[QUOTE=Gaius;6714998]So I've become a bit obsessed and decided to go into other comic characters also. Really puts into perspective how much DC in particular is gonna get by this, the worst for Marvel is Captain America (sorry not sorry to Namor fans)
[B]2034[/B] - Superman, Lois Lane, Krpyton, The Addams family
[B]2035[/B] - Batman, Jim Gordon, Namor, the original Human Torch, Metropolis, Batmobile, Jor and Lara-El
[B]2036[/B] - Captain America, Robin (Dick Grayson), Bucky Barnes, Jimmy Olsen (radio show), Perry White (radio show), The Spirit, Joker, Lex Luthor, Captain Marvel, Catwoman (as "the Cat"), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Flash (Jay Garrick), Doctor Fate, Hugo Strange, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Justice Society, Gotham, Daily Planet
[B]2037[/B] - Aquaman, Archie Andrews, Jughead, Betty Cooper, Green Arrow, Penguin
[B]2038[/B] - Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, Two-Face
[B]2039[/B] - Alfred, Kryptonite, Batcave
[B]2040[/B] - Mister Mxyzptlk
[B]2041[/B] - Superboy, Black Adam
[B]2043[/B] - Scrooge McDuck, Black Canary
[B]2044[/B] - Riddler[/QUOTE]
It'll definitely be an interesting time for DC/Marvel as everyone starts to enter public domain. And I'll be in mid 40s when it starts
[QUOTE=Gaius;6714998]So I've become a bit obsessed and decided to go into other comic characters also. Really puts into perspective how much DC in particular is gonna get by this, the worst for Marvel is Captain America (sorry not sorry to Namor fans)
[B]2034[/B] - Superman, Lois Lane, Krpyton, The Addams family
[B]2035[/B] - Batman, Jim Gordon, Namor, the original Human Torch, Metropolis, Batmobile, Jor and Lara-El
[B]2036[/B] - Captain America, Robin (Dick Grayson), Bucky Barnes, Jimmy Olsen (radio show), Perry White (radio show), The Spirit, Joker, Lex Luthor, Captain Marvel, Catwoman (as "the Cat"), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Flash (Jay Garrick), Doctor Fate, Hugo Strange, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Justice Society, Gotham, Daily Planet
[B]2037[/B] - Aquaman, Archie Andrews, Jughead, Betty Cooper, Green Arrow, Penguin
[B]2038[/B] - Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, Two-Face
[B]2039[/B] - Alfred, Kryptonite, Batcave
[B]2040[/B] - Mister Mxyzptlk
[B]2041[/B] - Superboy, Black Adam
[B]2043[/B] - Scrooge McDuck, Black Canary
[B]2044[/B] - Riddler[/QUOTE]
It'll be interesting if this leads to a renaissance of the lesser known characters. Imagine a world in which the most popular/well-known Green Lanterns aren't Hal and John, but Hal and Alan. Or where Priscilla Rich and Barbara Minerva are equally iconic.
[QUOTE=Psy-lock;6715147]It'll be interesting if this leads to a renaissance of the lesser known characters. Imagine a world in which the most popular/well-known Green Lanterns aren't Hal and John, but Hal and Alan. Or where Priscilla Rich and Barbara Minerva are equally iconic.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, I could definitely someone doing something with Alan and Jay given how modern GL and Flash mythos are entirely built off their later incarnations. You'd definitely have a lot of room to work with them developing their own stuff unconnected to Hal, Barry, the Corps, and the Speedforce.
I fully expect someone to try and make a public domain Justice League with the early versions of Supes, Bats, WW, Aquaman, Jay, and Alan. [I]League of Extraordinary Gentlemen[/I] but coming full circle.
