[QUOTE=Zaresh;4843551]Darn, grrr. I was happier 15 minutes ago! ù__ú
Oh well, I guess I still can hope for it to happen, or something.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the Black Label mini thing is just a rumor out of Bleeding Cool. Right now, the only things we know for a fact about 5G is the stuff from Wonder Woman 750, Flash 750 (has that shipped yet? It's supposed to be our next peek, anyway), and the 5 one-shots. Oh, there's supposed to be something in the free comic book day stuff too, I think. Everything else is unconfirmed at this point.
But I join you in hoping we get some good Nightwing in there somewhere.
[QUOTE=Rac7d*;4843784]Doesn’t the fact he has to do this and find his doctor in the later prove his owl
Memories are false?[/QUOTE]
Shhh! DC has convinced itself this is a fantastic story that's just too smart for fans. If you bring any kind of logic into things you'll damage their confidence! :p
If you guys can retcon anything in Nightwing's current timeline what would you retcon?
[QUOTE=Godlike13;4844146]Ric obviously.[/QUOTE]
I'd probably also take out the time he bent to Batman's will and disbanded the Titans. That was not a good look for him. And was him freaking out at Starfire's "In name only" political marriage canon again with the rest of the NTT stuff? Cuz I'd retcon that foolishness out too.
I would say Abnett’s Titans, but it’s was such a did nothing waste of time there is no need. It was hard to read through for Nightwing, cause the characterization was so bad, but it didn’t actually do or accomplish anything one way or another. One can just naturally forget it or treat it as it never happen. No retcon necessary.
[QUOTE=astro@work;4843348]I feel like this whole insufferable Ric thing will be dragged on (and finally get resolved) just in time for DC to convert to 5G...meaning he'll be restored as Dick/Nightwing and immediately get aged up and out of his usefulness. And therefore we STILL won't get to see Dick back in his glory. A newcomer will take over the book and bye bye Dick Grayson. :mad:[/QUOTE]
Expect Damian to take over as Nightwing. I genuinely don't think DC will respect Dick enough to let him have anything anymore.
Expect Damian to take a sudo-antagonist role counter to the new Batman. They aren’t going to want any threats to their new Batman’s legitimacy, and passing over Bruce’s blood son is too much potential drama for them to ignore.
Yeah, to have Luke be Batman they have to write out Damian. So either they will have Damian be missing or turn him into some kind of villain/antagonist where he obviously can't be Batman. Those two feel the most likely. Which I guess the end of Doomsday Clock set up with that little text box saying something about Superman needing Bruce's daughter to help save Damian. That was left open enough to mean whatever they want it to be. Saving Damian from himself or from some actual threat.
Dick will have to be written out for 5G for Luke too. They need a reason why he won't be Batman if Bruce isn't Batman. My guess is that Dick might be retired and just stuck in Bludhaven. Jurgens is already doing that storyline about Dick being mayor of Bludhaven in his Batman Beyond run. That would be such an easy thing to bring over from that series. Maybe it would be too obvious. They also might just kill Dick off and write him out that way leaving the Nightwing identity open. If you kind of look at 5G as some Elseworlds-type of thing Dick being killed off is pretty common, lol. I just can't imagine that if Dick is going to be in his 40s or 50s that he would just be running around as Nightwing if someone like Luke is Batman.
Ugh, just when I thought things have become more or less stable and get back into comics - this happens.
They can’t keep treating Dick or any other major character like this without giving them a break. It’s hard to read about constant misery, suffering and tension of the characters you like.
And Dick sure earned his place in DC at this point. I hope his possible sidelining is not solely because of Luke, because that doesn’t look great for me..
[QUOTE=Blue22;4844223]I'd probably also take out the time he bent to Batman's will and disbanded the Titans. That was not a good look for him. And was him freaking out at Starfire's "In name only" political marriage canon again with the rest of the NTT stuff? Cuz I'd retcon that foolishness out too.[/QUOTE]
NTT's existence is canon, but not everything is. The arcs showing Donna and Lilith's origins weren't even still canon after the Crisis, let alone in Rebirth.
[QUOTE=Digifiend;4843560]The book will just not exist if Dick isn't Nightwing. They didn't make Tim the new Nightwing when Dick became Batman and Damian became Robin, they made him Red Robin and ended the Nightwing title.[/QUOTE]
I believe the title Nightwing actually went to Chris Kent/Lor Zod.
They also might just kill Dick off and write him out that way leaving the Nightwing identity open. [/QUOTE] They could always have Damian kill him. Or better yet, have dick hit his head on a rock and die while Damian is attacking him. What was the name of that video game?
I don't know why Damian would kill him. Damian cares about Nightwing too much to kill him. Nightwing might need a new story. If they are going with 5G. What new thing can they do with Nightwing? Instead of replacing him. Maybe doing a Teen TItan storyline with Nightwing?
I was referencing the "injustice: gods among us" story.
[QUOTE=dropkickjake;4844785]I was referencing the "injustice: gods among us" story.[/QUOTE]
Oh my bad.
About in the things you retcon what would you replace them with? It can be from Dick’s comic history or from outside media with him in it.
[QUOTE=dropkickjake;4844785]I was referencing the "injustice: gods among us" story.[/QUOTE]
I enjoy how Dick comes back in that universe, fwiw.