[QUOTE=CTTT;5239860]So, has Dick gotten his memory back yet or is he still Ric?[/QUOTE]
He finally got his memories back
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[QUOTE=CTTT;5239860]So, has Dick gotten his memory back yet or is he still Ric?[/QUOTE]
He finally got his memories back
[QUOTE=KrustyKid;5240050]He finally got his memories back[/QUOTE]
That's fantastic and this long two year Dan Didio nightmare is over. I read that Tom King didn't even want to have Dick lose his memory, just have him in the hospital trying to get his motor skills back. That sounds better than Ric Grayson.
I want Dc to keep Dick single for a while l. I’m want him to get grounded and plus I’m tired of Dc still putting down Starfire to make Babs look better. I just want Dick in a stable relationship. Dc should add a third option if Bruce can have one why not our boy. The question is who in the Dc line works.
[QUOTE=CTTT;5240664]That's fantastic and this long two year Dan Didio nightmare is over. I read that Tom King didn't even want to have Dick lose his memory, just have him in the hospital trying to get his motor skills back. That sounds better than Ric Grayson.[/QUOTE]
I read many things about Tom King mostly I keep coming across articles and interviews blaming every single bad decision or decisions from his run that were met by fan back lash on editorial. Every single one.
Curious. I recall Dan coming and saying on 2 seperate occasions that married batman is for elseworlds and that it was never going to happen while Tom King kept stringing fans along in interviews and on his social media. Telling them to keep buying since his run wasn't over. That just because their wasn't a wedding in #50 doesn't mean there wasn't going to be one.
Tom kept reminding us that he had a 100 issue run so that we are still 50 more issues to go where there was more to come from batcat.
They didn't get married of course and it was all a big old carrot at the end of a stick for shippers.
Point is I don't believe Tom king when he says he had a plan for Dick after the shooting.
i don't think he even considered what impact that would have on Dick's title. his thought process just stopped at what if we get a baddie to shoot Dick Grayson! Bruce's most treasured ally shot in the head! and it stopped there.
At least Didio is gone so we can't blame it all on him from now onwards.
[QUOTE=AmiMizuno;5241377]I want Dc to keep Dick single for a while l. I’m want him to get grounded and plus I’m tired of Dc still putting down Starfire to make Babs look better. I just want Dick in a stable relationship. Dc should add a third option if Bruce can have one why not our boy. The question is who in the Dc line works.[/QUOTE] Honestly what do you even do with nightwing at this point? Maybe a back to basics, but nightwing needs a serious reset not just the book but the character also. I fear come March thing are just going to be more the same as we have now. But I don't want to be a downer so all I'll say is I hope we nightwing fans have some interesting good story's post future state.
But I also hope dc give dick a basic fondation to start from.
1. Bludhaven is an Vegas/ Atlantic city themed city. The city should be one giant Halys circus and a inverted Gotham.
2. Dick is the owner of Halys circus in the Vegas Bludhaven. Dick starts up the circus as a way to help the people of Bludhaven by way of jobs and entertainment, also to blend in with the rest of Bludhaven.
Bludhaven and Halys circus are the only things of dick's that's his that DC let's dick keep in his own mythos, so why not have them work together as a fondation and theme for nightwing. What do you guys think.
Part 2
3. Amy Rohrbach, Instead of dick becoming a cop (9 to 5 doesn't work for nightwing) have Amy be nightwing's connect with the Bludhaven police department. Like a young batman with a young detective Gordon. One working inside the force Amy and Nightwing working outside.
4. The runoffs could return as employees at Halys circus as dick's supporting cast.
Just going back throughout Nightwing's solo history and take the things that has potential (and dc would allow because they already did) and being them together as a solid fondation for Nightwing.
I like those ideas.
I wish the other writers would have built up on Seeley's and Humphries' feel of Vegas Blüdhaven. It's definitely not too late to do that.
I'd argue DC only keeps the Circus in his mythos to kill them off but a new direction could revitalize them and give Dick a good supporting cast. There are already some archetypes and I wouldn't mind if they brought Clayton Williams (the strongman from the Titans series) into the comics. Dick and he worked well together. I can't really see the run-offs as part of Dick's circus, maybe some of them but not all of them. Another character for the circus would be Guppy imo.
