[QUOTE=Alpha to Omega;4803131]Sort of. Valerie, not Valeria, was the baby miscarried during Byrne's run, then during Claremont's run a girl named Valeria Von Doom/Marvel Girl (supposedly the daughter of Sue and Doom*) from an alternate future came to the present and stayed (because Claremont wanted a new Rachel). Later on Claremont had both Valeria and Franklin shipped off to basically a space version of the Xavier Institute named Haven right before he left the book. Carlos Pacheco then took over the book and tied up most of the dangling plot threads left over. He revealed that Valeria Von Doom was actually the miscarried baby, Valerie, sent into an alternate timeline by Franklin with help from Roma so that she would eventually help Franklin bring Galactus back to life in order to stop a cosmic being named Abraxas in an extremely convoluted plan. To actually stop Abraxas, Reed had to reboot the entire multiverse without Abraxas in it by firing the Ultimate Nullifier and one of the changes in the new version was that Valeria Von Doom was gone and Sue was pregnant again. This new baby would be named Valeria as the payment Dr. Doom demanded for helping with some complications with the birth.
*Implied to actually be an alternate future version of Reed who remained in Doom's armor after being sealed in it by the Dreaming Celestial in Claremont's run.[/QUOTE]
This just hurt my brain.
franklin is an unberable brat, kitty should just snatch enough dna for sinister and leave, and then ban franklin so he never sees the new an improved kraklin richardo on the island.
[QUOTE=Ferro;4803301]franklin is an unberable brat, kitty should just snatch enough dna for sinister and leave, and then ban franklin so he never sees the new an improved kraklin richardo on the island.[/QUOTE]
Yes. Franklin is such a brat. Much better to put your faith in Sinister.
[QUOTE=ARkadelphia;4804278]Yes. Franklin is such a brat. Much better to put your faith in Sinister.[/QUOTE]
if it was me, I would rather deal with sinister than a pissed off sue storm, trust and belive that woman will fuck you up 10 ways til sunday.
[QUOTE=Ferro;4803301]franklin is an unberable brat, kitty should just snatch enough dna for sinister and leave, and then ban franklin so he never sees the new an improved kraklin richardo on the island.[/QUOTE]
I mean...he's a teenager with the power to create universes? If a little normal teen rebellion is all that comes from this Reed and Sue are the best parents ever.
[QUOTE=loke13;4804305]I mean...he's a teenager with the power to create universes? If a little normal teen rebellion is all that comes from this Reed and Sue are the best parents ever.[/QUOTE]
exactly that is why krakoa should focus on the creation of krakoan media so we can get memes of their blosoming music, film and tv
After Marauders #6 I was appreciating the great job they’ve done keeping Kitty off future covers to keep her fate a surprise; but I forgot she’s right there on issue 1 of this, haha.
dont know if the full thing was posted...
Didn't realize that this is out next week. Thought it would be March for some reason.
[QUOTE=Ferro;4804288]if it was me, I would rather deal with sinister than a pissed off sue storm, trust and belive that woman will fuck you up 10 ways til sunday.[/QUOTE]
I agree. But we were talking about franklin not Susan.
[QUOTE=Diammandis;4805443]dont know if the full thing was posted...
Looks like there should be two more images*so 4 in total. You can see Ben's fists at the bottom of both of these.
I still think from a real life standpoint if someone was actively trying to recruit my minor child into doing/being apart of something I don't want him in. I would without question fuck them up.... 3 Strikes done!!
So with that said I question why the X-Men feel they have a bone in this fight Franklin is a minor! Universal god tier powers and all. If Sue and Reed say fuck no end of story back off!!
Also he has never cared about his "people"!!!
[QUOTE=Journey;4806796]Also he has never cared about his "people"!!![/QUOTE]
Who said that?
I still think from a real life standpoint if someone was actively trying to recruit my minor child into doing/being apart of something I don't want him in. I would without question fuck them up.... 3 Strikes done!!
So with that said I question why the X-Men feel they have a bone in this fight Franklin is a minor! Universal god tier powers and all. If Sue and Reed say fuck no end of story back off!!
Also he has never cared about his "people"!!![/QUOTE]
Just becaus ehe have the mutant gene it doesn't make mutants "franklin's people". He has a family that loves and support him.
what made mutants so arrogant that they have the right to claim Franklin?
This is so wrong.
I'm with Journey on this. This plot seems like an absolute non-issue for the reasons they gave.
The X-Men don't have a moral ground on which to stand in this scenario.
All that needs to take place is a respectful sit-down and communicate with the parties involved...ie Susan and Reed, Franklin, Xavier, Scott and Kate. Scott needs to leave all the righteous bluster back on Krakoa and try not to "strong-arm" the Richards' into allowing Franklin to leave his family. And we didn't need a 4-issue LS to tell that plot...HiX-Man showed it could be done with just one issue (XM 04)
Superhero vs Superhero is cliche now and never solves anything.