[QUOTE=The Quiet Councilor;4760034]Has it though? Even Guggenheim gave us his version of powerless badass Storm. I’m just sick of writers living out that nostalgia for her punk phase and doing little else. Why is Storm, the weather-controlling environmentally-conscious mutant, stabbing people in the eye while Iceman is refreezing the ice caps?[/QUOTE]
I think that's fair but we've also got the weather controlling environmentally friendly mutant in fearless. I would love to see ororo given better depictions with her abilities but why cant she do both?
and to your point about Guggenheim his depiction of her being "badass" was shown by way of WIS; it was nothing to be edcured to read.
[QUOTE=terrancejameson;4759985]Of course I want more than knife fighting Storm. I just nice to know that we’re not being forced to endure some bullshit pacifist Storm to make Cyclops look more cutthroat. I like that that her stateswoman status is being flexed very subtly. Hadari Yao is queen in name because a portion of Wakandan citizens still believe her to be their rightful queen. Hodari the Wakandan Council member states plainly that as a country Wakanda would rather settle for the more familial relationship of kings and queens. Storm may not want the titles thrusted upon her while she’s been under Coates, but that isn’t going unnoticed.
Hadari Yao, the queen who refused to have her power nullified. The woman that conceals vibranium knives and god knows what else on her person. I’ve been slayed![/QUOTE]
I've been slayed too boo. it was a nice read.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;4760054]I think that's fair but we've also got the weather controlling environmentally friendly mutant in fearless. I would love to see ororo given better depictions with her abilities but why cant she do both?
and to your point about Guggenheim his depiction of her being "badass" was shown by way of WIS; it was nothing to be edcured to read.[/QUOTE]
Guggenheim's take on "powerless" Storm was an epic flatline. That whole issue was an face slap to Storm fans (i.e. Wolverine's pep talk).
[QUOTE=Wind Rider;4760060]Guggenheim's take on "powerless" Storm was an epic flatline. That whole issue was an face slap to Storm fans (i.e. Wolverine's pep talk).[/QUOTE]
lolol you have me rolling with the epic flatline but it is true!
from the nap to the wolverine pep talk the issue was absolutely the worst lol
when are we going to get your review of the issue?
I still can't get over the fact that storm just whipped out a knife the moment her powers are gone and just stabbed a guy in the eye lmao say what you want about Duggan but he definitely brings that since of brutality to his fight scenes.
And yes more warrior Storm I understand this Storm is a loving, caring, and nurturing person but she also has a mean streak when you fudge with her family and as we saw won't hesitate to cut a bih.
Can someone post that page where storm whips out a knife in contemplation of stabbing Xavier lol
[QUOTE=loke13;4760070]I still can't get over the fact that storm just whipped out a knife the moment her powers are gone and just stabbed a guy in the eye lmao say what you want about Duggan but he definitely brings that since of brutality to his fight scenes.
And yes more warrior Storm I understand this Storm is a loving, caring, and nurturing person but she also has a mean streak when you fudge with her family and as we saw won't hesitate to cut a bih.
Can someone post that page where storm whips out a knife in contemplation of stabbing Xavier lol[/QUOTE]
I think you are referencing this:
she even made a similar face lolol
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;4760063]lolol you have me rolling with the epic flatline but it is true!
from the nap to the wolverine pep talk the issue was absolutely the worst lol
when are we going to get your review of the issue?[/QUOTE]
Just focusing on Storm mainly:
- Art = Amazing. I would not mind both this artist and colorist staying on this book (even if I don't end up buying the series as a whole). Storm looked amazing in each panel (though I feel that costume should have a spiked heel or wedge). Costiie and coloring was accurate in each panel but I do want them to settle on one look for her cap. I like the full gap and asymetric cap look but it keeps changing in the various books she's appearing in. Part of me would even love for them to get rid of the cap and throw in one of her 80's style belts (lose but well fit where she can hide her vibranium blades and an extra place for lockpicks)
- The characterization and dialogue for Storm was good. Her complexity and multi-faceted personality came shining through. The nurturing Storm, defender of her family, her fellow mutants and the oppressed, and then we see the fierce warrior who may respect the law of "kill no man" but has a ruthlessness that reminds us how lethal she is as an opponent. Sans powers, even weapons, she is a skilled fighter who has no qualms with leaving her opponents with a grim reminder of the mistake of underestimating her. I a hoping for an expansion on the fight next issue where we get to see her skillfully taking on more than 1 soldier.
