[QUOTE=Mah_Boons;5251416]I Agree.
After the issue of Selene beating the shit out of Cap. And then Sharon comes and Saves the day using the Iron-Patriot Suit? Told me all I needed to know.[/QUOTE]
or Shuri showing up to save Sharon but ultilizing some mythical ability to re-youth sharon despite tchalla supposedly being the one who is suppose to be king of the dead and yet she is controlling souls now as well. But what really told me everything i needed to know is when they had that storyline where the people were being saved and Cap and Falcon were saving the rich people instead of the people being sold. I don't need those kind of storm stories in my life. it will be 84 years of prose and side characters before Storm can even fart wind let alone get an aqctual story. I find it absolutely shocking in over 2 series of BP coates has only told two stories and one is still going.
Can someone explain to me how they are going to write out Storm godhead or basically her magic? It's stated to go beyond her genetics which means her godhood would be more standard than her mutant powers if it wasn't suppressed.
[QUOTE=KLY360;5251865]Can someone explain to me how they are going to write out Storm godhead or basically her magic? It's stated to go beyond her genetics which means her godhood would be more standard than her mutant powers if it wasn't suppressed.[/QUOTE]
Why would they write it out when saruryne just called her a goddess in sox destruction? I highly doubt wakanda would be praying to storm if it wasn't to save wakanda either way.
[QUOTE=jwatson;5251886]Why would they write it out when saruryne just called her a goddess in sox destruction? I highly doubt wakanda would be praying to storm if it wasn't to save wakanda either way.[/QUOTE]
I kinda figure it was marvel still calling her a goddess-like a code name. They were calling her a goddess long before Hadari Yao. I said this because no other book has used Hadari Yao except BP.
[QUOTE=KLY360;5251903]I kinda figure it was marvel still calling her a goddess-like a code name. They were calling her a goddess long before Hadari Yao. I said this because no other book has used Hadari Yao except BP.[/QUOTE]
I always thought Storm being called a goddess was more metaphorical than anything. Most fans and writers probably disagree that she's an actual goddess (in the conventional MU sense) but recognize the divine way she carries herself so they call her by her old title. But the mystic aspect to Ororo's character was always there, it just took Coates to dig into it and put it on it's biggest display in a few years.
The Wakandans call her Hadari Yao because they believe Storm is a literal goddess. In one of their ancient languages they have stories of a goddess who walks among the clouds and Storm is believed to be some kind of reincarnation, as she now walks among the people. Her godhead is definitely genetic as it's passed down from mother to daughter, but it's not tied explicitly to her X-gene, that's just how it manifests itself. I don't think the X-Office will retcon that character trait out, they probably won't reference it though lol.
[QUOTE=jwatson;5251486]or Shuri showing up to save Sharon but ultilizing some mythical ability to re-youth sharon despite tchalla supposedly being the one who is suppose to be king of the dead and yet she is controlling souls now as well. But what really told me everything i needed to know is when they had that storyline where the people were being saved and Cap and Falcon were saving the rich people instead of the people being sold. I don't need those kind of storm stories in my life. it will be 84 years of prose and side characters before Storm can even fart wind let alone get an aqctual story. I find it absolutely shocking in over 2 series of BP coates has only told two stories and one is still going.[/QUOTE]
LOL you kill me. But very true.
Oh and I forgot to tell you this. You better get ready to eat that Hat because I’m telling you he’s going to write her solo. It’s not a coincidence that Storm is dealing with Space BS in Black Panther and then she decides to go to Space on behalf of the X-Men.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5252007]I always thought Storm being called a goddess was more metaphorical than anything. Most fans and writers probably disagree that she's an actual goddess (in the conventional MU sense) but recognize the divine way she carries herself so they call her by her old title. But the mystic aspect to Ororo's character was always there, it just took Coates to dig into it and put it on it's biggest display in a few years.
The Wakandans call her Hadari Yao because they believe Storm is a literal goddess. In one of their ancient languages they have stories of a goddess who walks among the clouds and Storm is believed to be some kind of reincarnation, as she now walks among the people. Her godhead is definitely genetic as it's passed down from mother to daughter, but it's not tied explicitly to her X-gene, that's just how it manifests itself. I don't think the X-Office will retcon that character trait out, they probably won't reference it though lol.[/QUOTE]
yes it absolutely was metaphorical. in fact back in the earlier uncanny issues sometimes when she was referred to a goddess it was within quotations indicating not a literal one. there was an instant where she was shown being worshipped in her xmen uniform in before the storm mini and Claremont said she had not become a true goddess yet. there was also roguestorm so there are definitely instances of her potentially an actual goddess canonically speaking.
