In the U.S a college has limited degree choices think of it like you generally you can get bachelors and some masters. While Universities you can get your phd and more masters.
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In the U.S a college has limited degree choices think of it like you generally you can get bachelors and some masters. While Universities you can get your phd and more masters.
This concept goes back to the 40s and it hasn't been featured much since then. Maybe that disctintion didn't even exist back then.
[QUOTE=AmiMizuno;5561942]Wait. Does Dinah have a job? I know in rebirth and now she seems to be a musician.[/QUOTE]
Florist and now musician.
[QUOTE=Gitagon;5562241]Wasn't she always a lawyer, even became a DA. At least that's what I remember from Birds of Prey and adaptations like Smallville and Arrow.[/QUOTE]
Nope, that's just for the tv show.
In the comics, Dinah Drake was a florist who also disguised herself as the Black Canary to fight crime. Her boyfriend Larry Lance was a PI, that and flower orders were how she found out about cases. Later on, they both became PI's.
Her daughter Dinah Laurel Lance was also a florist, she was a florist in JLA:Year One and in Grell's Green Arrow run. I think she mostly gave that up in the 90's in Dixon's BOP and hasn't been near a flower shop since. Now, she's been reinvented as a musician.
This is the most uncomplicated way for me to explain the whole thing. lol
[QUOTE=AmiMizuno;5562770]In the U.S a college has limited degree choices think of it like you generally you can get bachelors and some masters. While Universities you can get your phd and more masters.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Alpha;5562806]This concept goes back to the 40s and it hasn't been featured much since then. Maybe that disctintion didn't even exist back then.[/QUOTE]
Looking into it in regards to United States specifically, there is 'Dartmouth College' which is a 'Research University' that ranks among the 'Ivy League'
Weird there generally is a difference between the two. But what you going to do. But I would love to see Holliday Girls and Etta is a red hair again. Diana is suppose to have two side military and earth life. I wouldn't mind that after Holliday University Etta went to military in some way but I don't want her to be in there already.
Etta and the Holliday Girls should have nothing to do with the military. They are about Diana creating a new way of life and being connected to the fantastic women of the world. Let Steve be the ocasional representative of the military. Those girls are far too radical to become a part of the military enterprise.
Okay. I'm thinking about what could be Etta's career.
In all honesty I don't really see Etta as rank and file military. Perhaps either intelligence type stuff or even officers academy if she went into the military as a career choice.
Certainly a world of options for her though. At least in the golden age it was established that her dad owned an oil field and a ranch, with Etta being taught how to manage and presumably inherit both.
There was a storyline wherin Etta became the dean of a Holliday college 'satellite school' in another country and educated local brilliant minds to serve as the schools new faculty.
And Orlando recently did something interesting with Etta in which he established her creating and running a non profit disaster relief group.
Theres alot of angles one could take Etta
I maintain the idea that Golden Age Etta Candy and the modern Etta Candy should become a married couple and revamp the Holliday Girls as an organization with the goal of creating new communities with the ideals and technology of the Amazons.
They would create various communes around the world for this alternative lifestyle. It would be like an informal college campus, crossed with a women shelter, crossed with a training camp for women to learn how to fight as amazons.
Diana would travel around on adventures with these Holliday Girls/ neo amazons, including the Golden Age Etta as her best friend that likes to jump in front of Diana to protect her, even though Diana can lift a truck with her pinky.
[QUOTE=AmiMizuno;5561178]I'm curious in Golden age Black Canary was a close friend of Diana. Do you guys think Dc should have kept that?[/QUOTE]
(10 char)
Not sure what thread to put this in, but I quite like the Earth D version of Wonder Woman suit. What do you all think of the golden top part?
She seems to be molded as a south asian, which is actually something I also quite like.
I thought this 2010 article from [URL=""]Fox News[/URL] was pretty interesting. Long story short they like the pants but hate removing the patriotism from Wonder Woman's costume in favor of something more "global". Surprise, surprise.
[QUOTE=Koriand'r;5582689]I thought this 2010 article from [URL=""]Fox News[/URL] was pretty interesting. Long story short they like the pants but hate removing the patriotism from Wonder Woman's costume in favor of something more "global". Surprise, surprise.[/QUOTE]
something similar happened with the attempt to change the thong for pants on the new 52, and also in the frustrated TV show. It is clear that someone, call it fans or the media, does not want to see her wear pants.