When it was first announced that Dick would go back to Blüdhaven, I hoped to see characters like Amy, Nancy, and even Amygdala again. Integrating old characters would be neat. I wouldn't mind seeing Jenny and Marionette from Higgins run again. These two stood out to me the most back then. I wouldn't want Amy to just exchange Elise Svoboda though. They should be able to co-exist like Gordon and Bullock.
Speaking about potential: Raptor, The Judge, and Blockbuster should be reoccurring villains. A death cop out with Raptor isn't far fetched, and Blockbuster should go back to his changed origin that Seeley introduced. The old Blockbuster's storyline finished with Devin Grayson, so I enjoyed the new take, but Jurgens seems to have retconned that in the Annual this summer.
If DC could remember that Spyral exists that would be neat too.
I’d give Dick as a solo a break. Not that I think Titans is in any better shape, or even big on this Titans Academy idea, but kill his current series and let some of the stink wear off for a couple months. This way no one can pull the he has a solo bull with Titans. And then they have to actually use him how Titans need to use him, as the face of that franchise, and then spin off a Nightwing solo from there. We know what a Nightwing the Bat character solo looks like, but what does a Nightwing the Titans solo look like. Of course this is also dependent on DC wanting to get more serious about the Titans and improving how they present them.
[QUOTE=Badou;5236062]Bea was garbage. A complete nothing character that offered nothing to the story. I'll never understand why people defend her. She had no character beyond being "nice" and Dick magically fell deeply in love with her to the point where she was somehow the most important person to him in his life. It was completely unbelievable. Nothing was built up with their relationship and she has about as much depth as a spoon. At least with a Shawn she had some layers to her where she felt like an actual character but Bea had nothing. She is a textbook example of how not to create a love interest, imo.
Yea she and the replacement Nightwings are more or less the same thing - generic “good” people who have no depth beyond that. We know that RDick was in love with her because he said so, not because of anything he actually did. And then he broke up with her for the hackneyed old “her own safety” reason - even though that doesn’t make her any safer. And then he lied to her about the reason because I guess they wanted to give him an excuse to cry. It’s oh-so-predictable and oh-so-shallow.
What a mess of a storyline. TBI becomes “amnesia” which then eventually becomes mind control. He gives up the Nightwing ID so that he can... more or less do exactly the same thing in a different (and dumber) outfit. He starts a new life as “Ric” which consists of him meeting exactly one person. And then everything resolves in the most cliche way imaginable.
I'm soooo glad Nightwing is Nightwing again
Ric himself was just a generic good person with no depth beyond that he was Dick. In fact literally everything was generic and without depth. Every villain turned into a mustache twirler, even Bludhaven was stripped of all the color and Vegas like characteristics. But of course. Cause that’s what’s going to happen when they go to uninvested generic creators to construct this storyline. You get generic everything with little actual care or thought put in. All the old formulas get abused as they are so conditioned to do at this point. The purpose becomes just to get something to print, and not to actually produce something genuinely interesting or of quality.
And even with Dick back it’s all still the same. Going through the motions with generic, quick to produce, crap. Oh, how sad. The poor tortured superhero can’t have a lover cause it’s dangerous to be around him. What a new and fresh idea that we can sympathize with. Totally not just a well dated industry trope being cut and pasted.
[QUOTE=agentofthebat;5243740]I'm soooo glad Nightwing is Nightwing again[/QUOTE]
As am I, what a relief. *whew* :cool:
Future State Teen Titans takes place after Future State Nightwing. I was expecting the other way around.
Hmm, maybe it's Damian after all? Or we get another Dick Grayson was cloned plot (though I don't believe that)?
Dark Detective is separated by a year? Then the prisoner can be Bruce
[QUOTE=Drako;5245298]Future State Teen Titans takes place after Future State Nightwing. I was expecting the other way around.
I guess that explains the different costumes.
I still think the Nightwing story sounds awful. He's whole character is going to be used to show how great the new Batman is. I really hope none of this effects his post Future State status, and I'll never understand how anyone okay'd that awful "tacticool" costume. You really would hope for better with Nicola Scott. Oh well.