- The story was entertaining. I am glad that the sassy witty dialogue is not limited to Emma, Pyro, Kitty and Bobby. Storm's quip bout getting her vibranium knife back made me laugh and was absolutely delish. Bishop, a focused and competent strategist deducing the trap (like a talented investigator), with Ororo acknowledging it but willing to risk it for the sake of helping her people. While she too is pragmatic and a skilled tactician and strategist it's fitting for her character to take extreme risks (be it to make a sacrifice that she knows is right but will never sit well with her emotionally or a costly risk she may not walk away from). The few pages they received definitely made for impact to the story finally). These 2 have great chemistry and I hope to see some more panel time between them.
- finally w see each team member getting some fair amount of panel time and a sense of relevance is starting to build for Storm here
- I don't find the villains particularly impressive for these X-Men. Power dampening tech is great, and the Russians pulled off an ambush that made sense (even though one could argue Storm's atmospheric senses would have given them her location). I prefer to see some polished villain for this team like we see in X-Force. Their homework was done well so that their prep and tech allows for them be credible threats. Plus...I am not sold on the Hellfire kids. Just seeing them takes me back to the trainwreck of WatX under Aaron.
If we get another good issue like this the book will make it's way on to my pull list for sure. A solid 4.25/5 for me)
I'm having mixed feelings about this issue. At first, I was like oh damn Storm ain't playing...than my feeling turned to Storm just killed that man.
Im not against Storm killing but that was to the extreme on a person/group who hasn't used lethal force yet.
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;4760177]I'm having mixed feelings about this issue. At first, I was like oh damn Storm ain't playing...than my feeling turned to Storm just killed that man.
Im not against Storm killing but that was to the extreme on a person/group who hasn't used lethal force yet.[/QUOTE]
Well what do you think they were going to do after depowering them? In Russia they started shooting at them and aiming to kill.
[QUOTE=Veitha;4760190]Well what do you think they were going to do after depowering them? In Russia they started shooting at them and aiming to kill.[/QUOTE]
But this group wasn't out to kill. Their first shot was non-lethal...see a non-powered Bishop still alive.
[QUOTE=Wind Rider;4760116]Just focusing on Storm mainly:
- Art = Amazing. I would not mind both this artist and colorist staying on this book (even if I don't end up buying the series as a whole). Storm looked amazing in each panel (though I feel that costume should have a spiked heel or wedge). Costiie and coloring was accurate in each panel but I do want them to settle on one look for her cap. I like the full gap and asymetric cap look but it keeps changing in the various books she's appearing in. Part of me would even love for them to get rid of the cap and throw in one of her 80's style belts (lose but well fit where she can hide her vibranium blades and an extra place for lockpicks)
- The characterization and dialogue for Storm was good. Her complexity and multi-faceted personality came shining through. The nurturing Storm, defender of her family, her fellow mutants and the oppressed, and then we see the fierce warrior who may respect the law of "kill no man" but has a ruthlessness that reminds us how lethal she is as an opponent. Sans powers, even weapons, she is a skilled fighter who has no qualms with leaving her opponents with a grim reminder of the mistake of underestimating her. I a hoping for an expansion on the fight next issue where we get to see her skillfully taking on more than 1 soldier.
- The story was entertaining. I am glad that the sassy witty dialogue is not limited to Emma, Pyro, Kitty and Bobby. Storm's quip bout getting her vibranium knife back made me laugh and was absolutely delish. Bishop, a focused and competent strategist deducing the trap (like a talented investigator), with Ororo acknowledging it but willing to risk it for the sake of helping her people. While she too is pragmatic and a skilled tactician and strategist it's fitting for her character to take extreme risks (be it to make a sacrifice that she knows is right but will never sit well with her emotionally or a costly risk she may not walk away from). The few pages they received definitely made for impact to the story finally). These 2 have great chemistry and I hope to see some more panel time between them.