[QUOTE=Koriand'r;5582689]I thought this 2010 article from [URL=""]Fox News[/URL] was pretty interesting. Long story short they like the pants but hate removing the patriotism from Wonder Woman's costume in favor of something more "global". Surprise, surprise.[/QUOTE]
Diana's costume being modelled after the American flag never made any sense since she isn't American in-universe.
[QUOTE=Koriand'r;5582689]I thought this 2010 article from [URL=""]Fox News[/URL] was pretty interesting. Long story short they like the pants but hate removing the patriotism from Wonder Woman's costume in favor of something more "global". Surprise, surprise.[/QUOTE]
I would describe the Odyssey costume as "boring" with it's black leather jacket and pants combo, myself. It also reeks of being street wear, which also makes Diana seem like a street level hero (which is at the opposite end of "global"). I likewise dislike Zatanna's leather pants street wear outfit she's had in JLD. It's far too plain clothes and normal.
[QUOTE=Sebastianne;5583375]something similar happened with the attempt to change the thong for pants on the new 52, and also in the frustrated TV show. It is clear that someone, call it fans or the media, does not want to see her wear pants.[/QUOTE]
I feel that the xena styled battle skirt is much better compromise if you think the classic bottoms are too silly or whatever while retaining her overall look and also being consistent with a greek mythology theme. It took until the movie people actually settled on that for the comics to come to the same realization.
[QUOTE=Agent Z;5583628]Diana's costume being modelled after the American flag never made any sense since she isn't American in-universe.[/QUOTE]
I kind of liked Simone's run where the costume was give an alternative Themysciran meaning behind it's motiffs.
I feel that the xena styled battle skirt is much better compromise if you think the classic bottoms are too silly or whatever while retaining her overall look and also being consistent with a greek mythology theme. It took until the movie people actually settled on that for the comics to come to the same realization.
The movie also had her wearing wedges instead of heels on her boots. Why would she wear wedges? It should have been flat in my opinion, no wedges or heels.
[QUOTE=Agent Z;5583628]Diana's costume being modelled after the American flag never made any sense since she isn't American in-universe.[/QUOTE]
I like the patriotism. It always bugs me when people say it doesn't make sense, as if immigrants can't be full-fledged Americans.
[QUOTE=Artemisfanboy;5583725]I feel that the xena styled battle skirt is much better compromise if you think the classic bottoms are too silly or whatever while retaining her overall look and also being consistent with a greek mythology theme. It took until the movie people actually settled on that for the comics to come to the same realization.[/QUOTE]
Personally, I don't think the short pants are silly, in fact I love them. The subject of what Diana wears is not a big deal to me. I like that she wears different clothes like in Messners or Orlando runs.
[QUOTE=Nyssane;5583834]I like the patriotism. It always bugs me when people say it doesn't make sense, as if immigrants can't be full-fledged Americans.[/QUOTE]
I'm not american but I don't think of Diana as an american either. She came to our world to discover the world, not America, and while she has spent a lot of time there, she's always travelling around. Heck, the ideals she is trying to teach the world are those of her island, not of America. When she was an ambassador to Themyscira her nationality was obviously Themysciran, not american (like actual amabassadors in the real world).
[QUOTE=Nyssane;5583834]I like the patriotism. It always bugs me when people say it doesn't make sense, as if immigrants can't be full-fledged Americans.[/QUOTE]
When Hippolyta wanted her to appeal to Americans, it made sense. But take that away...why would she show up to Mans World with their colors?
[QUOTE=BiteTheBullet;5583789]The movie also had her wearing wedges instead of heels on her boots. Why would she wear wedges? It should have been flat in my opinion, no wedges or heels.[/QUOTE]
In universe it doesnt make much sense but of course, for blocking purposes, having Gal next to two men who are over 6ft tall, they don't want her to look short. And to give the appearance of amazons being taller than what the actresses actually are.
[URL=""]Some WW footage from the DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power game.[/URL]
Eric Luke, who did a pretty good but overlooked and underrated Wonder Woman run back in the 90's(#139-#159) did an interview where he talks about it a little. The part where they talk about Wonder Woman is from about 36:00 to 58:30.
[URL=""]DC Multiverse - Todd McFarlane Designed Wonder Woman Photos and Listing - The Toyark - News
It's...nice? Very busy...very very busy. one to many colors.
[QUOTE=Primal Slayer;5584157]It's...nice? Very busy...very very busy. one to many colors.[/QUOTE]
On another site I go to, it was joked with this McFarlane clearly misses he can't make Angela toys anymore.