[QUOTE=Primal Slayer;6711304][img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/pw/ABLVV84p52Q3_TZiu5q6sPty4lSFd174Sg5IxyZaFJyCmsHUIeXFhDRCBUvtvPEhd1EHogLKrRhJW1oHAqcK05S0OG-7ReW6G8lDQt_xD641VA3Hmhc4Cqc=s1600?rhlupa=MjYwMTo0ODQ6ODAwMzpiNjAwOmYwNTg6NGQ3ZDo1MTIyOmIxOGE=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2[/img][/QUOTE]
Where is this from?
[QUOTE=Agent Z;6715159]Where is this from?[/QUOTE]
Issue 7 of the current Green Arrow run.
[QUOTE=Gaius;6715156]Oh yeah, I could definitely someone doing something with Alan and Jay given how modern GL and Flash mythos are entirely built off their later incarnations. You'd definitely have a lot of room to work with them developing their own stuff unconnected to Hal, Barry, the Corps, and the Speedforce.
I fully expect someone to try and make a public domain Justice League with the early versions of Supes, Bats, WW, Aquaman, Jay, and Alan. [I]League of Extraordinary Gentlemen[/I] but coming full circle.[/QUOTE]
Asking since I have no clue, with Cheetah becoming public domain couldn't they also just creat their own Cheetah?
[QUOTE=Skytten;6715331]Asking since I have no clue, with Cheetah becoming public domain couldn't they also just creat their own Cheetah?[/QUOTE]
Yes, that'd be fine. Same way as adaptations can change around names.
Personally I wonder how litigious DC will get if you try to put the Golden Age versions of their characters in a modern setting. Characters like say, Dracula or Sherlock Holmes have no problem appearing in odernized versions of their stories, but that's partly because when the originals became public domain, there weren't copyrighted versions in modern world owned by a corporation.
Could you be able to make a GA-inspired Superman or Wonder Woman that still have their origins taking place in, say, the 2020s? or would DC argue that'd made them too similar to the modern (still copyrighted) versions?
[QUOTE=Gaius;6715395]Yes, that'd be fine. Same way as adaptations can change around names.[/QUOTE]
But they still would be limited to what they could do I would guess? Like empowered by a god would be to much like Barbara?
[QUOTE=Skytten;6715413]But they still would be limited to what they could do I would guess? Like empowered by a god would be to much like Barbara?[/QUOTE]
Kind of a fuzzy area but I'd assume it'd be fine so long as you don't actually use Urzkartaga (who is an entirely fictional creation of DC). And you also couldn't make her look like how Barbara's depicted with Sharp or Perez as a humanoid cheetah woman.
Same way as Frankenstein the book is in the public domain but you can't make the monster look like the one from the Universal film, at least not until 2027.
I think i heard somebody say that you can use GA WW. But not use the actual name. Is that right? Because it makes no sense. I mean the logo i understand. But the name Wonder Woman and Diana Prince are part of the character from 1941, so they would go public domain too. Anybody should be able to name a project Wonder Woman using the Golden age version of the character, because it will be public domain by then. Or am i wrong?
[QUOTE=WonderLight789;6715608]I think i heard somebody say that you can use GA WW. But not use the actual name. Is that right? Because it makes no sense. I mean the logo i understand. But the name Wonder Woman and Diana Prince are part of the character from 1941, so they would go public domain too. Anybody should be able to name a project Wonder Woman using the Golden age version of the character, because it will be public domain by then. Or am i wrong?[/QUOTE]
''Wonder Woman'' is trademarked and trademarks don't expire unless their holder stops using it. So a hypothetical non-DC Wonder Woman couldn't be called ''Wonder Woman'' as the title but some variation, like ''The Sensational Wonder Woman'' or ''the Amazing Wonder Woman'' would likely fly.
Same reasoning why for years Billy Batson's books couldn't be called ''Captain Marvel'' on the title of his books but could within the stories themselves. Or why none of the upcoming Mickey Mouse horror movies use ''Mickey Mouse'' in the title.
