Kate is the big sister Franklin always deserved.
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Kate is the big sister Franklin always deserved.
[QUOTE=Journey;4817154]lFranklin does not care about mutants but we already knew that his interest are for himself which is expected.[/QUOTE]
You keep saying that. And it’s not true.
[QUOTE=Journey;4817182]Reed and Sue came off like parents to me Sue reacted how any mother would if an Ex Terrorist came into their home uninvited preaching supremacy and claiming their son is better off without them and is already better than them due to a gene. Reed although very controlling still came off as a parent and he was making a lot of sense. Whatever points the X-Men were trying to make got completely burried under all the shade and bragging about their the next step in human evolution, eventhough Charles and Erik both know that's not really the case and according to POX/HOX are one bad day away from getting wiped out by technology. Their approach was just trash but that's just my opinion.[/QUOTE]
No Magneto came off like Magneto, And most of the other X-men can off as sincere except for Xavier who was dancing the line in sinister territory. Reed and Sue were fine that is how parents are suppose to act. And Reed once again shows how he ends up in stuff like Illuminati or building clone Thors in Civil Wars. He was not wrong but just like Xavier and Magneto with mutants, Reed can be pretty singularly focus on the betterment of thing is working on or protecting of his family even at cost times of the bigger picture.
It is hard to take this story seriously too when it could be solved X-men by giving Reed a Krakoa gate Plant to put inside his house(Cyclops gave one to his dad) and allowing Reed and Sue have tour of Krakoa(specifically Akademos) with Franklin. There is no logical reason Franklin needs "to live" on Krakoa and there is logically no reason why Richards wouldn't let Franklin have easy access go back and forth to Krakoa when they let bunch of minors with one barely adult and Dragon man roam around the multiverse but anyways I end for now, I don't want to spoil anything for anybody I will wait until spoiler thread to talk about it more.
giving any krakoan anything to reed is a terrible idea, you are basicaly securing your own downfall the moment the avengers turn on krakoa
[QUOTE=Ferro;4817222]giving any krakoan anything to reed is a terrible idea, you are basicaly securing your own downfall the moment the avengers turn on krakoa[/QUOTE]
Krakoa gates are sitting all over the world it is not like he does not already have access to it.
Just read this issue. I won't spoil it. I'll juts say it was both fantastic [I]and [/I]uncanny. :o
I'll also say that when the book begins, you think you know who you're rooting for. Then, as it plays out, things get a bit more complicated. This is not an Avengers vs. X-Men type story. It's a lot more personal than that. And I think it's handled very well. Can't wait to read the next issue.
[QUOTE=Killerbee911;4817227]Krakoa gates are sitting all over the world it is not like he does not already have access to it.[/QUOTE]
This...and your connecting point of the X-Men could have just offered a gateway for Franklin's personal use should he want it...makes this a very non-story for me.
I usually don't go digging for plot holes (every story has them...when you think too hard about it) but the set-up for this LS is just one giant sink-hole of unnecessary drama for drama's sake.
Ok some of your posts are already minor spoilers and it's not yet 9 Eastern. C'mon guys, just a few hours more. I'm gonna lock this until 9 if you really can't stop yourselves.
Edit: It's now 9 Eastern, Spoil Away, but in a new thread specific to the issue![/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]