Some leaks a while back suggest there will probably be a variant with more traditional colors but that doesn't save the overall design imo. :p
[QUOTE=Artemisfanboy;5584106]Eric Luke, who did a pretty good but overlooked and underrated Wonder Woman run back in the 90's(#139-#159) did an interview where he talks about it a little. The part where they talk about Wonder Woman is from about 36:00 to 58:30.
So Luke read the original 5 issues of Wonder Woman, didn’t see Diana’s “villain equivalent” of “Joker” or “Luthor” and created Devastation to be that equivalent?
Bro, he was one comic away…should have read the first 6.
(Rest of the interview was cool too. Interesting stuff.
That part just stuck out to me since I never pegged Devastation as anything remotely in that nemesis range. She felt like another writers “pet villain” type to me.)
[QUOTE=Artemisfanboy;5584106]Eric Luke, who did a pretty good but overlooked and underrated Wonder Woman run back in the 90's(#139-#159) did an interview where he talks about it a little. The part where they talk about Wonder Woman is from about 36:00 to 58:30.
Never read his run but some stuff I've seen of it makes me wish it'd get collected some day. I think it's the only major run from Vol.2 that's never been collected in some form.
[QUOTE=Agent Z;5583628]Diana's costume being modelled after the American flag never made any sense since she isn't American in-universe.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Nyssane;5583834]I like the patriotism. It always bugs me when people say it doesn't make sense, as if immigrants can't be full-fledged Americans.[/QUOTE]
Agreed, you don't have to be born in the United States to respect American ideals. In fact I'd suspect someone who had to strive to get here and studied our history for an American citizenship test would be more patriotic than many natives.
Also this was my first issue of Wonder Woman so it probably influenced my feelings on the subject.
The flag colours only made sense in the Golden Age when Diana was off to participate in WW2 even then it had more to do with the real world attitude of the time combined with the patriotism.
Nowadays it makes more sense to play up Diana's greek side more and the flag elements being there due to being inspired by Trevor's medals.
[QUOTE=Artemisfanboy;5584106]Eric Luke, who did a pretty good but overlooked and underrated Wonder Woman run back in the 90's(#139-#159) did an interview where he talks about it a little. The part where they talk about Wonder Woman is from about 36:00 to 58:30.
He did a lot of good things for Wonder Woman. Gave her Devastation, gave her the best version of Dr Poison who was primed and ready to become the mastermind of lot of tragic Diana stories, but didn't get much use after, and he gave her Wonder Dome, which led to the cosmic university by Phil Jimenez.
[QUOTE=Alpha;5584436]He did a lot of good things for Wonder Woman. Gave her Devastation, gave her the best version of Dr Poison who was primed and ready to become the mastermind of lot of tragic Diana stories, but didn't get much use after, and he gave her Wonder Dome, which ked to the cosmic university by Phil Jimenez.[/QUOTE]
And he brought back to the main continuity the chicken crying golden armor.
I always thought that armor was ugly, so I don't see that as a good contribution.
Oh god, even the file name is 'chicken cry armor'.
At least it looked good in WW84.
[QUOTE=John Venus;5584496]Oh god, even the file name is 'chicken cry armor'.
At least it looked good in WW84.[/QUOTE]
I gave the file that name from my spanish comic. :p
and yeah I think the armor is now ICONIC.
[QUOTE=John Venus;5584496]Oh god, even the file name is 'chicken cry armor'.
At least it looked good in WW84.[/QUOTE]
Getting rid of the bottom jaw helped IMO.
[QUOTE=I'm a Fish;5584510]Getting rid of the bottom jaw helped IMO.[/QUOTE]
I think it looks fine when Ross does it (except for jaw like you say) but it's in more traditional comic art is where I think it looks cumbersome.
It looks terrible when Ross does it as well. It's so busy looking with so much details and crap drawn on it. You can't tell what you're supposed to focus on.
WW84 gets it right by breaking it up into sections, making the wings separate, making the costume more form fitting and drawing attention to Gal's face.
[QUOTE=John Venus;5584427]The flag colours only made sense in the Golden Age when Diana was off to participate in WW2 even then it had more to do with the real world attitude of the time combined with the patriotism.
Nowadays it makes more sense to play up Diana's greek side more and the flag elements being there due to being inspired by Trevor's medals.[/QUOTE]
The 2009 Wonder Woman animated movie explained that the best.
[QUOTE=Nyssane;5583834]I like the patriotism. It always bugs me when people say it doesn't make sense, as if immigrants can't be full-fledged Americans.[/QUOTE]
Except she isn't an immigrant. And we both no the reason for why she wore that costume had nothing to do with commentary on immigration.