[QUOTE=Godlike13;5241570]I’d give Dick as a solo a break. Not that I think Titans is in any better shape, or even big on this Titans Academy idea, but kill his current series and let some of the stink wear off for a couple months. This way no one can pull the he has a solo bull with Titans. And then they have to actually use him how Titans need to use him, as the face of that franchise, and then spin off a Nightwing solo from there. We know what a Nightwing the Bat character solo looks like, but what does a Nightwing the Titans solo look like. Of course this is also dependent on DC wanting to get more serious about the Titans and improving how they present them.[/QUOTE]
I honestly think this is the worst thing that you could do with him. In the current market where DC is cutting books and downsizing the last thing you want is to cut the exposure of a character. That is putting the character on a path to irrelevancy as there is no guarantee that his solo book will ever return, especially when you have competing characters like Jason gaining more exposure and traction. Just look at what has happened to Tim when he was moved over to just the Titans and lost his solo, or even what happened to Damian in the current Teen Titans run. It's been a disaster for them. The Titans have proven time and time again they are not some saving grace for these older Titans characters or Batman characters. Plus you still have the JL looming over the Titans just like with Batman looming over Nightwing. So that feels like a wash.
Years before Dick even became a solo character the Titans weren't doing anything great with him. It has been decades since there was a good Dick Titans story, and the whole X-Men/Academy set up isn't going to help his character. Since in that situation Dick becomes the teacher or authority figure that the younger Titans will challenge and he'll likely get thrown under the bus for them. That is just how these things go. Since all the agency is going to be on the younger Titans. Plus in the Titans Dick gets all his personality stripped from him. He always defaults to the boring leader trope while the other characters are the ones that get to be more fun and entertaining. We've seen that enough to know it will happen again.
His solo book has MANY problems, but at least it can occasionally produce good stories for him while the Titans have done nothing in that same span. So I'm just not willing to give it up for the Titans. The only way I'd be interested in him going back to the Titans if he was deaged and became Robin again and it focuses on their early adventures when he formed the team. Since he gains back his iconic Robin identity and the Titans can operate on their own instead of some academy setting that no longer makes it the Titans.
That’s not really the point. The Titans book doesn’t necessarily have to do anything great with him, its just has to do enough to re-establish him as something other then just a Bat spinoff. It’s about re-expanding the Nightwing brand and trying capitalize on where Dick’s exposure is coming from right now. Dick’s current solo is a lost cause. Its not going to protect him, but prove him superfluous. It’s numbers are too far in the gutter, and its quality too consistently poor and objectionable to its own audience. It needs to end and change needs to be clear and decisive if they retry it. Otherwise the next series is just going to be ordered from where this series ends. Using Titans to launchpad his next solo series would signify that. What’s going to protect Dick is what they do with him outside of comics. And right now his opportunities outside of comics are coming from being a Titan.
This isn’t like with Tim. With Tim DC was at odds with itself. Trying to push Tim as the face of the Titans in comics, while elsewhere no one had any interest in Tim in that position or in any position really. The idea here would be to try and leverage Dick’s position as the face of the Titans to rebrand his solo as something other then just another fledgling Bat spinoff. Because right now that isn’t working, and out of comics he has more going on as a Titan then as a Bat character. To the the point that even other Bat character are being hitched the the Titans wagon to try and gain exposer and traction.
What’s more, in a general sense, its time Titans books stop being as bad is they are. Despite how the comics devision supports it, out of comics it’s still proving to be a viable franchise for DC. And for that reason it’s not going anywhere. So its about time their comics start seeing that and supporting it as such. Titans is bad for a lot same reasons his series is bad. They get what they give.
But we have decades of stories to go off of and the Titans rehabilitating a character and then using that to launch a solo book for that character doesn't happen. There is no evidence of it. Their track record is taking a character and running them into the ground further. So for him to give up his solo book for the Titans that have produced zero good stories for him in decades I just don't see the logic in it.
Then there is an issue with trying to make Dick the face of the Titans. He isn't Robin anymore. You can technically say that Dick is the "face" of the Titans because he founded them, but in reality Robin is. Robin is the iconic leader. It is why they tried to have Tim take over the Titans since they could still market him as Robin, even if he was Red Robin, or why Damian was given his shot at running the Titans because he was Robin. Then in most other media Robin is the leader or focus going off their animated shows or movies. Even in the live action Titans show they made sure to always have a Robin on it. Dick, Jason, and now Tim apparently is going to be on it. So there is a disconnect between the general audience who view Robin as the leader and face of the Titans and then trying to say Dick as Nightwing is the face.
