A Giant Sized issue is exciting but I want more. We should be getting the rebirth of Claremont Storm.
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A Giant Sized issue is exciting but I want more. We should be getting the rebirth of Claremont Storm.
hell yeah justice has been served[/QUOTE]
Damnit, now I gotta clean my pants.
[QUOTE=Purplevit;4838792]Jonathan: Our last issue is a bookend by myself and Russell Dauterman. We’re doing Giant-Size X-Men: Storm. (Which pays off the first issue and also features more characters than just Storm).
It really sets up what we’re going to be doing with her for the next couple of years.
God is Good!!!
[QUOTE=DIVINITY;4839821]God is Good!!![/QUOTE]
All the time.
karma is a storm stan
I highly DOUBT Feige had anything to do with this.
I would say folks like Vita, Leah and others who have FOUGHT to get books or something for others beside the usual suspects finally made their point.
It looks REALLY bad that a POC (not Nightcrawler) gets left off all these giant size books and be a franchise with black people issues (anyone seen Synch this month in X-Men?).
Now the question to ask is this a TEST to see if A Storm book using her NAME not someone else's title.
Send the message this June Storm fans..... Maybe Marvel might get it.[/QUOTE]
After reading the interview...
Storm getting the GSXM treatment has less to do with other POC creatives working at Marvel and much more to do with HiX-Man and Dauterman specifically, choosing her to tell this particular chapter of her story as it pertains to HiX-Man's Krakoan Opus.
[QUOTE=Ferro;4839542][IMG]https://i2.wp.com/www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/XMENGSSTORM2020001_cover_inks.jpg?resize=1011%2C15 36&ssl=1[/IMG]
hell yeah justice has been served[/QUOTE]
My body is not ready for this deliciousness!
[QUOTE=GuiltyPleasure;4839795]I'm not saying that Feige is behind this sudden shift to a focus on Storm. I will say, however, that Feige is very clear about bringing diverse characters into the MCU. So much money is made in movies abroad that the international viewership is taken into consideration when Americans produce movies. Marvel movies are huge abroad. So, Feige has added diversity even where none originally existed, such as with the Eternals. Actually, I'm not a fan of changing the race or gender of a character. Of course, the problem is that Marvel and DC have a history of creating mainly white and male characters that, in this day and where diversity is a huge selling feature, those two giants are sorely missing out. So, they change the race, gender, sexuality of canon characters to make the MCU more diverse.
However, with a character like Storm, no switching is required. Better, she has a rich history and can appeal to many types of moviegoers and comic book readers. There has yet to be an AA superheroine with her own movie. Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel led the way, showing that people, especially women and girls, will flock to a movie with a well-developed female lead. Feige could've done it with Monica Rambeau in Captain Marvel but didn't. He could do it with Storm's character. The funny thing, perhaps ironic, is where Feige and Disney went with the Carol Danvers version of Captain America, the actress who played Monica Rambeau's mother in Captain America will now be the first AA and female James Bond.
Now is the perfect time to try a Storm movie/book solo. Phase 4 and phase 5 could lead the way for a Storm solo.[/QUOTE]
Very honestly, an Ororo Before The Storm. Disney plus series just seems so logical. Either Cartoon or live action.
I feel an Adult Storm is hard footing to work. Tho I would die if she ever got a Solo Adult film.
So im looking forwards to the MCUXM. But rewatching all the MCU film's recently I just hope for a little more umph, with the darker theme.
I highly DOUBT Feige had anything to do with this.
I would say folks like Vita, Leah and others who have FOUGHT to get books or something for others beside the usual suspects finally made their point.
It looks REALLY bad that a POC (not Nightcrawler) gets left off all these giant size books and be a franchise with black people issues (anyone seen Synch this month in X-Men?).
Now the question to ask is this a TEST to see if A Storm book using her NAME not someone else's title.