[QUOTE=Gaius;6715156]Oh yeah, I could definitely someone doing something with Alan and Jay given how modern GL and Flash mythos are entirely built off their later incarnations. You'd definitely have a lot of room to work with them developing their own stuff unconnected to Hal, Barry, the Corps, and the Speedforce.
I fully expect someone to try and make a public domain Justice League with the early versions of Supes, Bats, WW, Aquaman, Jay, and Alan. [I]League of Extraordinary Gentlemen[/I] but coming full circle.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, pre-Hal Jordan GL was a different IDEA entirely.
[QUOTE=Gaius;6715647]''Wonder Woman'' is trademarked and trademarks don't expire unless their holder stops using it. So a hypothetical non-DC Wonder Woman couldn't be called ''Wonder Woman'' as the title but some variation, like ''The Sensational Wonder Woman'' or ''the Amazing Wonder Woman'' would likely fly.
Same reasoning why for years Billy Batson's books couldn't be called ''Captain Marvel'' on the title of his books but could within the stories themselves. Or why none of the upcoming Mickey Mouse horror movies use ''Mickey Mouse'' in the title.[/QUOTE]
Well. It doesn't sound too complicated. Just add something extra to the title.
If DC doesn't trademark "The Immortal Wonder Woman"....they're REAL stupid
[QUOTE=WonderLight789;6715937]Well. It doesn't sound too complicated. Just add something extra to the title.[/QUOTE]
One of WW's various nicknames or something that invokes one of her nicknames (Princess of Themyscira/Paradise/Peace, Amazing Amazon, Spirit of Truth) would probably be safer cover. There was a variety article that speculates this may have been a reason why stuff like "Man of Steel'', "Caped Crusader'' were titles of actual projects.
[QUOTE=Primal Slayer;6715940]If DC doesn't trademark "The Immortal Wonder Woman"....they're REAL stupid[/QUOTE]
Well, this is the same company that decided Kite Man really needed his own animated series before WW and on the same day that Batman got his billionth new cartoon and Superman his one millionth, that the best they could do for Wonder Woman was an Injustice adaptation.
So that would be on brand. 2037 can't come soon enough.
Didn’t James Gunn say somewhere they were trying to get an animated WW cartoon in production.
[QUOTE=VaLoa;6715987]Didn’t James Gunn say somewhere they were trying to get an animated WW cartoon in production.[/QUOTE]
Yes at the beginning of his hiring. Do I believe he has ANYTHING in the works though? HELL NO
Gunn says a lot of things. I have serious doubts that even the Amazons series he announced will get made.
Um... has Gunn ever actually lied? Like, why is there such disbelief against someone who hasn't done anything yet?
[QUOTE=LordUltimus;6716039]Um... has Gunn ever actually lied? Like, why is there such disbelief against someone who hasn't done anything yet?[/QUOTE]
Well, in regards to Wonder Woman, it seems like he lied to Gal Gadot about keeping her in the role. And I'm pretty sure he's been caught lying about other things.
[QUOTE=Psy-lock;6716048]Well, in regards to Wonder Woman, it seems like he lied to Gal Gadot about keeping her in the role. And I'm pretty sure he's been caught lying about other things.[/QUOTE]
AFAIK, it's just Gadot claiming WW3 is still coming. And I don't think he's said ANYTHING about casting WW yet.
[QUOTE=LordUltimus;6716039]Um... has Gunn ever actually lied? Like, why is there such disbelief against someone who hasn't done anything yet?[/QUOTE]
Is there any particular reason [I]to[/I] believe him? It was non-committal tweet in response to some rando on Twitter saying they'd like WW animated stuff. Not part of that major projects role out. It could have just been Gunn looking for good free publicity.
For all we know, Gunn's definition of "more WW in animation" could just be more useless roles in those Tommorowverse movies, not solo stuff.
Or how about the Paradise Lost show is one of the last things on their whole timeline while we've heard at least some stuff on just about all the other projects. Sorry but for WW, we're back to pre-2017 where I don't trust anyone at DC until I actually see a trailer.