Also Bat characters aren't being hitched to the Titans to help the Bat characters. The Titans are using more and more Batman characters because the Titans are so devoid of ideas that they need the Bat characters to sustain it. So that is why they are moving the Titans to Gotham in the 3rd season, adding Babs, having Scarecrow be the big villain, having Jason become Red Hood, and possibly introducing Tim, but that live action Titans show is terrible and has lead to nothing for Dick's character being looked at any differently. It really should have just been a Nightwing show as it might have had a chance at being good, but now they kind of blew their shot at that.
[QUOTE=Badou;5245916]I still think the Nightwing story sounds awful. He's whole character is going to be used to show how great the new Batman is. I really hope none of this effects his post Future State status, and I'll never understand how anyone okay'd that awful "tacticool" costume. You really would hope for better with Nicola Scott. Oh well.[/QUOTE]
The preview in the free DC Nation issue on Future State looked pretty good.
[QUOTE=Frontier;5246143]The preview in the free DC Nation issue on Future State looked pretty good.[/QUOTE]
Was there more than the two pages of him jumping off a building and fighting some robots? It just sucks Scott's art is wasted on something so generic. The awful costume really ruined those pages for me too. The side rib pouches look so ridiculous, haha. Just give him a belt if you want him to hold more things.
[QUOTE=Badou;5246153]Was there more than the two pages of him jumping off a building and fighting some robots? It just sucks Scott's art is wasted on something so generic. The awful costume really ruined those pages for me too. The side rib pouches look so ridiculous, haha. Just give him a belt if you want him to hold more things.[/QUOTE]
I thought the art and Dick flowed well in the pages, but I don't hate the costume (even if it's not my favorite).
[QUOTE=Frontier;5246160]I thought the art and Dick flowed well in the pages, but I don't hate the costume (even if it's not my favorite).[/QUOTE]
Scott is a good artist. No matter what she draws it will flow well and look nice. It just sucks the costume is shit. Just imagine if Dick got some new costume that people were actually excited about and how much better those pages would have looked, especially after what he was running around in for 2 years as Ric. Things like Future State should be time to experiment and try more risky things. A chin strap and putting his escrima sticks on his ankles isn't going to excite anyone.
[QUOTE=Badou;5246189]Scott is a good artist. No matter what she draws it will flow well and look nice. It just sucks the costume is shit. Just imagine if Dick got some new costume that people were actually excited about and how much better those pages would have looked, especially after what he was running around in for 2 years as Ric. Things like Future State should be time to experiment and try more risky things. A chin strap and putting his escrima sticks on his ankles isn't going to excite anyone.[/QUOTE]
I think the plot kind of defined the costume in this instance...so we get a more busy, militant, version of the Nightwing suit.
[QUOTE=Frontier;5246218]I think the plot kind of defined the costume in this instance...so we get a more busy, militant, version of the Nightwing suit.[/QUOTE]
I would argue both those things are a bit antithetical to Dick Grayson, but then this is shaping up to be a dark future for Dick. :/
[QUOTE=Robanker;5246520]I would argue both those things are a bit antithetical to Dick Grayson, but then this is shaping up to be a dark future for Dick. :/[/QUOTE]
Since Teen Titans takes place afterwards and he's got different gear there, he seems to only have the militant style gear for a little while. Maybe it just fits the job that needs doing in Arkham at that time.
[QUOTE=Badou;5246104]But we have decades of stories to go off of and the Titans rehabilitating a character and then using that to launch a solo book for that character doesn't happen. There is no evidence of it. Their track record is taking a character and running them into the ground further. So for him to give up his solo book for the Titans that have produced zero good stories for him in decades I just don't see the logic in it.
Then there is an issue with trying to make Dick the face of the Titans. He isn't Robin anymore. You can technically say that Dick is the "face" of the Titans because he founded them, but in reality Robin is. Robin is the iconic leader. It is why they tried to have Tim take over the Titans since they could still market him as Robin, even if he was Red Robin, or why Damian was given his shot at running the Titans because he was Robin. Then in most other media Robin is the leader or focus going off their animated shows or movies. Even in the live action Titans show they made sure to always have a Robin on it. Dick, Jason, and now Tim apparently is going to be on it. So there is a disconnect between the general audience who view Robin as the leader and face of the Titans and then trying to say Dick as Nightwing is the face.