Send the message this June Storm fans..... Maybe Marvel might get it.[/QUOTE]
storm already had a solo book and it tanked. so I dont see that changing unless marvel does more to invest in the character, which we have slowly been seeing.
let me reiterate some points I made before. I mentioned that coates may be putting storm and black panther back together since the merger was happening making it more likely storm would one day appear in bp. of course we later found out the merger did occur and now we are hearing rumors of her appearing in bp2.
secondly, I've been saying that I feel marvel is setting us up for something big with ororo. we've seen it with her having a more prevalent presence across the mu. first with black panther, then with fearless, and of course the news of her being in the new avengers title out in may. all that was really missing was her to have a bigger presence in the xbooks and here we are. nothing marvel does is by accident and I see this effort as a means to an eventual prevalent role in the mcu. I say all of this to say I wouldn't be surprised if feige has his hands in this that the xoffices invest more in their premier black female superheroine. we know the disney has been all about synergy and I dont see why that would be so far fetched here.
Now the question to ask is this a TEST to see if A Storm book using her NAME not someone else's title.
Send the message this June Storm fans..... Maybe Marvel might get it.[/QUOTE]
These Giant Sized books are essentially oneshots. The comic stores will order them months in advance. Even if we all go in droves to the store to pick it up when it is released, that will be long after the fact.
I don't think this is a 'test' of marketability.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4840271]These Giant Sized books are essentially oneshots. The comic stores will order them months in advance. Even if we all go in droves to the store to pick it up when it is released, that will be long after the fact.
I don't think this is a 'test' of marketability.[/QUOTE]
very true. that being said I hope it does well.
[QUOTE=Vegan Daddy;4839800]A Giant Sized issue is exciting but I want more. We should be getting the rebirth of Claremont Storm.[/QUOTE]
Gods of the earth and air, Bright Lady, so mote it be! Aṣẹ Aṣẹ
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;4840249] nothing marvel does is by accident and I see this effort as a means to an eventual prevalent role in the mcu. I say all of this to say I wouldn't be surprised if feige has his hands in this that the xoffices invest more in their premier black female superheroine. we know the disney has been all about synergy and I dont see why that would be so far fetched here.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;4840275]very true. that being said I hope it does well.[/QUOTE]
All five of these are going to do well. Hickman is on fire.
That said, if people start bugging their LCS's [I][B]now[/B][/I], maybe we can inflate the numbers for Storm even more!
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4840279]Gods of the earth and air, Bright Lady, so mote it be! Aṣẹ Aṣẹ
I think your suggestion of feige being involved is probable. so yes amen indeed boo!
oan so I'm sure I know your answer but what are your thoughts on Janelle Monet playing storm or rumored to be top pick for her? would you be ok if she ultimately is the pock for her?
Janelle Monet is an interesting and talented artist, but no, I don't see her as Ororo in the least.
It will be very interesting to see what direction they go as far as casting Ororo and the other X-Men. I think I've made my opinion known at this point that they should all be cast more or less college aged so we can watch them grow up over a decade of films(and Disney+ series), instead of starting off with already mature characters(who have had their powers since puberty, it just doesn't makes sense), but it is impossible to know what they will do until it is done.
The casting of Eternals does make me a bit nervous because they really went with a pretty much all well-known cast(maybe because Eternals is sooooo obscure?), whereas I think most of the X-Men, and Storm in particular, would be better served by casting relative or complete unknowns(because, really, who on the normal Hollywood radar can do Ororo right now?). For one, you can get them to sign a 10 year deal to do films and series more easily. And two, the audience can see them [B][I]as the character[/I][/B](which was Hugh Jackman's greatest advantage with Logan), not as 'so and so from what's it called'.
I had to repost this glorious pic, this is doing it for me she is drawn amazing. I adore it may have to change my avatar.
I’m regards to Storm for the MCU I’m still rocking with Ryan Destiny she is a good age, though I do feel we are getting a more adult Storm since I feel they are going to play up the romance between her and TChalla though I don’t know and could be wrong, but she’s 25 so if they chose to play that role they could. I’m excited either way this news about Storm for the future makes me hopeful and optimistic for great things to come.
This is the young lady I was speaking off.
Chadwick Boseman is already 42. Letitia Wright(Shuri) is already 26. I don't think a 25 year old can realistically(or rather, acceptably) be in a romance with BP at this point, nor do I think they will discard Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o(36)'s Nakia so easily.