[QUOTE=Gaius;6716058]Is there any particular reason [I]to[/I] believe him? It was non-committal tweet in response to some rando on Twitter saying they'd like WW animated stuff. Not part of that major projects role out. It could have just been Gunn looking for good free publicity.
For all we know, Gunn's definition of "more WW in animation" could just be more useless roles in those Tommorowverse movies, not solo stuff.
Or how about the Paradise Lost show is one of the last things on their whole timeline while we've heard at least some stuff on just about all the other projects. Sorry but for WW, we're back to pre-2017 where I don't trust anyone at DC until I actually see a trailer.[/QUOTE]
The original tweet was about an animated series:
Look, I'm just saying, innocent until proven guilty. It might not be made, but there isn't enough evidence to suggest that Gunn is outright [I]lying.[/I]
The only thing Gunn can really make happen are movies. Tv shows still need a home unless he has veto power over MAX.
[QUOTE=Primal Slayer;6716073]The only thing Gunn can really make happen are movies. Tv shows still need a home unless he has veto power over MAX.[/QUOTE]
Not exactly, Creature Commandos is a cartoon plus Peacemaker is still being made and Waller is going to be a tv show.
So he's also making shows along with movies.
[QUOTE=Mantis-Ray;6716076]Not exactly, Creature Commandos is a cartoon plus Peacemaker is still being made and Waller is going to be a tv show.
So he's also making shows along with movies.[/QUOTE]
They have homes though. CC was ordered before he came on board. Peacemaker and Waller already had MAX behind it.
Im not getting younger so he should announce a WW animated series and get that tram together and rolling
Hasn't there been talk that the upcoming merger will pretty much see Gunn ousted, along with his plans?
[QUOTE=DisneyBoy;6716123]Hasn't there been talk that the upcoming merger will pretty much see Gunn ousted, along with his plans?[/QUOTE]
I would love that, the merger isn't a done deal though.
[QUOTE=Gaius;6716058]Is there any particular reason [I]to[/I] believe him? It was non-committal tweet in response to some rando on Twitter saying they'd like WW animated stuff. Not part of that major projects role out. It could have just been Gunn looking for good free publicity.
For all we know, Gunn's definition of "more WW in animation" could just be more useless roles in those Tommorowverse movies, not solo stuff.
Or how about the Paradise Lost show is one of the last things on their whole timeline while we've heard at least some stuff on just about all the other projects. Sorry but for WW, we're back to pre-2017 where I don't trust anyone at DC until I actually see a trailer.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Gunn/WB show how little they care about WW by developing Brave and the Bold alongside Reeves' trilogy and The Joker movies. We're about to get three separate movie versions of Batman's mythos at the same time! With this approach, there's absolutely no reason why WW3 couldn't be made.
[QUOTE=DisneyBoy;6716123]Hasn't there been talk that the upcoming merger will pretty much see Gunn ousted, along with his plans?[/QUOTE]
Nope. There has been no rumblings about merges (besides a small lunch Zaslav had with Paramounts president).
[QUOTE=Koriand'r;6716132]I would love that, the merger isn't a done deal though.[/QUOTE]
Man hasn't actually done anything that bad yet, and you wish for him to get ousted potentially screwing it up for the rest of us in seeing the DCU get another chance in film.
I kinda find that fucking gross.
[QUOTE=Mantis-Ray;6716164]Man hasn't actually done anything that bad yet, and you wish for him to get ousted potentially screwing it up for the rest of us in seeing the DCU get another chance in film.
I kinda find that fucking gross.[/QUOTE]
Especially weird since he hasn't released a thing, but still has done better work for the WW-verse by having casted Circe who is most likely a recurring villain and has announced an Amazon based series. More than Wonder Woman has ever had in other media.