Also Bat characters aren't being hitched to the Titans to help the Bat characters. The Titans are using more and more Batman characters because the Titans are so devoid of ideas that they need the Bat characters to sustain it. So that is why they are moving the Titans to Gotham in the 3rd season, adding Babs, having Scarecrow be the big villain, having Jason become Red Hood, and possibly introducing Tim, but that live action Titans show is terrible and has lead to nothing for Dick's character being looked at any differently. It really should have just been a Nightwing show as it might have had a chance at being good, but now they kind of blew their shot at that.[/QUOTE]
Again, your missing the point. His solo as it is needs to end. Losing it at this point would be a benefit cause it’s just prolonging the inevitable, and digging a hole deeper and deeper. For the character’s and brands protection it needs to end. Continuing to sell the idea of the character as a bottom tier seller, on a book no creator wants to touch, is bad for the brand. But they can’t just relaunch it right after as if the market is stupid and is just going to forget the previous series. They need a stop gap. Titans can act as that stop gap. It doesn’t need to rehabilitate the character, it just needs to create time, space between his last series and the next, and remind general readers the character isn’t just a fledgling Bat spin off. Eventually using it to launch his next solo series to further reinforce that his next series isn’t just going to be the same as his last. Just cause they haven’t done it before doesn’t mean they can’t do it. Titans shouldn’t be as poorly represented and supported in comics as it is.
Dick is already the face. They know it, the comic side just doesn’t want to embrace it unless they absolutely have to. They try with Tim and it failed, cause readers aren’t as stupid as they think, and then with Damian and that didn’t really turn out much better. Not that it had a chance given the state he inherited it in. Outside of comics they don’t even waste time with fighting it and just further undercuts the comics department. Robin and Nightwing are part of the same mythos at this point. His character arc from Robin to Nightwing represents the Titans. The live action show sees this and has made that character arc pretty much its basis so far. The disconnect seems more within DC then it is with audiences. Robin becomes Nightwing is a simple enough idea that general audiences seem to have no problem accepting.
Titans is a hungry platform in need of more content. It’s providing exposer opportunities that are not around with Batman right now, while taking advantage of these proven concepts. It’s smart. Not letting them go to waste. The live action Titan show is a huge investment where it matters. It shows where the opportunity is right now for Dick outside of comics. As useless as the comics see it, it’s still a brand DC is wiling to invest millions into to showcase in other media. That it wasn’t just called a Nightwing show is my point. They see bigger opportunities with Titans then they do with just Nightwing. And I don’t see that changing. Rather then resent these opportunities its probably time to start embracing them and trying to use them to Dick’s benefit. So that maybe there will come a point we get the Nightwing tv show or movie.
[QUOTE=cc008;5246727]Since Teen Titans takes place afterwards and he's got different gear there, he seems to only have the militant style gear for a little while. Maybe it just fits the job that needs doing in Arkham at that time.[/QUOTE]
Why do crush and red arrow look the same if it’s the future?
[QUOTE=Rac7d*;5246828]Why do crush and red arrow look the same if it’s the future?[/QUOTE]
Coz they're supporting cast and no one care enough XD
I don't see the problem with just ending the solo and relaunching it with a new (better) writer. It's the same deal with Titans at this point.
[QUOTE=cc008;5246727]Since Teen Titans takes place afterwards and he's got different gear there, he seems to only have the militant style gear for a little while. Maybe it just fits the job that needs doing in Arkham at that time.[/QUOTE]
That's my takeaway too. Seems to be a "right suit for the right job" situation.
Now, don't get me wrong, the suit *does* look fairly generic in a "paramilitary 90's hero" kind of way and something like Dan Mora's Power Rangers/Gotham update would've been far more welcome (best redesign I've seen for Dick, if only it didn't have the helmet). But I don't find the suit to be *bad* or anything, just a little basic and not really in line with Dick's typical visual MO.
[QUOTE=Frontier;5247025]I don't see the problem with just ending the solo and relaunching it with a new (better) writer. It's the same deal with Titans at this point.[/QUOTE]
This. There's no problem with the book that can't be solved with a better writer and better editorial viewpoint. Wanting to get Dick away from Gotham, Bruce, and the Bat editorial office is all well and good and I support that, but the Titans are maybe the only IP that gets abused worse than Dick so it's largely a "six of one, half dozen of the other" situation. In either case, you'd need better talent and editors in charge to get a Dick story worth reading, and between the two I'd rather have the solo.