I honestly don't think they will go for the Ororo/T'Challa romance in the MCU, but rather just have them be friends and allies.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4840322]Chadwick Boseman is already 42. Letitia Wright(Shuri) is already 26. I don't think a 25 year old can realistically(or rather, acceptably) be in a romance with BP at this point, nor do I think they will discard Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o(36)'s Nakia so easily.
I honestly don't think they will go for the Ororo/T'Challa romance in the MCU, but rather just have them be friends and allies.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. Casting an older Storm will not be good for a franchise that’s going to restart. They’ll in it for the long haul, so the actirs have to be considerably young. I want a younger Storm solely for that fact. But yeah, I’d rather not with Chadwick being 42.
tbh if ororo is well writen mcu nakia would have better chemestry with her than tchalla.
shes basicaly yukio/calisto with a proper moral compass
lol, that would be interesting. I've always been down for a bi Ororo, but Yukio should come first.
I see college aged Ororo(pre-Krakoa) as still being emotionally withdrawn and distant from people, even though she does loves them and likes to help them. I think after all the trauma of her youth in Cairo and nearly being raped along the way to Kenya, and her powers developing just after that, she just became one with the elements and nature and reveled in that level of being(letting go all that hurt and pain, and now no one could try to overpower her, not with the forces of nature and the Goddess with her). I do not accept the later stories that try to say she lived with Ainet who was her mother and all that nonsense. Claremont showed us Ororo's past, and it was living in a treehouse alone in the jungle. She helped people as a rain goddess, but other than that kept to herself.
That's the great beauty of the X-Men for Ororo: she was around a bunch of other powerful beings(particularly Jean in those Phoenix days) for the first time, socializing and interacting as equals. The taste of course was bittersweet, and she often yearned for her solitude in the wilds(hence her attic greenhouse choice instead of a normal dorm room), but it was the bonds she made with the X-Men as her family more than mere teammates, that kept her around and eventually led to her developing as a leader of her peers.
With the fact that we know MCU films and Disney+ shows will start to meld together, I see the X-Men positioned in the perfect time/place to really get a lot of media created with them. I think casting Ororo with a 6' tall 19-22 year old young woman from Kenya is the way to go. We'll get to watch her grow into the role and become the badass leader and global politician she is in the later periods in time, starting from the beginning. Imagine if Game of Thrones had summer blockbuster season finales? That's the kind of thing we could get with X-Men for ten years. :o
Watching a cast grow and mature into their final forms, not just start with them already 30/40 years old is the way. I think this was a mistake in T'Challa's case too. I don't like that T'Chaka was so old and unfit. I would have cast Djimon Hounsou as T'Chaka and got someone in their mid or late 20's to be Prince T'Challa, but RDJ really did skew the characters older, so I see why they did that. If they wanted to use Chadwick, so be it, but then frame T'Chaka's death in the past(as in the comics, Klaw could kill him when T'Challa was still a boy/young teenager). Anyways, it's fine to start Tony Stark off as a mature man, because his story as Iron Man doesn't start until he builds the suit. With mutants, their powers pop off around puberty most of the time, so their character starts getting interesting very early. Starting off mutants as 30 or 40 year olds, that have had powered adventures for 20 or 30 years off camera(in a universe that doesn't seem to acknowledge mutants at all), just seems stupid to me(even to this day after decades of stories, the main X-Men still haven't broken 30).
Now of course the MCU can just say that the mutations didn't happen until just recently, even for mature adults, or that they were hiding the whole time, but both of those just seem very unfulfilling. The X-Men concept started off as teens at a school. I think the high school angle is played out at this point, but a college-based angle is perfect. They're at Professor Xavier's school, living in dorms, being drilled and evaluated in the Danger Room in their uniforms. It works. I really want them to sneak off to Harry's Hideaway for beers after a mission, and they can't do that if they are still in high school. I guess Tom Holland(23)'s Spider-Man is still in high school, but that can't last much longer(he's already two solo movies in and besides they are actually Sony productions...).
