[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;4830147]Carlos Pacheco on Excalibur was pure EXQUISITENESSITY!!![/QUOTE]
Truly. I kinda hated Pete Wisdom, but that art was fresh. I loved Kurt's half naked with piercings look too!
And let's not forget his X-Men run as well...
OGAWDYESSSS!!! *greglandorgasmface*
His Kurt was so...Lusty
His Storm was...Stunnsational
And let's not forget his X-Men run as well...
My second favorite Storm look. ;)
[QUOTE=stormphoenix;4828770]I mean who else is going to be the Red Queen. It's already stated that Emma asked Storm first soooo why not.
I just don't want Storm to be wearing Red....[/QUOTE]
Part of me can totally see Emma using this situation to maneuver Storm into the Lord Imperial position (after she sends Shaw off planet lol). I would like more screen time for Storm in X-Men, and seeing an strong reaction from Storm once her Kitten’s death is revealed, but I want a unique and pivotal role for Storm that is not centered on Kate.
On Aero I think her control over air is amazing. And very strong. I also think her extra sensory abilities with is on par with Storm’s. Overall skill is probably comparable between the 2, but raw power with wind - I think Storm is well beyond her.
1 Attachment(s)
i needed this Storm cool down today.
[QUOTE=stormphoenix;4828347]Marauders #11
The Death of Kitty. Yay!! Storm might be the New Red Queen. :-) Fingers crosses
Ignore anything Kyss has to say. He has no right to comment on anything Marauders.
Does anybody have the panel of how he killed her?
[QUOTE=metalclouds;4831704]Does anybody have the panel of how he killed her?[/QUOTE]
It really chews the scenery for like, many pages. It's not just a single panel.
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;4830728]My second favorite Storm look. ;)[/QUOTE]
It's probably my favourite look, only thing competing with it is her current outfit.
so I was reading more on this aero character. and shes cute but I honestly felt she was a rip off of storm. pak kept writing her as able to "feel" everything with the wind currents. subtle enough right but nothing egregious. but then I kept reading and my initial things on her were confirmed. he referred to her as wind rider of all things lolol.. chile give me a break.... I know pak loves him some storm but baby there's only one Storm often imitated never duplicated:
Now, that I think about it. This is probably how Greg Pak WANTED to write Storm's powers. But didn't get enough free reign. And was competing with Secret Wars...........OH Well.
This Aero character is very interesting. It's basically an Anime.
Is Aero better than Storm? Mmm not really no. But she is very creative and maybe just as skilled as Storm.
[QUOTE=stormphoenix;4832555]Now, that I think about it. This is probably how Greg Pak WANTED to write Storm's powers. But didn't get enough free reign. And was competing with Secret Wars...........OH Well.
This Aero character is very interesting. It's basically an Anime.
Is Aero better than Storm? Mmm not really no. But she is very creative and maybe just as skilled as Storm.[/QUOTE]
I agree. there were a couple of things that he did with Ororo that he also did similarly with Aero. Storm used her winds to deflect bullets and we saw Aero create pressure shields. He had storm create air bubble under water and had Aero do the same thing when she fought with Wave. Then of course the previous stuff I mentioned. It's pretty obvious what he used as a model when writing this character.
I will say that Aero is definitely more skilled than Ororo with the wind blades however I do think whatever we've seen Aero do Ororo in theory could do (with the exception of the chi). In fact, I wish writers would go into a deeper dive of ororos ability being able to perceive the world around her as energy or being able to feel certain things in the atmosphere. it doesnt have to be like aero but ororo already has this established in her mythos so why not build upon what's already there?
storm is about to scalp some heads....
Why haven't the sharks eaten her yet? Hasn't it been several days? At the least she should be all bloated and have little fish pecking at her.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4832995]Why haven't the sharks eaten her yet? Hasn't it been several days? At the least she should be all bloated and have little fish pecking at her.[/QUOTE]
Even in death she somehow always trying to steal the show
HAHAH When Bishop said "Bring in the Calvary" I personally think he was talking about Storm.
Phew when she see's Kitty's dead body. I HOPE she loses it and goes HAM on these Humans and Emma.