[QUOTE=KLY360;5181299]Thank you so much
Just had to prove Storm molecular lightning overpowered a multiversal character who tanked his own powers.
[B]Is Hadari Yao not coming back in the galactic BP story line?[/B][/QUOTE]
Marauders showed they dont care what happens in the BP book. Might as well be Storm fan fiction.
[QUOTE=Cville;5181314]Marauders showed they dont care what happens in the BP book. Might as well be Storm fan fiction.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]For one issue only. Then it's back to Kate and Emma.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;5181261]I just love how disappointed/disgruntled readers feel the need to discredit Vita's intentions even when the intentions come directly from the writer's mouth...and not left up to speculation and interpretation. So cheeky![/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]I'm just disappointed in the disappointment of those who are disappointed by the disappointing reactions to people who found the story disappointing.
Everybody isn't going to like everything and people's criticisms shouldn't be dismissed because some people disagree.[/COLOR]
I'm not talking about the disappointment to the story...i could care less about that...not everyone will love/like/understand/appreciate everything they read...especially those with over blown and wish-full expectations to start with.
I was referring to directly trying to contradict what the writer says...just because it does not conform to one's personal feelings and understanding (or lack thereof) of the work.
At the end of the day, the work is published...and nothing you or me and anyone else say/feel/do can change this particular story into something other than what it is...no matter how much we rail and rage. (Why I fully support and understand Vita using the block button on twitter.
All that said...I do often have to remind myself that the CBR forum is but a very small community and is not representative of the majority of comic book readers.
[QUOTE=jwatson;5181234]Aside from some of her powers she really isn't anything like Storm. Especially being that she is a supremacist on the show.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Shadey;5181255]She's not. The ONLY things they have in common is that they have lighting powers and can fly. Trust they could not be anymore different.[/QUOTE]
obviously I meant regarding powers and yes in my opinion she's a knockoff Storm. That's literally all she does is fly and shoot lightning. If anybody has watched that show they would know I definitely didn't mean it personality wise being the 7 are not really genuine people.
[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;5181350]I'm not talking about the disappointment to the story...i could care less about that...not everyone will love/like/understand/appreciate everything they read...especially those with over blown and wish-full expectations to start with.
I was referring to directly trying to contradict what the writer says...just because it does not conform to one's personal feelings and understanding (or lack thereof) of the work.
At the end of the day, the work is published...and nothing you or me and anyone else say/feel/do can change this particular story into something other than what it is...no matter how much we rail and rage. (Why I fully support and understand Vita using the block button on twitter.
All that said...I do have to remind myself that the CBR forum is but a very small community.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]Cool and everything. But whether on CBR, Twitter, or whatever forum on social media people are going to express their opinions good bad or indifferent.
If I go to a restaurant and the meal I ordered tastes like crap. no matter how good the chef is or how everyone else liked their food, I still have the right to express my opinion.
I don't need to be a chef to know if food tastes good or bad.[/COLOR]
I have to admit I've never been particularly interested in Storm. She's always felt like more of a symbol than an actual character, to me. Her various identities, goddess, mutant, thief, etc. always kind of conflicted with each other. Like, being a goddess kind of puts her on a pedestal, and makes it harder to see her as a leader and example for the downtrodden and oppressed people. Have you seen that meme from the second X men movie? Rogue walks in on a conversation about a mutant cure, and Storm tells her there's nothing wrong with her. Commentors point out that its weird for 'actual goddess Storm' to tell 'woman who kills everything she touches' that there's nothing wrong with her. And in the recent issue, they go over her role as a diplomat (which she fails at royally), thief (also fails), goddess (betraying the people who worshipped her) and mutant, which is what she appears to have decided is most important.
I avoided talking about this before because it was kind of pointless to rain on other's parade, and criticizing the most famous black woman in comics, if not most of fiction, felt like low hanging fruit. But this recent story was really irksome, and felt like something even her fans wouldn't be thrilled with. So I wanted to get some second opinions and here what others think of her. Why do you like her? What do you think about all of her various identities and if they conflict? That sort of thing.
[QUOTE=pkingdom;5181446]I have to admit I've never been particularly interested in Storm. She's always felt like more of a symbol than an actual character, to me. Her various identities, goddess, mutant, thief, etc. always kind of conflicted with each other. Like, being a goddess kind of puts her on a pedestal, and makes it harder to see her as a leader and example for the downtrodden and oppressed people. Have you seen that meme from the second X men movie? Rogue walks in on a conversation about a mutant cure, and Storm tells her there's nothing wrong with her. Commentors point out that its weird for 'actual goddess Storm' to tell 'woman who kills everything she touches' that there's nothing wrong with her. And in the recent issue, they go over her role as a diplomat (which she fails at royally), thief (also fails), goddess (betraying the people who worshipped her) and mutant, which is what she appears to have decided is most important.
I avoided talking about this before because it was kind of pointless to rain on other's parade, and criticizing the most famous black woman in comics, if not most of fiction, felt like low hanging fruit. But this recent story was really irksome, and felt like something even her fans wouldn't be thrilled with. So I wanted to get some second opinions and here what others think of her. Why do you like her? What do you think about all of her various identities and if they conflict? That sort of thing.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]Storm has the potential to be the leading lady of Marvel like Wonder Woman of DC. She's got powers, she can fight, interesting past, connections outside of the X-verse and has good visual power displays where feats are concerend.