I like your explanation for why the xmen don't refer to her as that due to it being one of the Wakandans ancient language names for her. that is why it was odd in marauders 13 hadari yao wasn't mentioned. if the xoffices or at least if Duggan/vita wanted that to be referenced that issue would have made the most sense to do it.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5252060]yes it absolutely was metaphorical. in fact back in the earlier uncanny issues sometimes when she was referred to a goddess it was within quotations indicating not a literal one. there was an instant where she was shown being worshipped in her xmen uniform in before the storm mini and Claremont said she had not become a true goddess yet. there was also roguestorm so there are definitely instances of her potentially an actual goddess canonically speaking.
I like your explanation for why the xmen don't refer to her as that due to it being one of the Wakandans ancient language names for her. that is why it was odd in marauders 13 hadari yao wasn't mentioned. if the xoffices or at least if Duggan/vita wanted that to be referenced that issue would have made the most sense to do it.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]And there was the issue where Xavier told Storm that she wasn't a goddess.
So yes, while they talked about it they never really put a whole lot of effort behind it.[/COLOR]
Xavier's western ideology prevented him from seeing her divinity. She registered on Cerebro as a mutant, so that is what he saw her as. That said, Claremont did tease at her supernatural abilities several times, first against the N'gari demons, later in Roguestorm, as a sorceress in Limbo, when she was depowered, against the Adversary, later still in X-Treme.
Coates had her draw on external worship to one-shot the Adversary, but he himself barely defined or explored this aspect. As far as I see, there really is no fundamental difference between what he did and where she started at under Wein and Cockrum. She's always been a goddess. From day one.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5252060]yes it absolutely was metaphorical. in fact back in the earlier uncanny issues sometimes when she was referred to a goddess it was within quotations indicating not a literal one. there was an instant where she was shown being worshipped in her xmen uniform in before the storm mini and Claremont said she had not become a true goddess yet. there was also roguestorm so there are definitely instances of her potentially an actual goddess canonically speaking.
I like your explanation for why the xmen don't refer to her as that due to it being one of the Wakandans ancient language names for her. that is why it was odd in marauders 13 hadari yao wasn't mentioned. if the xoffices or at least if Duggan/vita wanted that to be referenced that issue would have made the most sense to do it.[/QUOTE]
Yea and judging by that one X-Desk official from Marauders, it's easy to understand why she's called goddess lol. In-universe Storm is constantly pointed out to have an otherworldly beauty and aura. So when you add in her insane omega-level powers and the occasional hint of mystical potential, it's easy to see why her friends and enemies call her goddess, even if they don't mean that in the same sense of Thor. Unfortunately Claremont was the only writer to really explore this concept with any depth up until Coates.
For the Wakandans they go above the metaphor because in their eyes there's good reason to believe she is a legitimate member of the Orisha. That would've been nice to roll into Vita's guest issue but it's the kind of idea that requires exposition that the book didn't really have an obligation to incorporate. Remember, most X-fans don't read BP or know what Storm's been up to in his book so with limited page time, explaining Storm's godhood isn't necessary. If anything it hurts the story because if people knew how Storm was revered as a goddess they'd be questioning why the Wakandans were being such hardasses about giving her the sword.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5252144]Yea and judging by that one X-Desk official from Marauders, it's easy to understand why she's called goddess lol. In-universe Storm is constantly pointed out to have an otherworldly beauty and aura. So when you add in her insane omega-level powers and the occasional hint of mystical potential, it's easy to see why her friends and enemies call her goddess, even if they don't mean that in the same sense of Thor. Unfortunately Claremont was the only writer to really explore this concept with any depth up until Coates.
For the Wakandans they go above the metaphor because in their eyes there's good reason to believe she is a legitimate member of the Orisha. That would've been nice to roll into Vita's guest issue but it's the kind of idea that requires exposition that the book didn't really have an obligation to incorporate. Remember, most X-fans don't read BP or know what Storm's been up to in his book so with limited page time, explaining Storm's godhood isn't necessary. If anything it hurts the story because if people knew how Storm was [B]revered as a goddess they'd be questioning why the Wakandans were being such hardasses about giving her the sword.[/B][/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]That would depend on if they consider her a minor or major god. You've got Bast running around who is considered the main deity in Wakanda.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Marvell2100;5252149][COLOR="#000080"]That would depend on if they consider her a minor or major god. You've got Bast running around who is considered the main deity in Wakanda.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
That's true, I'm inclined to think she was seen as a major god because you had people all across Wakanda worshipping her in the fight against Adversary. She's definitely more prominent than say the White Gorilla God or the Leopard Goddess that empowers Killmonger, but who knows where that places her. Hell, what is she even the god of lol? Light, Balance, and the Sky?
