[QUOTE=Knives;4649972]No X-men will make an offer but like any parent concerned about their children they don't want to hear what the X-men have to say or let their child with cosmic reality-altering powers go to an island full of mutant villains or telepaths able to control and manipulate him. And if I were in their shoes would have the same concern :(.
In the end what matters is how Franklin feels the rest is a bunch of adults who think they can decide what's best for him.[/QUOTE]
Nobody should trust X-men for taking care of kids LOL that is the truth
[QUOTE=spirit2011;4649897]Avengers are backed by wakanda now.
UN is so not efective[/QUOTE]
Yea the Avengers are kinda flying solo atm and aren’t on the best of terms with the US. But going by the international hero conference T’Challa hosted, they are still they are still the leading super team.
[QUOTE=chief12d;4650004]Yea the Avengers are kinda flying solo atm and aren’t on the best of terms with the US. But going by the international hero conference T’Challa hosted, they are still they are still the leading super team.[/QUOTE]
Avengers still the biggest superhero team for Marvel;
[QUOTE=king of hybrids;4649945]I imagine the fact that the ‘Squadron’ are just dopplegangers provided by Mephisto would prove counterproductive to the US
Seeing as she was/is part of the Power Elite, I can’t imagine Selene wouldn’t trade such knowledge for goodies[/QUOTE]
I can definitely see that as something the X-Men would hold over the US government’s head. Also, it would just be cool to see them beat the crap out of Marvel’s JLA.
[QUOTE=spirit2011;4649999]Nobody should trust X-men for taking care of kids LOL that is the truth[/QUOTE]
Perhaps but between a school targeted by killer robots or seeing mutant children being enslaved, killed or used as weapons by your [B]own government[/B] the school was the best in two bad situations.Which reminds me once again why Krakoa exists :).
[QUOTE=Knives;4650052]Perhaps but between a school targeted by killer robots or seeing mutant children being enslaved, killed or used as weapons by your [B]own government[/B] was the best in two bad situations.Which reminds me once again why Krakoa exists :).[/QUOTE]
"Hope you survive the experience" already says how dangerous are the x-men lifes.
yeah US gorvernment is crappy i
Looks cool and love the art.
Dodson and Land have the strangest longest X-History.
And Franklin with black hair is so weird.
[QUOTE=Diammandis;4649720]shes going to be everywhereeeee[/QUOTE]
I'm not happy for my bank account. I had so adjusted to buying like one book a month if that. lol
Franklin stays with the FF but Valeria goes with the X-Men lol.
[QUOTE=spirit2011;4649709]Wow Emma again; Bleh[/QUOTE]
right I feel like all the books I might be interested in reading are talking about emma.. its truly repulsive.
The ff has never been interesting to me. Im'ma pass.
Yah just like a lot of people have pointed out I do hope we see Rachel play some part in this story, if not it def would be a missed opportunity
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;4650199]right I feel like all the books I might be interested in reading are talking about emma.. its truly repulsive.[/QUOTE]
its amazing isn't it, who would've thought we'd have this much Emma content back to back. Us Emma fans are being fed good!
Next up X-men/Jessica Jones
"Dani is such a beautiful young mutant..."
After years of IvX, Bunn and Rosenberg's sexist portrayals, it's fantastic to see Emma written well. And how much some Marvel editors and writers must be hating to see her shine so much.
[QUOTE=Crimz;4649714]I have been blessed this day.[/QUOTE]
Does this mean you'll finally join our cult?