Honestly, I think Franklin is going to be a dumb teenager and run off to the island with Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister running around in hopes of getting his powers back.
Seriously, the Slott FF run has characterized Franklin as basically in a romantic relationship with his powers.
Seems like Sue and Kitty will be main ones influencing Franklin's decision. Which is nice considering Reed was the one who got most of the important moments with the kids, and I'd like more interactions between Kitty and Franklin.
LOL @ Quire straddling Ben's head.
[QUOTE=Crimz;4772171]Seems like Sue and Kitty will be main ones influencing Franklin's decision. Which is nice considering Reed was the one who got most of the important moments with the kids, and I'd like more interactions between Kitty and Franklin.[/QUOTE]
Too bad Rachel and Franklin are no longer a thing since she's grown.
She probably has some interesting things to say to young Franklin. He should almost be the same age as her Franklin if I'm not mistaken.
Seems waaay less mature though.
It’ll be interesting seeing Kate be the main one vying for Franklin to come to Krakoa considering she doesn’t even have the same access to the island that her peers do. I suppose it’s a testament to how strongly she believes in what the mutants are doing.
I don’t think there’s any doubt Franklin’s going to join Krakoa.
The question is will he ever return to the F4 after Hickman’s plans for him are done; or will some Pymslap moment be retconned in to burn Franklin’s bridges with Reed (or, say, finding out he has Gills?)
[QUOTE=king of hybrids;4773244]I don’t think there’s any doubt Franklin’s going to join Krakoa.
The question is will he ever return to the F4 after Hickman’s plans for him are done; or will some Pymslap moment be retconned in to burn Franklin’s bridges with Reed (or, say, finding out he has Gills?)[/QUOTE]
If he goes, he ain't coming back. According to this narrative, everyone needs to go 'be with their own kind.' There's no room for nuance in that respect.
Feels kinda cheap actually.
[img] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EN262O4X4AArZln?format=jpg&name=large[/img]
[img] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EN262O1XsAIWYb4?format=jpg&name=large[/img]
[img] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EN264VEWsAERQ7j?format=jpg&name=large[/img]
lol Dodson isn’t even trying. Tough job ahead for Laura Martin.
Pirate Queen already plundering.
The war flashbacks to Fraction's run are real. Somebody complete the page with the fraptions and Storm answering "As you wish" to Kate.
Yeah that art is really odd looking for me
Weird that Kate goes straight to a warm embrace but ok
I guess I'm not remembering their strong bonds but I suppose they have them, although now in a considerably different context
X + M definitely seem like scary overkill to appear that way in front of Reed and Sue
Well, just have to find out the role Doom plays since I assume we're not doing a simplistic "Krakoa vs F4" thing at least not beyond perhaps some underlying tensions
[QUOTE=Domino_Dare-Doll;4773248]If he goes, he ain't coming back. According to this narrative, everyone needs to go 'be with their own kind.' There's no room for nuance in that respect.
Feels kinda cheap actually.[/QUOTE]
No there isn't, its been pretty explicit that people can go if they want to. From the very first meeting of the quiet council they said that mutants can and will straddle both worlds. We're only 4 issues into the run and we've had plenty of examples of mutants who chose to stay out. Rictor, Pete Wisdom, Beak and family. Sure there has been encouragement and offers but nobody's being forced.
The pathetic state of the MU is such that very few mutants [B]want[/B] to stay out. In Krakoa they aren't being persecuted, forced to live in sewers or murdered just because.
[QUOTE=AbnormallyNormal;4773280]Yeah that art is really odd looking for me
Weird that Kate goes straight to a warm embrace but ok
I guess I'm not remembering their strong bonds but I suppose they have them, although now in a considerably different context
X + M definitely seem like scary overkill to appear that way in front of Reed and Sue
Well, just have to find out the role Doom plays since I assume we're not doing a simplistic "Krakoa vs F4" thing at least not beyond perhaps some underlying tensions[/QUOTE]
You never forget your first dance with a naked woman.