And I guess one can also argue that Shuri and Ramonda don't see Storm as an all-powerful goddess, but instead as a sister and daughter respectively, so it's easier for them to turn Ororo down. I doubt they'd have rejected Bast if she requested Skybreaker.
Technically Speaking Storm is a DemiGod. I mean Storm is after all still human.......just sayin
[QUOTE=Marvell2100;5252116][COLOR="#000080"]And there was the issue where Xavier told Storm that she wasn't a goddess.
So yes, while they talked about it they never really put a whole lot of effort behind it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I agree there was very little effort in that narrative. in fact her solo book by pak emphasized that she was not a real goddess and was only "worshipped" because she was crazy or a silly child. Coates canonized what the X-offices meant to be seen as a metaphor. Coates did have aspects of her history such as her mystical heritage and hints at her being more than just a mutant to pull from in making her a real goddess however.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5252144]Yea and judging by that one X-Desk official from Marauders, it's easy to understand why she's called goddess lol. In-universe Storm is constantly pointed out to have an otherworldly beauty and aura. So when you add in her insane omega-level powers and the occasional hint of mystical potential, it's easy to see why her friends and enemies call her goddess, even if they don't mean that in the same sense of Thor. Unfortunately Claremont was the only writer to really explore this concept with any depth up until Coates.
For the Wakandans they go above the metaphor because in their eyes there's good reason to believe she is a legitimate member of the Orisha. That would've been nice to roll into Vita's guest issue but it's the kind of idea that requires exposition that the book didn't really have an obligation to incorporate. Remember, most X-fans don't read BP or know what Storm's been up to in his book so with limited page time, explaining Storm's godhood isn't necessary. If anything it hurts the story because if people knew how Storm was revered as a goddess they'd be questioning why the Wakandans were being such hardasses about giving her the sword.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. I dont think even with the hints dropped by Claremont she was ever intended to be a real goddess. as I mentioned her entire solo run meant to humanize her and make her relatable and one aspect of showing this was by changing her origin to where her village knew she wasn't a real god. Coates literally canonized this and some storm fans give him grief but praise the xwriters when they made her a glorified drunken lightning lass with a lighting sword. it makes zero sense to me but I guess readers have different ways they would like to see her written. I prefer a black goddess, wise, fighting for all life (mutant and human alike) versus what I've seen from the xbooks, a lying distrusting lightning lass. but whatever floats your boat tight?
Nevertheless I never said they needed to explain her godhead only mention it. referring to her as the Hadari yao or simply goddess as they frequently did in BP required zero explanation. and we all know the reason the story was written as it was. some readers knew her relationship as established by Coates and that is why some storm fans have been critical of the issue.
[QUOTE=Mah_Boons;5252159]Technically Speaking Storm is a DemiGod. I mean Storm is after all still human.......just sayin[/QUOTE]
Technically speaking we don't know what Storm is from what I've seen lol. She doesn't meet the conventional definition of god at all because she's not a direct child of Gaea. Both her parents are human. But apparently she can use powers similar to the Elder God Oshtur despite not being a child of her either (that's assuming that the godhead that let's her make magical weather is indeed divine white magic that she's used in the past)
I think Coates was going to explore this in greater detail in his Storm solo, but my theory is Storm has a fragment (godhead) of the Elder God Oshtur's power within her body. She can channel this power through her X-gene, but can operate independent of it, though this hasn't been shown on panel. The Hadari Yao is probably just the Wakandan name for Oshtur, as we know they worshipped the Elder Gods before the rise of Bast.
And similar to how Bast usurped Gaea's role as the main earth/protection goddess of the Wakandans, Storm was fated to assume the role of Oshtur as the patron of light and balance. The godhead is just the divine blessing passed from mother to daughter that gives her the powers, a god-gene of sorts. Storm is less a god, and more a godling, but the effect is the same (divine magic), so we might as well cut the semantics and call her goddess lol. I'm not sure demigod is the most accurate term but that could work too if you use it loosely.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5252182]Technically speaking we don't know what Storm is from what I've seen lol. She doesn't meet the conventional definition of god at all because she's not a direct child of Gaea. Both her parents are human. But apparently she can use powers similar to the Elder God Oshtur despite not being a child of her either (that's assuming that the godhead that let's her make magical weather is indeed divine white magic that she's used in the past)
I think Coates was going to explore this in greater detail in his Storm solo, but I think Storm has a fragment of the Elder God Oshtur's power within her body. She can channel this power through her X-gene, but can operate independent of it, though this hasn't been shown on panel. The Hadari Yao is probably just the Wakandan name for Oshtur, as we know they worshipped the Elder Gods before the rise of Bast.
