Not if Dick has to play the boring straight man.
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Not if Dick has to play the boring straight man.
[QUOTE=AmiMizuno;5031927]A article was wrote about it
What do you guys think? The two of them teaming up more often ?[/QUOTE]
No thank you, it's never fun.
[QUOTE=Godlike13;5031954]Not if Dick has to play the boring straight man.[/QUOTE]
This, it's like whenever they team up Dick suddenly forgets that he has a sense of humor.
[QUOTE=Wingin' It;5032004]This, it's like whenever they team up Dick suddenly forgets that he has a sense of humor.[/QUOTE]
True the batboys together become the ninja turtle with the exception of Dick and Damian
No more Jason in Dick's orbit please.
Few other things save Ric or Bludhaven would turn me off to a Nightwing book faster
Hard no. Dick and Jason work best as rivals.
[QUOTE=dropkickjake;5032913]Hard no. Dick and Jason work best as rivals.[/QUOTE]
Damn straight.
I mean, I know Dick is a Titan and Titans deal with betrayal and forgiveness like it's going out of style but I feel like there's only so many times someone can shoot a bazooka at you and your adopted family before you stop trusting them.
You guys think DC is going to reveal what's next for Nightwing in this month solicitations?
We know October issue of Red Hood is the last one Lobdell is writing and looks like the current Batgirl run is coming to a end too (October is also her 50th issue).
Looks like the bat tittles are all going to be relaunch.
I think this month solic with show 75 will be the end, then probably when Metal gets mid way they’ll announce whatever. I also think the JL tie in is to hold people over, and not bring Dick back only to have him disappear for months.
[QUOTE=Godlike13;5033251]I think this month solic with show 75 will be the end, then probably when Metal gets mid way they’ll announce whatever. I also think the JL tie in is to hold people over, and not bring Dick back only to have him disappear for months.[/QUOTE]
I still want Snyder to do his Black Label Nightwing book so badly, but we probably have to wait until a few months after Death Metal is over for that :(
That’s still in pitch faze. We’ll be lucky to see that by end of next year.
The only Dick/Jason dynamic I enjoy is one where Dick is genuinely trying to be a cool brother figure to Jason, but given how naturally talented he is and how effortlessly he makes things look, Jason can't help but resent him for being so goddamn good at everything; Dick is that cool older brother that's better than you at so many things and you feel bad for resenting him because he's, well, a good dude. He reminds Jason of his shortcomings and has him forget his strengths, so he likes to do things that will annoy Dick.
Absolutely two brothers who will never get along for long, which can probably work for an arc, but not an ongoing. It works best in doses.
[QUOTE=Drako;5033123]You guys think DC is going to reveal what's next for Nightwing in this month solicitations?
We know October issue of Red Hood is the last one Lobdell is writing and looks like the current Batgirl run is coming to a end too (October is also her 50th issue).
Looks like the bat tittles are all going to be relaunch.[/QUOTE]Except for Detective Comics, yeah, it does. I'm thinking it'll be a linewide relaunch though, as Supergirl, Terrifics, and Shazam are all either over or ending soon, and Teen Titans also looks like it's nearly over (it's lost a member and is about to lose another, with no replacements in sight and leaving a roster of just four). The Justice League books are obviously relaunching too.
I think we're definitely getting a fresh launch after Metal 2. That's supposed to fix the continuity now right? Seems like a natural choice to put some books on hold during the series then start them back up afterwards with either legacy numbering or a fresh #1 (depending on if the legacy numbering would look impressive enough). Same kind of thing we've seen DC do for decades.
I'm fine with Nightwing taking a few months off, if that's the case. As long as he comes back after Metal 2 with a new, quality creative team and good comics.
I would MUCH rather Dick sit unpublished until someone good comes along than get stuck with mediocre creators indefinitely.