[QUOTE=K7P5V;4988550][center]Agreed. What a wonderful time for a reunion between Waid & Samnee :cool:
Oh my gosh that makes me tear up a little...man I miss that guy! Waid on Nightwing would be a dream come true, I think I would even take Liefeld on art nonotreally lol...but Samnee with Waid.....swoon!
Waid and Samnee would be pretty fantastic. I feel like they could give us a really great Nightwing run that also cleanses the palate, so to speak. Something classic without being boring or out-dated or dragged down.
Anybody know where this is from? It's hilarious
[QUOTE=9th.;4990416]Anybody know where this is from? It's hilarious
New 52 Secret Origins #1
It's nice to have dreams. We will most likely get disappointed the upcoming months but at least we had a little hope.
[QUOTE=Restingvoice;4990450]New 52 Secret Origins #1[/QUOTE]
Thank you so much
Just bear in mind, it's no longer canon due to New Teen Titans (where he originally became Nightwing) being returned to continuity.
That’s a Robin prototype. So it’s not necessarily invalidated from being canon.
With the chest design and colour scheme, I assumed that was a Nightwing suit!
For all of you what's the worst Nightwing costume? I mean if Zatanna and Dick were a couple. Maybe Zatanna and Dick meet at Haley's Cirus?
There is no worst costume they are all wonderfully awful except for the black and blue. That’s what makes them great lol.
I used to hate the disco fit but it grew on me, it has it's own charm.
[QUOTE=Digifiend;4990892]Just bear in mind, it's no longer canon due to New Teen Titans (where he originally became Nightwing) being returned to continuity.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the heads up but i'm no longer concerned about whats canon now when it comes to DC, I get less headaches that way.
I'm curious to do you guys think that Dick will ever get his own movie? Also, do you think the animation movies will stop hating on Dick? I mean in terms of fighting skills how Good is Dick? Is he up there with Taila or Bruce?
[QUOTE=AmiMizuno;4991397]I'm curious to do you guys think that Dick will ever get his own movie? Also, do you think the animation movies will stop hating on Dick? I mean in terms of fighting skills how Good is Dick? Is he up there with Taila or Bruce?[/QUOTE]
Fingers crossed that since the "New 52" run of animated movies is over, Dick will have better showings moving forward. Unless the whole Ric thing happens. Then we're f*cked. I don't think a Nightwing film is out of the realm of possibility either, but I could totally see him doing well in a DaredevilNetflix type show too.