And similar to how Bast usurped Gaea's role as the main earth/protection goddess of the Wakandans, Storm was fated to assume the role of Oshtur as the patron of light and balance. The godhead is just the divine blessing passed from mother to daughter that gives her the powers, a god-gene of sorts. Storm is less a god, and more a godling, but the effect is the same (divine magic), so we might as well cut the semantics and call her goddess lol. I'm not sure demigod is the most accurate term but that could work too if you use it loosely.[/QUOTE]
I dont think you can say at this point she does or doesn't have direct line to Gaea. her ancestors can be traced back to the dawn of humanity and she is favored by Oshtur. and is Hercules a direct child of gaea? he's a demigod and pretty sure he's not a direct child of gaea. all in all I think from her ancestral past her being a god could be explained. I think costes was intending to dig deeper with this in the solo he wanted to write.
Wein and Cockrum[I] did [/I]intend for her to actually be an ancient, timeless African goddess. It was Claremont who made her from Harlem. Who added the claustrophobia and Cairo street thief background. Even still, Claremont considered her a '3-dimensional goddess', and always hinted at something more.
You have to realize making Storm an immortal, all-powerful goddess makes her unwieldy in a [B]team[/B] setting. Even Thor, paragon of white male power, gets nerfed all the time in Avengers stories. With a whole roster to attend to, you can't just let him do the thing in a swing of his magic hammer. At least he usually has [B]his own book [/B]to stretch those godly legs, and it's been that way since his inception. Wanting a team mutant team book to focus on Omega goddess Ororo just isn't very reasonable. She would really need her own book for that. Or at the very least a writer who wants to drape the team around her. We were blessed to get those Claremont stories. Without the combination of editorial/corporate push and a passionate creative team, that might be the best we get out of Storm.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5252187]I dont think you can say at this point she does or doesn't have direct line to Gaea. her ancestors can be traced back to the dawn of humanity and she is favored by Oshtur. and is Hercules a direct child of gaea? he's a demigod and pretty sure he's not a direct child of gaea. all in all I think from her ancestral past her being a god could be explained. I think costes was intending to dig deeper with this in the solo he wanted to write.[/QUOTE]
I feel like there's not enough evidence (from Coates at least) to support Storm having distant ancestry to Gaea. All the imagery with her character is light, white, the sky, and balance, which are all traits of Oshtur. I'm more likely to believe she's is the progenitor of Storm's bloodline than Gaea, and even that seems iffy. The godhead being called a "gift" and "blessing" at one point hint Storm's matrilineal line was blessed with godly powers rather than them being actual descendants of any Elder God. I could be absolutely wrong on that but I think Storm is 100% human/mutant but accesses divine magic in a roundabout way. Hence why technically she's still a goddess.
Hercules isn't a child of Gaea but he claims godhood via a Skyfather, who were all created from the godstuff of dead Elder Gods (siblings of Gaea). So he's a close nephew lol. But you got me, gods are generally those descended from Gaea or a Skyfather (in the case of demi-gods)
[QUOTE=chief12d;5252182]Technically speaking we don't know what Storm is from what I've seen lol. She doesn't meet the conventional definition of god at all because she's not a direct child of Gaea. Both her parents are human. But apparently she can use powers similar to the Elder God Oshtur despite not being a child of her either (that's assuming that the godhead that let's her make magical weather is indeed divine white magic that she's used in the past)
I think Coates was going to explore this in greater detail in his Storm solo, but my theory is Storm has a fragment (godhead) of the Elder God Oshtur's power within her body. She can channel this power through her X-gene, but can operate independent of it, though this hasn't been shown on panel. The Hadari Yao is probably just the Wakandan name for Oshtur, as we know they worshipped the Elder Gods before the rise of Bast.