- finally w see each team member getting some fair amount of panel time and a sense of relevance is starting to build for Storm here
- I don't find the villains particularly impressive for these X-Men. Power dampening tech is great, and the Russians pulled off an ambush that made sense (even though one could argue Storm's atmospheric senses would have given them her location). I prefer to see some polished villain for this team like we see in X-Force. Their homework was done well so that their prep and tech allows for them be credible threats. Plus...I am not sold on the Hellfire kids. Just seeing them takes me back to the trainwreck of WatX under Aaron.
If we get another good issue like this the book will make it's way on to my pull list for sure. A solid 4.25/5 for me)[/QUOTE]
I'm in alignment with your points. it's very nice to see Lucas and Ororo team up and tge att is gorgeous. one of the minuses for me is also these threats. I want to see what exactly makes ororo an omega a d I've yet to see it with the exception of ororo doing that beautiful water bending in house of x.
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;4760194]But this group wasn't out to kill. Their first shot was non-lethal...see a non-powered Bishop still alive.[/QUOTE]
remember people were getting paid to kill a mutant . the Russians tech indirectly would have resulted in those mutants (most of which appeared to be children) being killed as they depowered would have had no way to defend themselves against the madripoor citizens looking to make money.
Storm follows Krakoa's law. She probably hasn't killed that dude, she just left him one-eyed.
I really want storm to reclaim the Kenyan throne. With krakoa Gates and her flying she should be able to do it all. Just my thought of the day. Lol
Way to once again illustrate to Marvel-U humanity that mutants are poised to dominate them as ruler-gods in lieu (or in preparation) of an eventual human genocide. And from Ororo to boot. Ugh. But she did say "man" in X-Men Dox #1 with such disdainful misanthropy that such an abrupt action as seizing control of her (human) mother's birth country turns out to be believable. But what does a mutant care what humans think, even one like T'Challa whose kingdom exerts economic protection over Kenya in-universe?
Some say that Xavier's "I still love humans" speech in X-Men Dox #4 is a repudiation of the perceived mutant counter-hate towards their human would-be exterminators. But if what you propose takes place then it would be like what I'm reminded of, in an article from old "TREK" magazine that mentions TOS season 2 episode 2 "Who Mourns for Adonais?" Where Michael Forest's character Apollo professes repeatedly how much he loves humanity for as long as they worship him. From that statement the "love" he offers can be construed to the love one shows a pet or a favorite toy, meaning they're a lesser being or a non-sapient entity. But that's awesome for Dox fans, eh?
[QUOTE=Londo Bellian;4760290]Way to once again illustrate to Marvel-U humanity that mutants are poised to dominate them as ruler-gods in lieu (or in preparation) of an eventual human genocide. And from Ororo to boot. Ugh. But she did say "man" in X-Men Dox #1 with such disdainful misanthropy that such an abrupt action as seizing control of her (human) mother's birth country turns out to be believable. But what does a mutant care what humans think, even one like T'Challa whose kingdom exerts economic protection over Kenya in-universe?
Some say that Xavier's "I still love humans" speech in X-Men Dox #4 is a repudiation of the perceived mutant counter-hate towards their human would-be exterminators. But if what you propose takes place then it would be like what I'm reminded of, in an article from old "TREK" magazine that mentions TOS season 2 episode 2 "Who Mourns for Adonais?" Where Michael Forest's character Apollo professes repeatedly how much he loves humanity for as long as they worship him. From that statement the "love" he offers can be construed to the love one shows a pet or a favorite toy, meaning they're a lesser being or a non-sapient entity. But that's awesome for Dox fans, eh?[/QUOTE]
The humans were literally paying mercenaries to hunt and kill mutants but sure the mutants are the ones being the oppressors...
But you're right the mutants should constantly open their arms to embrace humanity no matter how many times they get stabbed in the gut since it's always the oppressed that have to do the bulk of the work.
I reacted to the preceding post about the proposal that Ororo using Krakoan resources set herself up as ruler of Kenya. It probably was just said in jest, but damn if the Dox status quo has left me with a micrometer-thin hair-trigger berserk button.
Weather Which
Sorry, my uploader was acting funny.
I was inspired by these looks for some fanart.
Anyway here is my MCU Storm concept art!