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4840322]Chadwick Boseman is already 42. Letitia Wright(Shuri) is already 26. I don't think a 25 year old can realistically(or rather, acceptably) be in a romance with BP at this point, nor do I think they will discard Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o(36)'s Nakia so easily.
I honestly don't think they will go for the Ororo/T'Challa romance in the MCU, but rather just have them be friends and allies.[/QUOTE]
I wasn’t saying they had to blossom the romance between Ororo and TChalla I just felt like they would but I honestly don’t know at all which direction they will take the character. I’m not sure why people keep mentioning Lupita when others mention the possibility of Ororo and TChalla as if her being the villainess character she was in the comics would give her any less screentime when it could still give her a role to dig her teeth into. I don’t mind either way. I’m not a fan of teenage Storm I didn’t much like her in Ultimate XMen so I hope that’s not a route they take. 25 isnt old to start a franchise film with she does not have to literally be 18-19 in ten years if they chose she would only be 35. I really don’t even want Storm in college I just don’t I got introduced to her as an adult and that’s the version I fell in love with. If they did a Storm solo movie then yes I want a teenage Storm as well to fully tell her story and for that I’d choose the young woman from Blackish Marsai Martin.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4840281][B]All five of these are going to do well.[/B] Hickman is on fire.
That said, if people start bugging their LCS's [I][B]now[/B][/I], maybe we can inflate the numbers for Storm even more![/QUOTE]
You don't want that.
All that means is you got plenty of copies on the shelf collecting dust.
What you want is SOLD OUT. Sold out to force another printing-meaning another artist gets a shot at the cover.
So Storm AND others are featured in Giant-Size X-men: Storm, but it's suppose to establish Storm's role in the years to come. We know that Storm will be in Children of the Atom. Will those new kids be the other characters said to be in the issue?
[QUOTE=Strong Girl Daken;4841418]So Storm AND others are featured in Giant-Size X-men: Storm, but it's suppose to establish Storm's role in the years to come. We know that Storm will be in Children of the Atom. Will those new kids be the other characters said to be in the issue?[/QUOTE]
I hope their not making her a Den Mother.
this is in june tho, children of the walpapper would be at issue two by then, seems redudant to me
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;4841641]I hope their not making her a Den Mother.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. Thats been played out and Storm needs a world stage role. Like how would you feel/what would be your interest in an Illuminati style book where Storm spearheads a team (mutant & maybe even human heroes) that know the potential disastrous future for the mutant species, and strategically manage events to prevent or minimize it and stops the growth/development of homo novissma? Or the mutants creating their own UN recognized version of SHIELD/SWORD? Or her being the general of X-Corps but with a twist of XSE world authority?
even if she is in that book, it has "canceled at issue 6 like falen angels" all over it so Im not worried about it
Will Vita Ayala be the first Black writer to write Storm in a book coming out of the X-Office (mini, maxi, or ongoing)?
i think so, such a talented writer doing such a shit concept.
Got to show my Nubian Queen Storm some love. She has always been a favorite of mine: great character design, a unique powerset, along with an intriguing backstory, what is not to love? :cool:
I can't believe I haven't posted in this thread yet. Shame on me.
[QUOTE=Celgress;4841771]Got to show my Nubian Queen Storm some love. She has always been a favorite of mine: great character design, powerset along with an intriguing backstory, what is not to love? :cool:
I can't believe I haven't posted in this thread yet.[/QUOTE]
the recent news made us all super happy, so welcome back
[QUOTE=Ferro;4841776]the recent news made us all super happy, so welcome back[/QUOTE]
That it has. :)
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;4841641]I hope their not making her a Den Mother.[/QUOTE]
I know, me neither. But let's just see how it plays out.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4840291]Janelle Monet is an interesting and talented artist, but no, I don't see her as Ororo in the least.
It will be very interesting to see what direction they go as far as casting Ororo and the other X-Men. I think I've made my opinion known at this point that they should all be cast more or less college aged so we can watch them grow up over a decade of films(and Disney+ series), instead of starting off with already mature characters([B]who have had their powers since puberty, it just doesn't makes sense[/B]), but it is impossible to know what they will do until it is done.
