Yeah, if it were up to me? I'd bring back the idea that - at least in the league's early days - "Batman And Robin" were an inseparable team. Batman wouldn't appear in Metropolis one week, and Coast City the next, it isn't Batman you'd call for help in solving a crime, if you're walking down an alley in Gotham City and someone pulls a gun on you it isn't Batman who'll appear... It's [I]Batman and Robin.[/I]
That's sort of the point.
[QUOTE=DurararaFTW;5108008]Looks like the last option's the case, both JL and Robin existing but not interacting for quite some time. RIP Superman/Robin friendship.[/QUOTE]
That kind of sucks. I guess DC wants to try and lessen or discount his time as Robin before he was 16 still. It is just weird if he has been Robin for 4-8 years but he doesn't meet any of the JL until he is an older teen. I really enjoy the idea of Dick being Robin from a young age, like 10 years old, because it really puts emphasis on his title as Boy Wonder and how he basically grew up in the hero world. If he is already a teen before anything happens then that title is meaningless.
The Superman stuff also is disappointing, but they have been lessening their relationship for a long time. So at least I'm used to it by now, lol.
[QUOTE=Badou;5107846]I think they do care about iconic costumes, but they just don't care about Dick's Robin costume specifically. You see how much effort they are putting into making Superman's costume look more "iconic" with giving him his shorts back, and even giving Wonder Woman her classic golden elements instead of the silver her New 52 one had, but Dick is still stuck with his same garbage costume. It's frustrating to me.[/QUOTE]
Well that's the thing, we only see Dick's Robin costume in the occasional flashback whereas Clark and Diana are wearing their classic suits (or a close variation) right now.
What bothers me far more than Dick's generic new Robin suit is the design hiccups on his current Nightwing suit.
[QUOTE=Konja7;5108094]I always read about Superman/Robin Friendship in this thread, but I have never seen them interacting much.
I know Nightwing identity is related to Superman. However, I don't think there was a lot of interactions between Dick and Clark at that time either.
So, when they were close?[/QUOTE]
Back in the 40's and 50's, maybe into the 60's (not sure on that) Bruce and Clark would have a lot of adventures together in World's Finest, and Dick would tag along, often with Jimmy Olsen. There were also stories where just Clark and Dick hung out.
That relationship maintained through reboots and Crisis events, though you didn't see Clark and Dick hang out nearly as much after the 70's or so. But you'd have issues where one would guest star in the other's book and they'd still be close. See if you can find a two issue guest spot during Dixon's early Nightwing run and a early issue of Seeley's. There's other examples in the modern era where Clark and Dick hang out but those are two of my favorites. There's also a really good issue of Superman or Action (I forget) where he and Dick are on a stake-out but I can't remember who wrote or drew it.
[QUOTE=Ascended;5108265]Well that's the thing, we only see Dick's Robin costume in the occasional flashback whereas Clark and Diana are wearing their classic suits (or a close variation) right now.
What bothers me far more than Dick's generic new Robin suit is the design hiccups on his current Nightwing suit.
Back in the 40's and 50's, maybe into the 60's (not sure on that) Bruce and Clark would have a lot of adventures together in World's Finest, and Dick would tag along, often with Jimmy Olsen. There were also stories where just Clark and Dick hung out.
That relationship maintained through reboots and Crisis events, though you didn't see Clark and Dick hang out nearly as much after the 70's or so. But you'd have issues where one would guest star in the other's book and they'd still be close. See if you can find a two issue guest spot during Dixon's early Nightwing run and a early issue of Seeley's. There's other examples in the modern era where Clark and Dick hang out but those are two of my favorites. There's also a really good issue of Superman or Action (I forget) where he and Dick are on a stake-out but I can't remember who wrote or drew it.[/QUOTE]
The Nightwing guest appearance was in Action Comics, i remember it because it was written by Joe Kelly, but i don't remember the specific issue.
Back in the day, Clark was pretty much like Dick's Uncle. Like others have mentioned, he, Bruce and Clark spent quite a bit of time together, and honoring Superman was one of the primary reasons he chose the "Nightwing" moniker.
Hell Yes!
... Proper Nightwing content? 2020 finally gives something back! Really excited to play as Dick retaking Gotham.
I can NOT wait to get my hands on this game. Anything Batfamily gets me pumped, but this is going to be so cool.
Trailer looked amazing. Is Tim teleporting?
[QUOTE=Lady Nightwing;5108805]Trailer looked amazing. Is Tim teleporting?[/QUOTE]
He is, is his speciall skill.
Heh, I guess he fought Dodge at some point and took his tech! Dodge was a character from his solo book who stole and then used teleporting tech.
[QUOTE=Digifiend;5108825]Heh, I guess he fought Dodge at some point and took his tech! Dodge was a character from his solo book who stole and then used teleporting tech.[/QUOTE]
According to the gameplay video, he hacked the watchtower and is using the teleporter, but it only works in short ranges. Still, i like your idea better.
I always like those games combat style for Nightwing. Can’t wait.
Christopher Sean is voicing Nigtwing.