"I know you have been busy, beloved, but I am pleased you were able to spend a few days with me in Wakanda. So, how has your week been?"
"Busy, as you said. In fact, I am exhausted." Ororo shrugged, knowing T'Challa would keep her up late tonight, in the most delicious way, and she wouldn't mind.
"You are beautiful."
"The dark marks under my eyes would disagree. Oh, speaking of eyes, I used your birthday gift the other day."
T'Challa frowned, and Ororo smiled, enjoying the few times she could stump a man of his genius.
"If you did not go overboard with your gift giving, you would know to which gift I am referring."
Leaning back in his chair, he crossed arms over his chest, pulling his dashiki taut across his muscular frame.
"The knife. I used the knife you gave me on a fool who thought to steal Krakoan children."
"What does that have to do with eyes?" The moment T'Challa posed the question, his own eyes squinted with realization. "Are you saying you stabbed someone in the eye with your birthday present?"
"Precisely. He and the other men wore power dampening suits, so they thought that made Lucas and me easy prey."
"They were wrong, of course."
"Of course."
Sliding his dinner plate to the side, T'Challa placed his elbows on the table and froze Ororo with a knowing smile. "Beloved, you are a goddess. Those power dampening suits would have had no effect. So, tell me again why you used your vibranium blade on, yes, the fool who thought he could best you?"
An image of the mutant children on the boat--afraid and caged like animals--flashed in Ororo's mind. Mutants weren't inferior to anyone, and she was so tired of them being treated as such. But she was too fatigued to have that conversation with T'Challa, so Ororo simply said, "I felt like fighting old school."
"Old school, hmm?" T'Challa's gaze lowered to the knife in Ororo's hand cutting her spicy chicken. "I know I gifted you with the knife, but it never occurred to me you would use it to blind someone. Should I be worried?"
Ororo grinned. "If I intended on using my blade on you, beloved, I would have done so when you told me about Nakia."
T'Challa's frown returned.
Ororo shrugged again. "That could change, though, if you have more confessions to make."
Okay, mood's back on an even keel. You write dialogue spectacularly, Guilty Pleasure.
My jaw dropped when Storm stabbed the guy in the eye. The last time I had that reaction with her was when she ripped Marrow's heart out
[QUOTE=Londo Bellian;4760385]Okay, mood's back on an even keel. You write dialogue spectacularly, Guilty Pleasure.[/QUOTE]
Thank you. It was fun to play around with the characters, although the post turned out much longer than intended.
Any Storm fans on instagram?
The @planetxmen account recently did a reading guide for Storm, what did y'all think of that? It's right on their homepage!
1 Attachment(s)
[QUOTE=Londo Bellian;4760290]Way to once again illustrate to Marvel-U humanity that mutants are poised to dominate them as ruler-gods in lieu (or in preparation) of an eventual human genocide. And from Ororo to boot. Ugh. But she did say "man" in X-Men Dox #1 with such disdainful misanthropy that such an abrupt action as seizing control of her (human) mother's birth country turns out to be believable. But what does a mutant care what humans think, even one like T'Challa whose kingdom exerts economic protection over Kenya in-universe?
Some say that Xavier's "I still love humans" speech in X-Men Dox #4 is a repudiation of the perceived mutant counter-hate towards their human would-be exterminators. But if what you propose takes place then it would be like what I'm reminded of, in an article from old "TREK" magazine that mentions TOS season 2 episode 2 "Who Mourns for Adonais?" Where Michael Forest's character Apollo professes repeatedly how much he loves humanity for as long as they worship him. From that statement the "love" he offers can be construed to the love one shows a pet or a favorite toy, meaning they're a lesser being or a non-sapient entity. But that's awesome for Dox fans, eh?[/QUOTE]
She wouldn't need to seize anything. The crown rightfully belongs to Ororo and her uncle as seen in comics has been forcing her family to basically act as though she doesn't exist or he would kill her/them. I don't know where you get the rest of that stuff from. I literally just meant i would like to see Storm on her rightful throne.
A thread on the main marvel side a few days ago made me think of this. My DC/MArvel team.
That's actually a thing in Marvel's history? That there was a royal house ruling the territory of Kenya and Ororo is part of that family? All I read from the family encyclopedia set (1980s edition, but more "trustworthy" than a wiki walk) was that there were sultanates in the area before British Kenya. So Ororo has Muslim ancestry?
