Just read this issue. I won't spoil it. I'll juts say it was both fantastic [I]and [/I]uncanny. :o
I'll also say that when the book begins, you think you know who you're rooting for. Then, as it plays out, things get a bit more complicated. This is not an Avengers vs. X-Men type story. It's a lot more personal than that. And I think it's handled very well. Can't wait to read the next issue.
[QUOTE=Killerbee911;4817227]Krakoa gates are sitting all over the world it is not like he does not already have access to it.[/QUOTE]
This...and your connecting point of the X-Men could have just offered a gateway for Franklin's personal use should he want it...makes this a very non-story for me.
I usually don't go digging for plot holes (every story has them...when you think too hard about it) but the set-up for this LS is just one giant sink-hole of unnecessary drama for drama's sake.
Ok some of your posts are already minor spoilers and it's not yet 9 Eastern. C'mon guys, just a few hours more. I'm gonna lock this until 9 if you really can't stop yourselves.
Edit: It's now 9 Eastern, Spoil Away, but in a new thread specific to the issue![/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]