[QUOTE=Wind Rider;5207529]I’d always advocate for better treatment and visibility for Storm but parts of your post is ridiculous (a little slut shame-ish) and ignores context with respect to why some Storm fans justifiably didn’t/still aren’t interested in a BP relationship/connection. And there were and still are plenty of BP fans throwing their own shade so...*shrugs*[/QUOTE]
Thanks for posting this. I was having a hard time coming up with a tactful way to state that. How dare Ororo have sex!! Some people just have to clutch their pearls I guess
[QUOTE=Wind Rider;5207529]I’d always advocate for better treatment and visibility for Storm but parts of your post is ridiculous (a little slut shame-ish) and ignores context with respect to why some Storm fans justifiably didn’t/still aren’t interested in a BP relationship/connection. And there were and still are plenty of BP fans throwing their own shade so...*shrugs*[/QUOTE]
Yup. Especially the some BP fans throwing shade. Like our girl had to be used as a bargain chip just for your guy to get a cartoon (which wasnt good enough to get picked up.) in the first place or a reboot at the time. Hudling completely changed her history outside of an x book by having her have sex at 12 with Tchallal. But hey, i'll keep enjoying our less popular girl who aside from a movie has more merch, games, and other things under her cape than the King of Wakanda. But i'm going to go back to ignoring that stuff. lol
And real talk i don't want storm in BP 2 not only because she deserves her own franchise but because i didn't even like the movie to be honest. I like what it did for our community but thats about it. Far from the best marvel piece imo. It was the definition of crumb grabbing because of what it did but not because of what it was.
[QUOTE=Besouro;5206055]Ding Ding effin gat damn Diiiiiiiing!!!!
This right here encapsulate everything Storm can and should be but is denied.
I would add ....exploring relations with ALL her biological extended family not just only her maternal mystic roots.
BP found Storm's paternal family relatives and introduced her to them.
Frankly, it's sad that it has taken all this time for y'all to feel the pain of strangulation placed on Storm as a character.
Many of you were so desperate that you PRAISED Storm being the *#@k-puppet of Wolverine....how was that ever a good idea? IT WASN'T!!! ...But that's what y'all wanted!
BP did a lot for Storm.....no help or contribution from the X-Men side not 1 bit other than throwing shade and ridicule repeatedly. BP side never retaliated not once, ever!
Y'all DEMANDED she return to X-Men and end the marriage....well, here we are back to being the semi- wall paper mother hen taking orders from Emma and Kitty and probably on stand-by for another random meaningless empty sex romp for whichever random X-Men.
Frankly, I think if "storm fans" used the same collosal Titanic amount of devoted vitriol and demands on the X-editors/writers the same way they/"storm fans" did against BP back in the day.....I am fairly certain Storm would be in a much more prominent leading status today.
Anyhow, what the hell do I know?
May be the majority of the storm fans enjoy the status-quo.[/QUOTE]
A good portion of Storm/X-fans don't know what they want for the character and only know how to complain when she's put in certain situations or with certain characters. Many are happily going along with her lack of prominent use in DOX and that's fine. And if the only way she can be relevant in the 21st century is by riding the coattails of her ex-husband's mythos Marvel is poorer for it but it is what it is. Not every black character can be a billion dollar tentpole solo IP. Though I am looking forward to Storm's upcoming "big" storyline and hope she can find a space for herself not reliant on her ex. Black Panther can't have all the badass black women in comics, Storm's an OG and deserves her time in the sun.
You can prob really tell my faves. lol.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5207558]A good portion of Storm/X-fans don't know what they want for the character and only know how to complain when she's put in certain situations or with certain characters. Many are happily going along with her lack of prominent use in DOX and that's fine. And if the only way she can be relevant in the 21st century is by riding the coattails of her ex-husband's mythos Marvel is poorer for it but it is what it is. Not every black character can be a billion dollar tentpole solo IP. Though I am looking forward to Storm's upcoming "big" storyline and hope she can find a space for herself not reliant on her ex. Black Panther can't have all the badass black women in comics, Storm's an OG and deserves her time in the sun.[/QUOTE]
Or most proably have 23.3 other hours in the day to not being going ham off a character we aren't getting paid for. Novel idea but some people just buy what they want to buy and talk about what they want and don't what they don't.
One more since they involve our girl. Well three but its the same pic, i go through a lot of changes between layers before i finish if i do.
ok so i lied i came across some more. lol.
I really did enjoy x-men red.
[QUOTE=jwatson;5207579]Or most proably have 23.3 other hours in the day to not being going ham off a character we aren't getting paid for. Novel idea but some people just buy what they want to buy and talk about what they want and don't what they don't.[/QUOTE]
I never suggested otherwise in the post you responded to. Every fan, well read or not, is gonna have their own perspective on what a character's place in the MU should look like. Some are happy with Storm being wallpaper but will be seething when used elsewhere, others are more consistent with their preferences, that's fandom. They're a difficult bunch to please and often don't really know what they want.
There's a new villian in the Marvel Universe named Empath and the X-Men will encounter him soon. I wonder if this will be when Storm finally shows some of her Godhood/Omega powers. Empath is very powerful and idk if y'all know or not but in the recent issue of the Fantastic Four he was about to kill Franklin Richards who is one of the most powerful beings. Franklin is now headed to the X-Men to let them know of Empath
[QUOTE=chief12d;5207625]I never suggested otherwise in the post you responded to. Every fan, well read or not, is gonna have their own perspective on what a character's place in the MU should look like. Some are happy with Storm being wallpaper but will be seething when used elsewhere, others are more consistent with their preferences, that's fandom. They're a difficult bunch to please and often don't really know what they want.[/QUOTE]
True but can't please them all so why try. I just don't get honestly why others care what others want or don't want to the extent in a passive aggressive way, not saying your post in particular they have to make digs that i'm sure most will ignore but will prob bother someone. What's the point. If people are okay with medicore storm and lighnting lass and that's the story they are will to read then cool, if not then cool. Debating an issue, a scene, or even a run is one thing and no doubt can be passionate but then on the flip there is petty. Again not saying that your post in particular but to a lesser extent in the same vein. But to each their own. If we all like the character i don't get all the outside ulterior stuff like we have some ownership stake or something. I'm just here for Storm.
After reading the latest XoS issue I’m excited to see what that means for Ororo! I hope it really shows her willingness to do whatever is needed.
[QUOTE=jwatson;5206404]Thanks for all the comments. Been cleaning up pc and found a few more i uploaded. I have like 100s of Storm and X-men sketches i've never shared. lol.
[COLOR="#000080"]That's really nice jwat. Keen eye for design.
I've been drawing alot more lately myself, majority BP pics of course. But I've been branching out recently with some other characters.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=jwatson;5207609]ok so i lied i came across some more. lol.
I really did enjoy x-men red.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]Another nice one and I like the added shading, gives it depth.[/COLOR]
[spoil] death tarot card[/spoil]