[QUOTE=Londo Bellian;4760436]That's actually a thing in Marvel's history? That there was a royal house ruling the territory of Kenya and Ororo is part of that family? All I read from the family encyclopedia set (1980s edition, but more "trustworthy" than a wiki walk) was that there were sultanates in the area before British Kenya. So Ororo has Muslim ancestry?[/QUOTE]
Yes it was mentioned around the time hudlin was running the books. Her uncle was leading the village as it's elder but it is canon her mother is a kenyan Princess and that her uncle has been threatening those that remain of the family and thats why they have not reached out to Ororo. Storm is kenyan royalty by birth.
[QUOTE=GuiltyPleasure;4760371]"I know you have been busy, beloved, but I am pleased you were able to spend a few days with me in Wakanda. So, how has your week been?"
"Busy, as you said. In fact, I am exhausted." Ororo shrugged, knowing T'Challa would keep her up late tonight, in the most delicious way, and she wouldn't mind.
"You are beautiful."
"The dark marks under my eyes would disagree. Oh, speaking of eyes, I used your birthday gift the other day."
T'Challa frowned, and Ororo smiled, enjoying the few times she could stump a man of his genius.
"If you did not go overboard with your gift giving, you would know to which gift I am referring."
Leaning back in his chair, he crossed arms over his chest, pulling his dashiki taut across his muscular frame.
"The knife. I used the knife you gave me on a fool who thought to steal Krakoan children."
"What does that have to do with eyes?" The moment T'Challa posed the question, his own eyes squinted with realization. "Are you saying you stabbed someone in the eye with your birthday present?"
"Precisely. He and the other men wore power dampening suits, so they thought that made Lucas and me easy prey."
"They were wrong, of course."
"Of course."
Sliding his dinner plate to the side, T'Challa placed his elbows on the table and froze Ororo with a knowing smile. "Beloved, you are a goddess. Those power dampening suits would have had no effect. So, tell me again why you used your vibranium blade on, yes, the fool who thought he could best you?"
An image of the mutant children on the boat--afraid and caged like animals--flashed in Ororo's mind. Mutants weren't inferior to anyone, and she was so tired of them being treated as such. But she was too fatigued to have that conversation with T'Challa, so Ororo simply said, "I felt like fighting old school."
"Old school, hmm?" T'Challa's gaze lowered to the knife in Ororo's hand cutting her spicy chicken. "I know I gifted you with the knife, but it never occurred to me you would use it to blind someone. Should I be worried?"
Ororo grinned. "If I intended on using my blade on you, beloved, I would have done so when you told me about Nakia."
T'Challa's frown returned.
Ororo shrugged again. "That could change, though, if you have more confessions to make."[/QUOTE]
I love it!!
[url]https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/N%27Dar%C3%A9_(Earth-616)[/url] N'dare is her mother.
[QUOTE=Londo Bellian;4760436]That's actually a thing in Marvel's history? That there was a royal house ruling the territory of Kenya and Ororo is part of that family? All I read from the family encyclopedia set (1980s edition, but more "trustworthy" than a wiki walk) was that there were sultanates in the area before British Kenya. So Ororo has Muslim ancestry?[/QUOTE]
I don’t think there’s a central dynasty in Kenya the way countries like Wakanda or Britain have. Kings and queens exist at the local level, but there is no universally recognized ruling family that influences the entire territory of Kenya. Storm is princess of an as of yet unnamed tribe located in the Serengeti, not all of Kenya. If you dig deep enough into the lore this tribe has migrated and founded city-states like Meroe in what’s now Sudan but I’m not sure that’s canon.
And the nations that would become British Kenya predate the arrival of Islam, they just converted as the Indian Ocean trade continued.
Thanks for clearing that up. Tribal-level royalty then, like Elena from "Street Fighter III."
[QUOTE=Londo Bellian;4760488]Thanks for clearing that up. Tribal-level royalty then, like Elena from "Street Fighter III."[/QUOTE]
Exactly. I would love to see it expanded like how it happened in House of M. Where she took over the tribe and because of the good works and what she did for the continent with her powers other tribes recognized her and she was Queen of all Kenya.