The problem is that Marvel doesn't want to expand her beyond the X-verse and I truly believes that limits her.
What Marvel is doing to Captain Marvel, they should have been doingto Storm. I don't care how many people complain about Marvel pushing Carol("Why does she keep getting so many relaunches?"), Marvel don't care what they think. They keep pushing her to the forefront and keep her out there. X-Verse just wants to keep Storm around so that they can say, "look at us, we're diverse!"
Epic fail.
[QUOTE=Marvell2100;5181473][COLOR="#000080"]Storm has the potential to be the leading lady of Marvel like Wonder Woman of DC. She's got powers, she can fight, interesting past, connections outside of the X-verse and has good visual power displays where feats are concerend.
The problem is that Marvel doesn't want to expand her beyond the X-verse and I truly believes that limits her.
What Marvel is doing to Captain Marvel, they should have been doingto Storm. I don't care how many people complain about Marvel pushing Carol("Why does she keep getting so many relaunches?"), Marvel don't care what they think. They keep pushing her to the forefront and keep her out there. X-Verse just wants to keep Storm around so that they can say, "look at us, we're diverse!"
Epic fail.
I agree here 100%, especially the part about Carol. Readers who didnt like Storm with BP always pin her lack of importance to their marriage but they haven't been together since 2011. What's the excuse now that she hasn't gotten any focus in the xbooks ? can't blame tchalla there.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5181639]I agree here 100%, especially the part about Carol. Readers who didnt like Storm with BP always pin her lack of importance to their marriage but they haven't been together since 2011. What's the excuse now that she hasn't gotten any focus in the xbooks ? can't blame tchalla there.[/QUOTE]
Its kind of sad to say, but Storm has gotten more exposure and screentime as part of Black Panther's stories than she has with the X men for a while now. She's been kind of a non-entity, or only a 'big sister type' to whoever is actually leading a team
I really liked the issue! It's rare that we get insight into Storm's character. Looking forward to see what the X-office does with her :)
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5181639]I agree here 100%, especially the part about Carol. Readers who didnt like Storm with BP always pin her lack of importance to their marriage but they haven't been together since 2011. What's the excuse now that she hasn't gotten any focus in the xbooks ? can't blame tchalla there.[/QUOTE]
Isn't it a little hypocritical to pin all haters of the relationship on one thing. That's exactly what is being done to those he didn't like vita issue. I've said time and again Coates messed it up for me and people are mum. Vita did nothing here that was worse than the betrayal of offering your man to another woman because he basic
[QUOTE=Marvell2100;5181473][COLOR="#000080"]Storm has the potential to be the leading lady of Marvel like Wonder Woman of DC. She's got powers, she can fight, interesting past, connections outside of the X-verse and has good visual power displays where feats are concerend.
The problem is that Marvel doesn't want to expand her beyond the X-verse and I truly believes that limits her.
What Marvel is doing to Captain Marvel, they should have been doingto Storm. I don't care how many people complain about Marvel pushing Carol("Why does she keep getting so many relaunches?"), Marvel don't care what they think. They keep pushing her to the forefront and keep her out there. X-Verse just wants to keep Storm around so that they can say, "look at us, we're diverse!"
Epic fail.
Correction... It is the X-faction of writers and editors who do NOT want Storm to expand beyond the x-verse not Marvel as a whole.
If it was Marvel as u say......they would have never let her become a long time recurring part of BP and would have never let her become a member of the F4 and Avengers.
X-faction have been throwing jabs at BP for ages ....and BP has NEVER retaliated. BP has NEVER portrayed the X-Men in an insulting or degrading manner but just look at what the X-faction does.
First with the creation of the Gentle character potraying Wakanda (and BP by default) as mutant racists....a character who has never been in a BP book.
After the Orolla/Tchoro marriage...X-faction reduced storm to wall paper status in the X-Men comics while also continuing to use her to throw jabs at BP.
Do u guys recall all the brilliant ideas for X-Men/Wakanda relations that many of u shared on these boards from both storm and BP fans?
How those proposed and speculated relations would have elevated Storm to being a leading woman in marvel with enough clout to surpass Captn Marvel and also have plenty of juicy material to make an enthralling Storm solo?
Do you all remember that time? She married the love of her life, became a queen of a revered kingdom, acquired new worshippers in Wakanda, became a member of the F4 and an Avenger and finally got to meet members of her extended family, etc, etc.
CLEARLY Marvel and the BP writers were pushing to elevate Storm towards a truly meaningful and important status of not the leading lady in the tapestry of the entire MU.
CLEARLY X-faction wanted none of it....they refused to match Storm's elevation outside the x-verse from within. They choose to ignore all of it except when they want to make a another jab at BP.
BP/Storm were the leading power couple of the MU.....X-faction refused to acknowledge that.
And now look where we are.
And this recent Marauders issue proves that the X-faction will continue to throw jabs at BP.