And similar to how Bast usurped Gaea's role as the main earth/protection goddess of the Wakandans, Storm was fated to assume the role of Oshtur as the patron of light and balance. The godhead is just the divine blessing passed from mother to daughter that gives her the powers, a god-gene of sorts. Storm is less a god, and more a godling, but the effect is the same (divine magic), so we might as well cut the semantics and call her goddess lol. I'm not sure demigod is the most accurate term but that could work too if you use it loosely.[/QUOTE]
In old Marvel cosmology, it was [B]the worship and imagination of the people[/B] channeling the 'atmospheric divinity' left over from Atum that [B]created[/B] and gave power to all the worlds pantheons. [IMG]https://i.stack.imgur.com/T7Peu.jpg[/IMG]
Anyone or anything can become a god, since all of creation is godstuff. It's ultimately a matter of the divinity being observed/recognized/celebrated by human consciousness.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5252182]Technically speaking we don't know what Storm is from what I've seen lol. She doesn't meet the conventional definition of god at all because she's not a direct child of Gaea. Both her parents are human. But apparently she can use powers similar to the Elder God Oshtur despite not being a child of her either (that's assuming that the godhead that let's her make magical weather is indeed divine white magic that she's used in the past)
I think Coates was going to explore this in greater detail in his Storm solo, but my theory is Storm has a fragment (godhead) of the Elder God Oshtur's power within her body. She can channel this power through her X-gene, but can operate independent of it, though this hasn't been shown on panel. The Hadari Yao is probably just the Wakandan name for Oshtur, as we know they worshipped the Elder Gods before the rise of Bast.
And similar to how Bast usurped Gaea's role as the main earth/protection goddess of the Wakandans, Storm was fated to assume the role of Oshtur as the patron of light and balance. The godhead is just the divine blessing passed from mother to daughter that gives her the powers, a god-gene of sorts. Storm is less a god, and more a godling, but the effect is the same (divine magic), so we might as well cut the semantics and call her goddess lol. I'm not sure demigod is the most accurate term but that could work too if you use it loosely.[/QUOTE]
1. You make a great point. Although I’d say her divine power is coming from the latent potential of White Magic. All her Ancestors have used White Magic and none of them have ever been referred to as Goddess.
2. That is a very interesting perspective. I can agree to that. Storm could at the very least be a reincarnation of Oshtur since apparently they look alike. Probably why the Wakandans worship Storm. I think Coates explanation needs to go more in depth Because we are still guessing where is this Godhood coming from. I mean we know Storms Bloodline to be that of powerful Sorcerers that use White Magic. Now her bloodline is that of Gods? Since when....that’s probably certain fans of Storm or people who like Storm don’t really like for Storm to go down this path.
3. I get what you mean. But we can’t call her a full fledge God if her parents are actually human. Which is why I would call her a Demigod and if others did they wouldn’t be wrong.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5252206]In old Marvel cosmology, it was [B]the worship and imagination of the people[/B] channeling the 'atmospheric divinity' left over from Atum that [B]created[/B] and gave power to all the worlds pantheons. [IMG]https://i.stack.imgur.com/T7Peu.jpg[/IMG]
Anyone or anything can become a god, since all of creation is godstuff. It's ultimately a matter of the divinity being observed/recognized/celebrated by human consciousness.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for bringing that panel up, I always get fuzzy on gods and their origins! I don't necessarily see what you mean about creation though. Creation itself isn't godstuff, the matter of slain Elder Gods-turned-demons is, at least that's what I got out of that panel. The unconscious mind of man shaped the primordial godstuff remaining from an Elder God war into Skyfathers made in the image of man itself. They then had children with various manifestations of Gaea (producing Bast, Thor, etc.)
I don't see how within that system anyone can become a god just because people pray or think hard enough. It seems more like anyone can become a god if they have that spark of innate divinity, which will then be molded and given form by worshippers. I think in order to ascend/transform into a god, you need some inherent ties to the Elder Gods (whether it be direct descent or a genetic blessing).
To me that page shows human consciousness creating all the classical gods out of thin air. Their imaginations were made real and powerful through Atum's godstuff. The gods had power as such they, the humans,[B] thought[/B] they should. Without worship Marvel gods weaken. Yes, gods can have children, both divine and semi-divine, but mortals[B] can also become [/B]deified.
There could be some level of genetic lineage that traces through N'Dare's ancestry that makes it easier for Ororo, but to me this page shows that all of humanity is touched by Divinity and can channel that into a manifestation of that Divinity, into a godform of any design imaginable.
[QUOTE=Mah_Boons;5252209]1. You make a great point. Although I’d say her divine power is coming from the latent potential of White Magic. All her Ancestors have used White Magic and none of them have ever been referred to as Goddess.