They'll use the last series as an order basis unless there is something in-between. They can change the writer and editorial, but they first still have to convince the general audience to give it chance in the first place. To ignore how his book is currently selling and the general perception his current series has created, and brushing it off as oh well a new writer will fix it, is naive to say the least. And just not fair expectations for whomever eventually takes over. The objective with Titans would be to be that in-between, and try to establish a new sales basis between his previous series end and his new series.
A new writer is not going to be nearly enough anymore to get him out of his sales hole. They need to come up with an actual re marketing campaign. Think like with Batwoman during Rebirth. Now that didn't exactly pay off with her, but thats the idea. They pushed this idea of her as the 3rd pillar of the Bat world, then used 'Tec to launch her next series. Rather than just relaunch it cold. With Nightwing i suggest trying it with Titans instead of something Batman. Cause solo Nightwing has already been so entrenched with Batman, and Titans has more going on with Dick outside of comics. You guys seem to be misconstruing my point is that Titans will creatively save the character. Thats not really the idea here.
[QUOTE=Godlike13;5247836]They'll use the last series as an order basis unless there is something in-between. They can change the writer and editorial, but they first still have to convince the general audience to give it chance. To ignore how the book is selling and the genral perception his current series has created, and brush it off as oh well a new writer will fix it, is naive. The objective with Titans would be to be that in-between, and establish a new sales basis between his previous series end and his new series.[/QUOTE]
Well, a new writer, direction, and jumping on point is about the best one can hope for at this point.
It's not like the Titans are really in a much better position and that book has to service more than just Dick.
[QUOTE=Frontier;5247025]I don't see the problem with just ending the solo and relaunching it with a new (better) writer. It's the same deal with Titans at this point.[/QUOTE]
Pretty sure that's what's in the cards. I think they're just keeping the book going right now because it still generates a profit. No other reason to keep it going during Ric either, frankly. The relaunch is coming. It's a holding pattern right now.
I don't even want to hold this run against Jurgens. He couldn't make lemonade out of the lemons given but there's a very short list of people who could and I won't begrudge the guy for taking a paycheck.
Wouldn't mind seeing Zdarsky, Fraction, Russell or Bendis (if he can get those goddamn poop jokes under control) taking a crack at Nightwing. Or some new blood, though right now Dick probably needs star power to help him after a two year slump.
It’d be a real coup to get Zdarsky and Molina on this book.
[QUOTE=Rac7d*;5246828]Why do crush and red arrow look the same if it’s the future?[/QUOTE]Good question. If it's seven years later they should look visibly older, especially Emiko.
[QUOTE=Frontier;5247863]Well, a new writer, direction, and jumping on point is about the best one can hope for at this point.
It's not like the Titans are really in a much better position and that book has to service more than just Dick.[/QUOTE]
I know this sounds crazy but maybe just maybe dc can do something new with nightwing? Maybe a new teambook with a new roster? Or maybe instead of a solo book we get a mimi series as setup for a new direction? Just a thought.
Speaking of solo's, with Jason's new status quo red hood will now be in Gotham, red hood in Gotham and nightwing in bludhaven is very redundant. They're almost the as book at that point and DC is cutting books I don't see both being around at the same time with the same status quo.
[QUOTE=WonderNight;5248723]I know this sounds crazy but maybe just maybe dc can do something new with nightwing? Maybe a new teambook with a new roster? Or maybe instead of a solo book we get a mimi series as setup for a new direction? Just a thought.
Speaking of solo's, with Jason's new status quo red hood will now be in Gotham, red hood in Gotham and nightwing in bludhaven is very redundant. They're almost the as book at that point and DC is cutting books I don't see both being around at the same time with the same status quo.[/QUOTE]
Well, Dick and Jason are different characters who do different stuff though...
If there won't be at least a new writer in March (if there even is an on-going), it's over. A renumbering would be better, but it doesn't look as if that'll happen. I can see the Titans kicking things off for Nightwing if DC starts new titles in different months as they did during Rebirth, but, just like others, I don't see Titans as a title that will set the foundation for on-goings. It should, but it doesn't.
Speaking about cities, I wouldn't mind seeing Dick operate out of New York again, especially if DC wants him closer to the Titans. Even if Vegas-like Blüdhaven is still the better choice if Dick has to be tied to a city.
Did Higgins ever say why he chose Chicago in his run?