Hickman's FF was great, but his Avengers run and Secret War was a hot mess.
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Hickman's FF was great, but his Avengers run and Secret War was a hot mess.
Storm concepts by Patrick Brown (from his facebook page)
the black look is better but he needs to fix that god awful hair. They really should reconsider that as a design choice if they do use this for a new cartoon
[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;5186151]Storm concepts by Patrick Brown (from his facebook page)
[COLOR="#000080"]I like the black costume better.[/COLOR]
I passionately loathed the white TAS costume but here...I prefer the white over the black (it looks too busy with so many details)
I love Mohawk Storm but I do wish he had given her the long Silvestri version(s)
[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;5186207]I passionately loathed the white TAS costume but here...I prefer the white over the black (it looks too busy with so many details)
I love Mohawk Storm but I do wish he had given her the long Silvestri version(s)
I remember when I was young Silvestri's Storm was amazing to me.
Seeing people complain about characters being awful in Secret Wars and just prior just makes me dislike Hickman more lol. So many of the worst and most problematic character moments for the biggest characters in Marvel in recent years can be traced back to him.
The idea that Storm could have been what Captain Marvel is now (leading lady of Marvel) is an interesting one. But it would have only been possible if she had distanced herself from the X books and struck out on her own more. No writers have been interested in that angle though. It gets back to my complaint that Storm is treated more like a symbol or an icon instead of a character in her own right
[QUOTE=pkingdom;5186318]Seeing people complain about characters being awful in Secret Wars and just prior just makes me dislike Hickman more lol. So many of the worst and most problematic character moments for the biggest characters in Marvel in recent years can be traced back to him.
The idea that Storm could have been what Captain Marvel is now (leading lady of Marvel) is an interesting one. But it would have only been possible if she had distanced herself from the X books and struck out on her own more. No writers have been interested in that angle though. It gets back to my complaint that Storm is treated more like a symbol or an icon instead of a character in her own right[/QUOTE]
Is Captain Marvel really the leading lady cause Marvel is literally failing at the attempt to make her the leading lady. Everybody knows she doesn't stand a chance against Rogue lmao
[QUOTE=metalclouds;5186539]Is Captain Marvel really the leading lady cause Marvel is literally failing at the attempt to make her the leading lady. Everybody knows she doesn't stand a chance against Rogue lmao[/QUOTE]
Not sure if they're still trying but that horrible movie pretty much made her Marvel's #1 female...at least for a couple of years.
Now I don't know. She not really a blip on anyone's radar as far as I can tell.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5185763]Hickman's FF was great, but his Avengers run and Secret War was a hot mess.[/QUOTE]
Objectively false but ok lol
[QUOTE=loke13;5186702]Objectively false but ok lol[/QUOTE]
First of all, it's all [I]subjective[/I].
Secondly, his Avengers and Secret War was a hot mess. His New Avengers/Illuminati was [I]better[/I], but the overall story was garbage. I was very disappointed after enjoying his FF run so much.
His X run is already much more interesting, but his weaknesses are showing. It remains to be seen if he can actually pull this off, though, especially when he's sharing the run with some of these other writers; some make up for his limitations, but more seem to be weighing the whole thing down.
Captain Marvel's recent solo attempts have been pretty messy and the writing just isn't there, but she has gotten a very definite push since prior to Civil War 2. Ironically that event nearly killed all interest in the character. Its not about who could beat her in a fight, its about how much push the character is getting from Marvel. Especially if the include the movie, she's pretty much front and center as the most prominent woman in Marvel comics. Whether you agree with that is one thing, but she's been pushed heavily. Closest second I can think would be Black Widow, but she's been out of focus for a while.
If you were to try to push Storm into that role, how would you do it?
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5186721]First of all, it's all [I]subjective[/I].
Secondly, his Avengers and Secret War was a hot mess. His New Avengers/Illuminati was [I]better[/I], but the overall story was garbage. I was very disappointed after enjoying his FF run so much.
His X run is already much more interesting, but his weaknesses are showing. It remains to be seen if he can actually pull this off, though, especially when he's sharing the run with some of these other writers; some make up for his limitations, but more seem to be weighing the whole thing down.[/QUOTE]
Sorry but when you call one of the most iconic / popular Avenger runs of all time a "hot mess" it's really hard not to come off as disingenuous especially when you fail to provide examples. So exactly what is your criteria for "hot mess"?
Almost every single plot point that Hickman seeded in his Avengers run came to culmination by the end of his Time Runs Out Arc. From the very beginning his Avengers title was meant as a complementary companion book to his New Avengers / Illuminati story, it was a vehicle he used to explore his sci-fi ambitions as well as set up plot threads for his Builders arc and his TRO arc it was never meant to be some soap operaish philosophical commentary on the nature of superhero comics and their unbending morality code in the face of impending doom, that was New Avengers. Ans Secret War was yet another victim of Marvel editorial wanting to turn another of Hickman stories (INFINITY) into a line wide Summer Event for a quick buck. But even besides that Hickman managed to bring the storyline to a fantastic climax.
So yeah I have a hard time and classifying his Avengers/Secret Wars run as a "hot mess" especially when compared to the likes of Battle of the Atom, Schism, Age of Ultron, Civil War, World War Hulk, and AvX.
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;5186640]Not sure if they're still trying but that horrible movie pretty much made her Marvel's #1 female...at least for a couple of years.
Now I don't know. She not really a blip on anyone's radar as far as I can tell.[/QUOTE]
Yeah she's not being well received and many were saying how overpowered they made her which made her fights in the movies pretty boring. Due to the backlash and response received from the general public if she wants to be relevant and at least tolerated she's definitely gonna have to bring some other popular characters into her movies. If not trust me they'll make her exit quietly out of the MCU
[QUOTE=metalclouds;5186869]Yeah she's not being well received and many were saying how overpowered they made her which made her fights in the movies pretty boring. Due to the backlash and response received from the general public if she wants to be relevant and at least tolerated she's definitely gonna have to bring some other popular characters into her movies. If not trust me they'll make her exit quietly out of the MCU[/QUOTE]
That why I believe that MCU will bring in Rogue to depower her quite a bit. Something tells me that Rogue will take at least 40-50% of that power to herself. Let's not forget that the events in MCU are before Rogue getting Captain Marvel's powers. Once they depower her, she will not be so centric and overpowered. She will turn back into the boring character she was after Rogue took her powers and put Rogue at the front centric place. Everything in the MCU will shift and be set for X-Men centric storyline because the Avengers are pretty much done.