The casting of Eternals does make me a bit nervous because they really went with a pretty much all well-known cast(maybe because Eternals is sooooo obscure?), whereas I think most of the X-Men, and Storm in particular, would be better served by casting relative or complete unknowns(because, really, who on the normal Hollywood radar can do Ororo right now?). For one, you can get them to sign a 10 year deal to do films and series more easily. And two, the audience can see them [B][I]as the character[/I][/B](which was Hugh Jackman's greatest advantage with Logan), not as 'so and so from what's it called'.[/QUOTE]
Why doesn't it make sense?
[QUOTE=Agent Z;4842072]Why doesn't it make sense?[/QUOTE]
My point was it doesn't make sense to skip decades of powered adventures by introducing the characters in the MCU as already full grown, mature adults in their 30's. The characters aren't even that old in the current comics after decades of published adventures. It immediately puts you in a tell, not show, position, and robs the viewer of experiencing those adventures with the characters, live(which is the great advantage of this MCU/Disney+ medium, you can actually follow this group for a whole decade of media). This is all the more nonsensical if these characters have existed in the MCU world and just never helped out during all the world-threatening events we have already seen in the Infinity Saga.
As for the casting of unknowns, Hugh Jackman WAS Logan because most audiences had never seen him before and then here he is embodying Logan. It's better that way, with no other associations in the audience's mind. Now, with lesser characters, previous audience relationships can help(such as Jason Momoa's Khal Drogo setting him up for a slam dunk as Aquaman based on the audience already having a relationship with him), but in this case, I think the characters are bigger than the actors.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4842076]My point was it doesn't make sense to skip decades of powered adventures by introducing the characters in the MCU as already full grown, mature adults in their 30's. The characters aren't even that old in the current comics after decades of published adventures. It immediately puts you in a tell, not show, position, and robs the viewer of experiencing those adventures with the characters, live(which is the great advantage of this MCU/Disney+ medium, you can actually follow this group for a whole decade of media).[/QUOTE]
The characters are very much that old in the comics (at least the ones who were allowed to age) or very close to it. And it isn't like you can't do exciting adventures with them as adults. Hell, that's when most of the interesting stuff with them happened. Besides, we've seen young X-Men with First Class, Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix and Evolution.
[QUOTE=Agent Z;4842082]The characters are very much that old in the comics (at least the ones who were allowed to age) or very close to it. And it isn't like you can't do exciting adventures with them as adults. Hell, that's when most of the interesting stuff with them happened. Besides, we've seen yo[B]ung X-Men with First Class, Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix and Evolution[/B].[/QUOTE]
Fox's versions were whack(and so was Evolution). That's not actually what we're looking for. And no, the characters are all still hovering in their late 20's(the O5 and Storm, for example, most of the others are even younger).
I don't understand how this is even contentious. The X-Men start off as students of Professor Xavier at his School for Gifted Youngsters. After 20 years of Fox-Men films, we didn't have a single decent Danger Room sequence. They never developed them as a team/family. They never really characterized them. As far as I'm concerned, the Fox-Men films never once actually gave us a proper X-Men movie, so let's just start over again from the top. This time with feeling.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4842088]Fox's versions were whack(and so was Evolution). That's not actually what we're looking for. And no, the characters are all still hovering in their late 20's(the O5 and Storm, for example, most of the others are even younger).[/QUOTE]
Yeah, there is no way these guys are just in their late 20s (which is closer to 30 anyway).
[QUOTE=yogaflame;4842093]I don't understand how this is even contentious. The X-Men start off as students of Professor Xavier at his School for Gifted Youngsters. After 20 years of Fox-Men films, we didn't have a single decent Danger Room sequence. They never developed them as a team/family. They never really characterized them. As far as I'm concerned, the Fox-Men films never once actually gave us a proper X-Men movie, so let's just start over again from the top. This time with feeling.[/QUOTE]
Not everything needs to be an origin story. People living under a rock know who the X-Men are already. And even if the Fox movies had flaws, we don't need to see them as teenagers to get proper characterization. A film not dedicated to the X-Men in their teens or 20s is pretty low on the list of problems if it was even on the list to begin with.