[QUOTE=Skytten;6716325]Especially weird since he hasn't released a thing, but still has done better work for the WW-verse by having casted Circe who is most likely a recurring villain and has announced an Amazon based series. More than Wonder Woman has ever had in other media.[/QUOTE]
I'm not rooting for Gunn's projects to fail but
1. We have no idea if CC will even make reference to Circe being a WW villain and it's entirely possible she's killed off there. After how Cheetah was treated in that Catwoman faux-anime, I think fans have a write to cautious with how WW villains get treated in non-WW projects.
2. We've had no developments on the Amazons show and frankly we've heard rumors of an Amazons show going back to the 2017 movie, it's entirely possible Gunn just took that and tied it up into his big project.
The most Gunn's done for WW at the moment is when he shot up Historia in the Amazon sales after the bad news coverage he got with no WW3.
[QUOTE=Gaius;6716330]I'm not rooting for Gunn's projects to fail but
[B]1. We have no idea if CC will even make reference to Circe being a WW villain and it's entirely possible she's killed off there. After how Cheetah was treated in that Catwoman faux-anime, I think fans have a write to cautious with how WW villains get treated in non-WW projects. [/B]
2. We've had no developments on the Amazons show and frankly we've heard rumors of an Amazons show going back to the 2017 movie, it's entirely possible Gunn just took that and tied it up into his big project.
The most Gunn's done for WW at the moment is when he shot up Historia in the Amazon sales after the bad news coverage he got with no WW3.[/QUOTE]
You never know, but I seriously doubt that is the case especially with the Amazon serie also announced. They just go together to well. Cheetah absolutely had terrible portrayal there and I also normally is nervous, but that doesn't have anything to do with Gunn
I definitely can be the reason why Gunn did that, but he just as easily could have cancelled them like he did with other projects.
[QUOTE=Mantis-Ray;6716164]Man hasn't actually done anything that bad yet, and you wish for him to get ousted potentially screwing it up for the rest of us in seeing the DCU get another chance in film.
I kinda find that fucking gross.[/QUOTE]
Yeah? Well I find the lack of a Man of Steel 2, Wonder Woman 3 & Aquaman 3 gross.
[QUOTE=LordUltimus;6716064]The original tweet was about an animated series:
Look, I'm just saying, innocent until proven guilty. It might not be made, but there isn't enough evidence to suggest that Gunn is outright [I]lying.[/I][/QUOTE]
Gadot outright quoted something Gunn said to her in one of Gadot's interviews. If Gadot was lying about that, Gunn, who is always online, easily would have commented that Gadot was lying. He did not. Instead, he had an "insider" speak to one of the trades reiterating Paradise Lost was the only Wonder Woman project WB had in the works. If someone "lied" to the media regarding my intentions by literally quoting something I said to them in a meeting, a quick, "that meeting and that quote never happened" would have sufficed. That is not how Gunn responded. Gunn obviously "lied" to Gadot.
[QUOTE=Mantis-Ray;6716164]Man hasn't actually done anything that bad yet, and you wish for him to get ousted potentially screwing it up for the rest of us in seeing the DCU get another chance in film.
I kinda find that fucking gross.[/QUOTE]
You act as if Gunn is some unknown quantity. He's been in the movie business for more than a decade, and I've watched several of his movies. I've also watched how his DC Films Studios has been just as chaotic with drama and ambiguity as the last few DC Films regimes. I don't like Gunn's humor, I don't trust Gunn to make strong female characters, and I definitely don't trust him to make a strong Wonder Woman film. I also don't like the casting decisions he's made thus far except for his Lois Lane.
If I'm incorrect, I will happily enjoy his content, but I doubt I'll be incorrect.
I'm ambivalent regarding Gunn but it is far too early to call his regime chaotic.
And a merger of Warner Bros and Paramount would be terrible for the entertainment industry and the customers in the long run.
Yeah, we don't need any more giant entertainment media mergers.