2. That is a very interesting perspective. I can agree to that. Storm could at the very least be a reincarnation of Oshtur since apparently they look alike. Probably why the Wakandans worship Storm. I think Coates explanation needs to go more in depth Because we are still guessing where is this Godhood coming from. I mean we know Storms Bloodline to be that of powerful Sorcerers that use White Magic. Now her bloodline is that of Gods? Since when....that’s probably certain fans of Storm or people who like Storm don’t really like for Storm to go down this path.
3. I get what you mean. But we can’t call her a full fledge God if her parents are actually human. Which is why I would call her a Demigod and if others did they wouldn’t be wrong.
I think you're right. Sorcerers like Doctor Strange and Doom gotta petition Oshtur (the inventor and source of white magic) to use her powers, needing rituals, incantations, or items of power. I think Storm's hereditary godhead lets her naturally use white magic (the pure power of Oshtur), which has for some reason expressed itself through her X-gene.
Though she can obviously learn conventional spells, with her innate capacity to summon and control white magic making her naturally gifted. Idk, I think it's just one of those interesting bits of lore I always found interesting about her character. I'm not too interested in the power level implications but in terms of worldbuilding and themes I find the idea of ascension/godly heritage cool. Especially with all the mysticism the X-Men have been involved with as of late. But I get being tired or put off by the idea, since it's so half-baked and mostly based around headcannon lol. This godhead stuff builds on previous ideas but Storm's ancestry is just big question mark.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5252239]I think you're right. Sorcerers like Doctor Strange and Doom gotta petition Oshtur (the inventor and source of white magic) to use her powers, needing rituals, incantations, or items of power. I think Storm's hereditary godhead lets her naturally use white magic (the pure power of Oshtur), which has for some reason expressed itself through her X-gene.
Though she can obviously learn conventional spells, with her innate capacity to summon and control white magic making her naturally gifted. Idk, I think it's just one of those interesting bits of lore I always found interesting about her character. I'm not too interested in the power level implications but in terms of worldbuilding and themes I find the idea of ascension/godly heritage cool. Especially with all the mysticism the X-Men have been involved with as of late. But I get being tired or put off by the idea, since it's so half-baked and mostly based around headcannon lol. This godhead stuff builds on previous ideas but Storm's ancestry is just big question mark.[/QUOTE]
I too like the Goddess Concept, but it should have been introduced in her solo. That way we have a better understanding of this power. Because right now with such small information Coates gave us it seems like we all don’t quite understand where he’s coming from based off all of our responses.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5252227]To me that page shows human consciousness creating all the classical gods out of thin air. Their imaginations were made real and powerful through Atum's godstuff. The gods had power as such they, the humans,[B] thought[/B] they should. Without worship Marvel gods weaken. Yes, gods can have children, both divine and semi-divine, but mortals[B] can also become [/B]deified.
There could be some level of genetic lineage that traces through N'Dare's ancestry that makes it easier for Ororo, but to me this page shows that all of humanity is touched by Divinity and can channel that into a manifestation of that Divinity, into a godform of any design imaginable.[/QUOTE]
When you put it like that I definitely see the validity. So humanity's thoughts, touched by the divine itself, are the driving force, while the godstuff was just a good spiritual medium to be given form to? Then hypothetically, humans could project their belief and wonder onto a mortal to unlock the potential for them to become a god. The determining factors of that ascension would be the spiritual strength of whoever is being worshipped and however fervent the worshippers are.
We tend to see something like this in real life civilizations, great hero-kings after many generations often are identified as the descendants of gods or gods themselves. The ideals and power they had in life are inflated in death and the belief people have in them elevates them to godhood. I guess in the MU you have something more immediate and visceral, where a great hero like Storm could ascend to godhood on the basis of the awe people have in her presence.
[QUOTE=Mah_Boons;5250804]If there is a Storm Solo I pray it comes out twice a Month........YIkes.[/QUOTE]
From your lips to the writers and the Editorials.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5252156]That's true, I'm inclined to think she was seen as a major god because you had people all across Wakanda worshipping her in the fight against Adversary. She's definitely more prominent than say the White Gorilla God or the Leopard Goddess that empowers Killmonger, but who knows where that places her. Hell, what is she even the god of lol? Light, Balance, and the Sky?
And I guess one can also argue that Shuri and Ramonda don't see Storm as an all-powerful goddess, but instead as a sister and daughter respectively, so it's easier for them to turn Ororo down. I doubt they'd have rejected Bast if she requested Skybreaker.[/QUOTE]
Most of us here believe that she is a goddess of Balance and Life, including the domain of the sky and air. I still believe that they are building her up to a goddess because a Goddess has powers over several domains, they have so far just one or two. I believe when we reach the magical number 3 we will see her fully-fledged godlike power.
