Finally, Dick is allowed to grow up and leave in a respectful, loving manner.
Make this cannon, and leave it be.
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Finally, Dick is allowed to grow up and leave in a respectful, loving manner.
Make this cannon, and leave it be.
[QUOTE=WonderNight;4893502]When did I say dc should get rid of nightwing? I said nightwing should be more than a name and costume. But I guess alot of fans them some over glorified sidekick status quos.[/QUOTE]
I don't agree with the view of him being a glorified sidekick, but I also think he should be more than a name and costume and need a clear direction after the Ric mess.
Diana has been having trouble for tears. So has Dick. This is why I feel going to the basics are important. Not just throwing him in random stuff. That’s what helped Diana.
He can literally be a spy on his own without being in a group. Dc has already put in in so many. What would be so wrong for him to just go undercover as a spy with information he gets. He already allowed how to get information without being a costume. I’m just terrible. He is in Batfam and other things. Can’t he just do his own thing like begin a Private id meeting him go undercover and other spy elements
It’s not that it’s the sidekick. Italics just Dc has been abusing him and messing him up. So to just throw the spy thing doesn’t feel like it helps when the next writer will screw him up.
Here is the things that need to be answered
what is his status in the Batfam
What should his status be in Dc.
What are his skills
why do you love Dick?
What makes him stand out?
This week in Nightwing featured another issue of some of the lowest of the lows since the Rickening. It's not even that there isn't some sort of an interesting premise going on in there. On paper if you were to write out the "Ric Saga" as a list of bullet points for story concepts, none of it would be outright bad. Just the mix of really, really stock tropes, lack of defining moments or interesting character beats, same old same old type plotting and usage of dudes like Joker in ancillary books, plus the fact it's a direction we were all sick of the first day. And unremarkable art that isn't selling the concept. Just all in all bad execution.
Which is why I grinned ear to ear reading a good and proper brand new "missing" half-chapter, of GRAYSON.
I'll get more into the Robin 85 Special in all the various appropriate places, but man there was a lot to love in that book, from creative teams, to punchy story length and solid historical framework and self-referencing. A missing mini-issue of Grayson ... a Titans story about Dick's mastery of disguise that works with late 90s/early 20s canon well but also sets up for the swish the transition into Grayson chapter. A missing Tim Drake short that's basically just a prologue to Tynion's Detective run. A mini-chapter of Damian that's literally tying into something interesting happening with him ongoing presently. A lovely coda for the "Same Age" era of the Super Sons. I want all of these things to be effortlessly slipped into Omnibuses and Collections.
How good is the 80t anniversary?
Surprisingly good.
Agent 37 was great, actually.
[QUOTE=AmiMizuno;4894272]He can literally be a spy on his own without being in a group. Dc has already put in in so many. What would be so wrong for him to just go undercover as a spy with information he gets. He already allowed how to get information without being a costume. I’m just terrible. He is in Batfam and other things. Can’t he just do his own thing like begin a Private id meeting him go undercover and other spy elements
[/QUOTE]Heck, the Agent 37 story wasn't the only one in which he was a spy! [spoil]In the Titans story, he's infiltrated HIVE.[/spoil]
I really miss Dick as Agent 37. That was a great run.
[QUOTE=Digifiend;4894921]Heck, the Agent 37 story wasn't the only one in which he was a spy! [spoil]In the Titans story, he's infiltrated HIVE.[/spoil][/QUOTE]
I don't mind if he is a spy. Rather why does he have to be it in an agency and not on his own? He works as a Private Detective. So he makes money and can work into spy elements. It's just we have him in many groups. Why not solo on his own. I rather have it is he is someone they call to be agent 37 or he can pick cases from them when it becomes 37.
It's been a while since I've read great Dick Grayson stories. I enjoyed all of the stories.
It was a nice touch having the stories celebrated the various stages of his 80 years in publication. I only wish they had a 5th one with Batman and Robin. I don't mind though. Robin, Nightwing, Titans and Agent 37 are all his. A reminder that Dick Grayson is a solid and versatile whose contribution to the world of comics is up there with the best.
Happy Birthday Grayson.
The King/Seeley, Dixon, and Wolfman stories were all really delightful. The Devin Grayson story was fun, but the ending felt a bit too implausible - wish Dick had swung away to lend it a bit more credibility. Seeing Grayson as a mentor, with the King-style repetition of subverted advice, and the heartfelt twist at the end was so good, plus Janin and Cox were so beautiful on art again.
It's nice to see those legs again. I think I mentioned in a thread, not about Dick Grayson's sexy legs, but I brought it up anyway because I'm like that... that I don't mind if the old costume is back in canon if I can see those again.
Oh someone asked about spy Nightwing in costume, the Titans story shows that. It even feels very Grayson-like in the way the story is told, and Nightwing's attitude.
I enjoyed the stories told.
And seriously, I did a double take when I realized Tom Kind wrote Nightwing there. Such a different, and better, tone then about most of his Batman run was.
okay holy cow that Robin anniversary special was fantastic. Every Dick story was good. The Grayson one was absolutely incredible. Not the best story ever told, but boy howdy did it do well what grayson did will.
Also, I thought it was interesting that they showed Dick's progression towards agent 37 and then stopped there. Sure, with a character that has as much history as Dick, you're going to have to leave some stuff out (like his time as batman), but I think its worth noting that they didn't push masked hero of Bludhaven: Nightwing as his fully developed state. Interesting at least.
Man, I can't wait to read this. Probably gonna be a while, regretfully, but the special sounds excellent. And Dick seems to have gotten far better treatment than I was expecting.