a little skeptical about Bizarro. The information that I had found about Bizarro made his character look very goofy. And I personally prefer darker and more serious stories with a lot of emotion and just the right amount of humor here and there. But in the end Bizarro turned out to be a great character. I'm glad that RHatO has its own Bizarro and not the Bizarro from Bizarro World.
I love that line from the Grundy fight too. It's fun but also shows Bizarro's determination to protect his little family of outlaws while said family is worried about Bizarro's declining health. So much emotion in one scene. I love it.
I didn't notice the "S" thing, could be because of different artists, or something metaphorical when smart Bizarro is in fear of turning back into his old self. I'll reread the Bizarro Reborn arc later.
[QUOTE=gohei_;4394912]Artemis was also really cool and I can't wait to find out what happened to her and Bizarro when they disappeared together with the flying HQ.
It was pretty obvious from the start that something was gonna happen between her and Jason so I really appreciate the fact that they waited 20+ issues until actually getting to it instead of just rushing it.[/QUOTE]
I would have been pretty mad if Artemis had been immediately turned into Jason's new love interest. I definitely preferred Jason's and Artemis' platonic friendship for a long time. I'm not a fan of that mentality that a guy and a woman on the same team need to fall in love with each other. But the idea of Artemis and Jason grew on me. So I'm glad that it needed 25 issues until Jason finally got his kiss.
[QUOTE=gohei_;4394912]I'm already pretty familiar with Jason Todd as a character (I really like Death in the family and Under The Red Hood is one of my fave DC movies). I haven't read the N52 run though and according to what I've read about it I am in no hurry to do so. I really like how he is written here (they all are), as opposed to that Morrison Batman & Robin title, for example.
All in all, a really entertaining and well-written run with great art. I usually don't pick up single issues so I will most likely wait for the next trade to come out until I continue reading.[/QUOTE]
The current story arc has some recurring side characters from the New52 arc. It would probably be an advantage if you knew some stuff from the old run. So maybe keep that in mind when you read Red Hood: Outlaw Vol 2 (if DC does not change the title again).
Oh yeah, listings for Mattel's Red Hood appeared on BBTS
[QUOTE=Dark_Tzitzimine;4394317]If nothing else, the more they use Jason front and center of promotional materials, the less likely for him actually being Leviathan.
Unless of course, that Bendis is really that bad of a writer.[/QUOTE]
I wonder if the variant looks similar to the Event Leviathan #1 standard cover on purpose - Batman in the front and the head of a red masked person in the background.
Jason's hair is really long on the variant. Interesting artistic choice of Fabok considering that not even his Jason design for the Three Jokers story has that kind of hair length. Reminds me more of Batman: Ninja Jason.
And here's some nice fanart of Suzie Su saving the day/Jason (source: [URL="https://twitter.com/zumaon/status/1136958745827631105"]zumaon[/URL]).
And here's some nice fanart of Suzie Su saving the day/Jason (source: [URL="https://twitter.com/zumaon/status/1136958745827631105"]zumaon[/URL]).
Love at first sight. I love this piece.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4396013]I wonder if the variant looks similar to the Event Leviathan #1 standard cover on purpose - Batman in the front and the head of a red masked person in the background.[/QUOTE]
You might be right. They look too much like a pair.
[QUOTE=Sergard;4396013]I wonder if the variant looks similar to the Event Leviathan #1 standard cover on purpose - Batman in the front and the head of a red masked person in the background.
Jason's hair is really long on the variant. Interesting artistic choice of Fabok considering that not even his Jason design for the Three Jokers story has that kind of hair length. Reminds me more of Batman: Ninja Jason.
And here's some nice fanart of Suzie Su saving the day/Jason (source: [URL="https://twitter.com/zumaon/status/1136958745827631105"]zumaon[/URL]).
Interesting physics with that punch there. lol
But yeah, didn't see Suzie and her sisters end up working for Jason coming. Kind of like it. They get to work "legit" while also getting to beat up the occasional thug that drops by.
I asked the same question on the Nightwing's thread.
So, how old Jason is these days, post Rebirth?
[QUOTE=JoeZ;4396462]I asked the same question on the Nightwing's thread.
So, how old Jason is these days, post Rebirth?
Between 20 and 21, I think. More towards 21, probably.
[QUOTE=Zaresh;4396622]Between 20 and 21, I think. More towards 21, probably.[/QUOTE]
Yes, for me it's something like:
Bruce 35-36
Dick 22-24
Jason 20-21
Tim 16
Damian 13-14