[QUOTE=twisted sun;4760458]I love it!![/QUOTE]
Thank you.
[QUOTE=Wind Rider;4760116]Just focusing on Storm mainly:
- Art = Amazing. I would not mind both this artist and colorist staying on this book (even if I don't end up buying the series as a whole). Storm looked amazing in each panel (though I feel that costume should have a spiked heel or wedge). Costiie and coloring was accurate in each panel but I do want them to settle on one look for her cap. I like the full gap and asymetric cap look but it keeps changing in the various books she's appearing in. Part of me would even love for them to get rid of the cap and throw in one of her 80's style belts (lose but well fit where she can hide her vibranium blades and an extra place for lockpicks)
- The characterization and dialogue for Storm was good. Her complexity and multi-faceted personality came shining through. The nurturing Storm, defender of her family, her fellow mutants and the oppressed, and then we see the fierce warrior who may respect the law of "kill no man" but has a ruthlessness that reminds us how lethal she is as an opponent. Sans powers, even weapons, she is a skilled fighter who has no qualms with leaving her opponents with a grim reminder of the mistake of underestimating her. I a hoping for an expansion on the fight next issue where we get to see her skillfully taking on more than 1 soldier.
- [B]The story was entertaining. I am glad that the sassy witty dialogue is not limited to Emma, Pyro, Kitty and Bobby. Storm's quip bout getting her vibranium knife back made me laugh and was absolutely delish. Bishop, a focused and competent strategist deducing the trap (like a talented investigator), with Ororo acknowledging it but willing to risk it for the sake of helping her people. While she too is pragmatic and a skilled tactician and strategist it's fitting for her character to take extreme risks (be it to make a sacrifice that she knows is right but will never sit well with her emotionally or a costly risk she may not walk away from). The few pages they received definitely made for impact to the story finally). These 2 have great chemistry and I hope to see some more panel time between them. [/B]
- finally w see each team member getting some fair amount of panel time and a sense of relevance is starting to build for Storm here
- I don't find the villains particularly impressive for these X-Men. Power dampening tech is great, and the Russians pulled off an ambush that made sense (even though one could argue Storm's atmospheric senses would have given them her location). I prefer to see some polished villain for this team like we see in X-Force. Their homework was done well so that their prep and tech allows for them be credible threats. Plus...I am not sold on the Hellfire kids. Just seeing them takes me back to the trainwreck of WatX under Aaron.
If we get another good issue like this the book will make it's way on to my pull list for sure. A solid 4.25/5 for me)[/QUOTE]
I’m in complete agreement with this post! But the bolder?! I screamed! Their familiarity with one another really touched my heart. They really moved as a unit that knows one another intimately. Fuck yes!
Power dampening has always been like that. TAS Storm was quickly humbled by the power-dampening neck-brace during the first Genosha-set arc. She did get revenge once it was off (Summon full power of the STORM!)
[QUOTE=GuiltyPleasure;4760371]"I know you have been busy, beloved, but I am pleased you were able to spend a few days with me in Wakanda. So, how has your week been?"
"Busy, as you said. In fact, I am exhausted." Ororo shrugged, knowing T'Challa would keep her up late tonight, in the most delicious way, and she wouldn't mind.
"You are beautiful."
"The dark marks under my eyes would disagree. Oh, speaking of eyes, I used your birthday gift the other day."
T'Challa frowned, and Ororo smiled, enjoying the few times she could stump a man of his genius.
"If you did not go overboard with your gift giving, you would know to which gift I am referring."
Leaning back in his chair, he crossed arms over his chest, pulling his dashiki taut across his muscular frame.
"The knife. I used the knife you gave me on a fool who thought to steal Krakoan children."
"What does that have to do with eyes?" The moment T'Challa posed the question, his own eyes squinted with realization. "Are you saying you stabbed someone in the eye with your birthday present?"
"Precisely. He and the other men wore power dampening suits, so they thought that made Lucas and me easy prey."
"They were wrong, of course."
"Of course."
Sliding his dinner plate to the side, T'Challa placed his elbows on the table and froze Ororo with a knowing smile. "Beloved, you are a goddess. Those power dampening suits would have had no effect. So, tell me again why you used your vibranium blade on, yes, the fool who thought he could best you?"