[QUOTE=Mah_Boons;5252209]1. You make a great point. Although I’d say her divine power is coming from the latent potential of White Magic. All her Ancestors have used White Magic and none of them have ever been referred to as Goddess.
2. That is a very interesting perspective. I can agree to that. Storm could at the very least be a reincarnation of Oshtur since apparently they look alike. Probably why the Wakandans worship Storm. I think Coates explanation needs to go more in depth Because we are still guessing where is this Godhood coming from. I mean we know Storms Bloodline to be that of powerful Sorcerers that use White Magic. Now her bloodline is that of Gods? [B]Since when....that’s probably certain fans of Storm or people who like Storm don’t really like for Storm to go down this path.[/B]
3. I get what you mean. But we can’t call her a full fledge God if her parents are actually human. Which is why I would call her a Demigod and if others did they wouldn’t be wrong.[/QUOTE]
Actually, most of the Storm fans are quite intrigued by her godhood. I personally hope she gets as powerful as Thor without a magic hammer, so she can put him in his place, but hey that just me and perhaps I want Thor's fans to be put in place since they've been so offending towards Storm. We had a few people here, who didn't like Storm being a Goddess but all of them mysteriously disappeared shortly after their posts. :D
Great topic guys. This is the most interesting coco we've had in a while,
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5252206]In old Marvel cosmology, it was [B]the worship and imagination of the people[/B] channeling the 'atmospheric divinity' left over from Atum that [B]created[/B] and gave power to all the worlds pantheons. [IMG]https://i.stack.imgur.com/T7Peu.jpg[/IMG]
Anyone or anything can become a god, since all of creation is godstuff. It's ultimately a matter of the divinity being observed/recognized/celebrated by human consciousness.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5252196]Wein and Cockrum[I] did [/I]intend for her to actually be an ancient, timeless African goddess. It was Claremont who made her from Harlem. Who added the claustrophobia and Cairo street thief background. Even still, Claremont considered her a '3-dimensional goddess', and always hinted at something more.
You have to realize making Storm an immortal, all-powerful goddess makes her unwieldy in a [B]team[/B] setting. Even Thor, paragon of white male power, gets nerfed all the time in Avengers stories. With a whole roster to attend to, you can't just let him do the thing in a swing of his magic hammer. At least he usually has [B]his own book [/B]to stretch those godly legs, and it's been that way since his inception. Wanting a team mutant team book to focus on Omega goddess Ororo just isn't very reasonable. She would really need her own book for that. Or at the very least a writer who wants to drape the team around her. We were blessed to get those Claremont stories. Without the combination of editorial/corporate push and a passionate creative team, that might be the best we get out of Storm.[/QUOTE]
This is more in my line of thinking.
Storm is definitely more than just a mutant.
Her Windriderahip holds too much mysteries that needs to be explored.
She is definitely more than just you average Namor Selen
Apocalypse. But I would like her to eventually become slow aging or living immortal.
[QUOTE=BlkGldBlu;5252393]This is more in my line of thinking.
Storm is definitely more than just a mutant.
Her Windriderahip holds too much mysteries that needs to be explored.
She is definitely more than just you average Namor Selen
Apocalypse. But I would like her to eventually become slow aging or living immortal.[/QUOTE]
Her godhead somehow tying itself to her x-gene also makes sense that there has been several stories where when Storm was unconscious or too weak the elements themselves jumped in and defended her or when she wasn't going to use enough force in one story, the lightning came down and basically made the choice for her. I really would love to see that aspect of her powers explored. Like what is the bond she has with life and plants, how deep does it go, why does the wind cradle her rather than her cradling the wind as winddancer would or what not. It's like she makes the weather sentiment on an instinctual level and it remembers her presence and responds.
I miss some of those nature goddess aspects from the old days. Like, she used to actually converse with plants. And yes, those few times the elements themselves acting on her behalf. It would be cool if she could fully communicate with and control plants, animals, and the raw elements themselves. Like all the web of life was plugged in to her, and she to it. Like, a tree or rock could tell her what it witnessed, the wind could be her spy and bodyguard, etc. I know Nature Girl was given these abilities, but let's be honest, she was half-baked and hasn't really made a big impact on the fandom.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5252490]I miss some of those nature goddess aspects from the old days. Like, she used to actually converse with plants. And yes, those few times the elements themselves acting on her behalf. It would be cool if she could fully communicate with and control plants, animals, and the raw elements themselves. Like all the web of life was plugged in to her, and she to it. Like, a tree or rock could tell her what it witnessed, the wind could be her spy and bodyguard, etc. I know Nature Girl was given these abilities, but let's be honest, she was half-baked and hasn't really made a big impact on the fandom.[/QUOTE]
I truly miss that aspect of her character as well. One of my biggest gripes about the Krakoa situation is i feel Krakoa and Storm would have some sort of bond even if she didn't explicitly understand him there should be some level of communion between the two. Or how she sensed the life force of the brood within her. There are so many aspects of Storm left unexplored. For instance on many occasios it has literally been stated she gets physical and mental substance from the life force around her she communes with. Shouldn't that come with a level of immortality if there is always some semblance of life she can draw from and commune with. Everything about Ororo has always been mutant but far beyond.
I personally love the idea of her being the mutant goddess and if she isn't in Kurt bible, throw it in the trash. lol
[QUOTE=The92Ghost;5252373]From your lips to the writers and the Editorials.
Actually, most of the Storm fans are quite intrigued by her godhood. I personally hope she gets as powerful as Thor without a magic hammer, so she can put him in his place, but hey that just me and perhaps I want Thor's fans to be put in place since they've been so offending towards Storm. We had a few people here, who didn't like Storm being a Goddess but all of them mysteriously disappeared shortly after their posts. :D[/QUOTE]
It’s the truth. We cannot afford a Solo that comes out Monthly it will hurt Storm.
That may be true that most Storm fans are intrigued, but there does exist fans who rather Storm not go down this path. LOL you wanna put out Thor fans in their place haha. I can do that now. But I know what you mean. :-)
I can just imagine Kurt's prose about the goddess Ororo descending from the heavens! :o
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5252555]I can just imagine Kurt's prose about the goddess Ororo descending from the heavens! :o[/QUOTE]
It would be a Psalms like chapter spoken in krakoan hymn. The addeded bonus is with the godhood and belief system if enough mutants believe in her godhood that would put her on a god level like no other. I don't think any other god in the MU right now has millions of super powered believers.
I'mma need to see Storm fly to the moon and make it rain now! ;)
I'mma need to see Storm fly to the moon and make it rain now! ;)[/QUOTE]
And Scott and Jean already got a home there for her to visit. LOL
The article also makes me think of the FF issue where she was gathering the hydrogen molecules in space.
I'mma need to see Storm fly to the moon and make it rain now! ;)[/QUOTE]
What you just posted only confirms that Storm can Make Cosmic Weather Now.
[QUOTE=Mah_Boons;5252566]What you just posted only confirms that Storm can Make Cosmic Weather Now.[/QUOTE]
Claremont tried to let em know. Talking bout her powers in space didn't make no sense.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5252196]Wein and Cockrum[I] did [/I]intend for her to actually be an ancient, timeless African goddess. It was Claremont who made her from Harlem. Who added the claustrophobia and Cairo street thief background. Even still, Claremont considered her a '3-dimensional goddess', and always hinted at something more.
[B]You have to realize making Storm an immortal, all-powerful goddess makes her unwieldy in a [B]team[/B] setting[/B]. Even Thor, paragon of white male power, gets nerfed all the time in Avengers stories. With a whole roster to attend to, you can't just let him do the thing in a swing of his magic hammer. At least he usually has [B]his own book [/B]to stretch those godly legs, and it's been that way since his inception. Wanting a team mutant team book to focus on Omega goddess Ororo just isn't very reasonable. She would really need her own book for that. Or at the very least a writer who wants to drape the team around her. We were blessed to get those Claremont stories. Without the combination of editorial/corporate push and a passionate creative team, that might be the best we get out of Storm.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]You don't have to make her into that kind of goddess. Coates didn't say she was all powerful or immortal. He simply said she was a goddess. Asgardians aren't immortal, they're just extremely long-lived.
They can pretty much develop her as they see fit just from that premise..[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Mah_Boons;5252553]It’s the truth. We cannot afford a Solo that comes out Monthly it will hurt Storm.
That may be true that most Storm fans are intrigued, but there does exist fans who rather Storm not go down this path. LOL you wanna put out Thor fans in their place haha. I can do that now. But I know what you mean. :-)[/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]What would concern me about a Storm solo is that with so many X-books currently out, you'd lose it in the mix.
It would have to really stand out and be more than just about her being a mutant or else it's just another book headed for the cancellation column. Her book should be many things and not just about one aspect or type.
She can do cosmic.
She can do social issues.
She can do environmental issues
She can do cultural issues.
She can do horror.
She can do just plain superheroics.
That ability to tap into different genres gives her more opportunities to appeal to readers.[/COLOR]