An image of the mutant children on the boat--afraid and caged like animals--flashed in Ororo's mind. Mutants weren't inferior to anyone, and she was so tired of them being treated as such. But she was too fatigued to have that conversation with T'Challa, so Ororo simply said, "I felt like fighting old school."
"Old school, hmm?" T'Challa's gaze lowered to the knife in Ororo's hand cutting her spicy chicken. "I know I gifted you with the knife, but it never occurred to me you would use it to blind someone. Should I be worried?"
Ororo grinned. "If I intended on using my blade on you, beloved, I would have done so when you told me about Nakia."
T'Challa's frown returned.
Ororo shrugged again. "That could change, though, if you have more confessions to make."[/QUOTE]
You are one of the most glorious posters I’ve ever come across. I hope you know I was having convulsions with how pleasurable this read was! A true gem. Never change, my friend!
I don’t think he did nullify her power. She even tells him that he can’t take her power. And the only good thing Guggenheim accomplished with her character was establishing that power dampener collars no longer work on her.
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;4760194]But this group wasn't out to kill. Their first shot was non-lethal...see a non-powered Bishop still alive.[/QUOTE]
I normally just creep in the Storm thread to get my daily dose of goodness but I did want to point out that the blast from the guy wasn't a nonlethal burst, it was a depowering blast like we saw in the first issue where it hit Iceman and he went back to flesh form.
[QUOTE=terrancejameson;4760580]You are one of the most glorious posters I’ve ever come across. I hope you know I was having convulsions with how pleasurable this read was! A true gem. Never change, my friend![/QUOTE]
Kind words. Thank you very much. :D
In my mind the Wakandian ambassador being named Hodari was a wink to Hadari Yao. But in my mind. lol
[QUOTE=jwatson;4760792]In my mind the Wakandian ambassador being named Hodari was a wink to Hadari Yao. But in my mind. lol[/QUOTE]
That's what I was thinking. Really Hadori? I see you Duggan trying to be sneaky....
[QUOTE=Proto;4760622]I normally just creep in the Storm thread to get my daily dose of goodness but I did want to point out that the blast from the guy wasn't a nonlethal burst, it was a depowering blast like we saw in the first issue where it hit Iceman and he went back to flesh form.[/QUOTE]
It seems to be the ONLY weapon Humans have against Mutants currently.
Marauders: As you mentioned Proto, Storm and Iceman and now Bishop hit with a Power Dampener Energy blast.
In X-Force: Quire and Domino couldn't access their powers via Power Dampener Weapon.
In New Mutants: Armor got hit by a Power Dampener Missile
In X-Men: The Hordeculture used Power Dampener Gas on Scott and Shaw
I mean seriously are Power Dampener Weapons THAT easy to come by?? LOL
Hodari has been part of T'Challa's council since the first issue of Coates' run. He debuted way before there was even mention of a Hadari Yao.
I find the power dampening question interesting. from their first encounter with these Russians with power dampening tech and this time in madripoor it would seem her mutant abilities were removed. however, her divine power is something completely separate and one we still dont know how she would be able to access. it's not even clear if she can tap into this voluntarily. that said, the reference to vibranium indicates the xoffices are not totally ignoring what coates is doing so I'm encouraged at some point we will get a deeper dive into her interactions between tchalla and wakanda, as well as what it means to be a divine being.
cbr recognizing that storm should have ended doom long ago with one punch.
ororo is marvels equivalent to one punch man.... periodt!
Dr. Doom had captured Arcade and his assistant Ms. Locke had kidnapped friends and family members of the X-Men to coerce them to rescue Arcade. Doom easily captured the X-Men and turned Storm into a living statue. This triggered her extreme claustrophobia and she subconsciously created a storm that eventually engulfed the planet. The X-Men escaped and freed Storm but she was enraged nearly beyond reason.
Storm, at that moment, was as close to a goddess as existed outside of Asgard. She was on par with the Phoenix Force in her fury and Doom was just a brilliant man in advanced armor. Had Colossus not stopped her, she could have easily made Doom a dead man in a tin can with a single lightning strike.