[QUOTE=loke13;5316770]Why tho? Kate is a senior member of the X-Men at this point and has been for over a decade with several leadership roles under her belt. I mean I could see if you had a team of senior X-Men being led by Eye Boy or something but Kate is more than qualified delete a team of senior X-Men especially when that team is pretty much comprised of some of her closest friends.
That being said hopefully this leads to storm getting her own book / her being the leader of a team book of a team book because as much as I enjoyed Marauders the focus/Spotlight pretty much goes like this
1. Kate
2. Emma
3. ???
4. Storm
5. Bishop
6. ???
7. Iceman[/QUOTE]
that would be like Barbara Streisand taking vocal lessons from Beyonce. Yes Beyonce is a veteran especially singing wise, her giving lessons to a vocal powerhouse like Barbara wouldn't make much sense. Same here. I dont have a military background but in terms of seniority those with longer time on will not find themselves in scenarios taking orders from those with less time. Storm has vastly more time than Kitty.
I'm definitely looking ahead to what's upcoming with Storm. From the preview, it definitely feels like she's off to do her own thing while maintaining a high level of importance to the mutant whole and I'm definitely a fan of it should it turn out that way. I also like the way they are approaching a rehashed skirmish between Callisto and Storm. I find it interesting that Storm is down with the Crucible. I wonder if that will be explored more in the book. I don't necessarily think she would be opposed, just interested in her POV.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5316831]that would be like Barbara Streisand taking vocal lessons from Beyonce. Yes Beyonce is a veteran especially singing wise, her giving lessons to a vocal powerhouse like Barbara wouldn't make much sense. Same here. I dont have a military background but in terms of seniority those with longer time on will not find themselves in scenarios taking orders from those with less time. Storm has vastly more time than Kitty.[/QUOTE]
Has Cyclops ever been secondary to anyone on a team? When he lost leadership to Storm he pretty much left and returned with X Factor. After that, he was then leader of the blue team. I don't think he has ever been subordinate to anyone in a field position. Correct me if I'm wrong. So if it's not okay for him, why is it okay for Storm, who is the only other XMan that has been in leadership long enough to rival Cyclops' level? I quoted butterflykyss but this is directed at the original post. Sorry lol.
I have spoken often in the past how a lot of the X-architects over the years seems obsessed with Storm being incompetent and lacking in confidence, so her leadership is always constantly questioned or she steps down to be subordinate. They have had Scott have his leadership questioned but they have not and will NEVER let him be subordinate under any Xman.
Storm, as a leader, unfortunately just does not have that kind of respect or capital like Cap and Cyke from the writers in charge, and the difference in treatment is glaring. Hell, this is Storm's first real significant push in the X titles in 20 years.
[QUOTE=Saturius;5316917]I have spoken often in the past how a lot of the X-architects over the years seems obsessed with Storm being incompetent and lacking in confidence, so her leadership is always constantly questioned or she steps down to be subordinate. They have had Scott have his leadership questioned but they have not and will NEVER let him be subordinate under any Xman.
Storm, as a leader, unfortunately just does not have that kind of respect or capital like Cap and Cyke from the writers in charge, and the difference in treatment is glaring. Hell, this is Storm's first real significant push in the X titles in 20 years.[/QUOTE]
1000% agree. There has been a lot of shortchanging of Storm's significance, power, and influence by many X Writers simply because having a powerful black female is not high on their to do list. I remember Chris Claremont talking about how Jean had to defeat that fire herald of Galactus because the powers that be did not want to see Jean (a female) defeat Thor or Silver Surfer so Claremont put the herald in to suggest that Jean was as powerful if not more powerful than them. If Jean had these issues, it's clear to me the agenda against Storm over the years.
[QUOTE=Sdawg;5316897]Has Cyclops ever been secondary to anyone on a team? When he lost leadership to Storm he pretty much left and returned with X Factor. After that, he was then leader of the blue team. I don't think he has ever been subordinate to anyone in a field position. Correct me if I'm wrong. So if it's not okay for him, why is it okay for Storm, who is the only other XMan that has been in leadership long enough to rival Cyclops' level? I quoted butterflykyss but this is directed at the original post. Sorry lol.[/QUOTE]
hell no. lol. even in this era under Hickman where Xavier, magneto, and Apocalypse have been running things he hasn't been shown on a team where he is led by others. heck, even emma as a member of the marauders isn't serving in the same manner as ororo as she is financially backing the group.
and I have my thoughts as to why its ok but I wish some storm fans wouldn't be ok with such treatment of her when it doesn't apply to other senior members of the xmen.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5316694]hmmm by lackey i mean she reported to kitty, which she did technically seeing kitty is leader of the marauders. whatever the reasons imho there should never be a scenario where ororo is on a team led by kitty or any younger mutant.[/QUOTE]
100% Truth.
My interest in Marauders is about to drop significantly.
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;5317003]100% Truth.
My interest in Marauders is about to drop significantly.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR="#000080"]I lost interests months ago but for different reasons.[/COLOR]
For all the issues/story arcs that have occurred from #1 to #16 and for that she personally led and directed...Kate was leader in name only.
It could be argued that Emma is the true leader of marauders with Kate as the figurehead.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5316831]that would be like Barbara Streisand taking vocal lessons from Beyonce. Yes Beyonce is a veteran especially singing wise, her giving lessons to a vocal powerhouse like Barbara wouldn't make much sense. Same here. I dont have a military background but in terms of seniority those with longer time on will not find themselves in scenarios taking orders from those with less time. Storm has vastly more time than Kitty.[/QUOTE]
But that's not the point though. Kate has more than earned her accolades at this point. Hell she was even leader of the X-Men for awhile just like Storm and Cyclops.
Do you honestly believe Storm would be so petty as to be like "Sorry Boo Boo Kitty even though you've been a member of the X-Men for years, gone on a 1000+ adventures, have combat and leadership experience comparable to my own AND was leader of the X-men for a time, you haven't quite hit your age requirement yet so I think I'm going to take over."
I mean I get you want Storm to be in the spotlight more but as far as canon goes but there's nothing wrong with Storm differing to Kate, she's more than earned Storm's respect at this point.
Kitty in no way has any level of leadership experience comparable to Ororo, and Storm handing her the reigns after IvX was [writer-induced]nonsense. Entrusting international trade and refugee management to a moody/bratty alcoholic 21 year old is nonsense.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5317070]Kitty in no way has any level of leadership experience comparable to Ororo, and Storm handing her the reigns after IvX was [writer-induced]nonsense. Entrusting international trade and refugee management to a moody/bratty alcoholic 21 year old is nonsense.[/QUOTE]
Except...she does? It's right there in the comics. You may not like how it happened but it doesn't change the fact that it happened.
Two arcs is not comparable experience.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5316831]that would be like Barbara Streisand taking vocal lessons from Beyonce. Yes Beyonce is a veteran especially singing wise, her giving lessons to a vocal powerhouse like Barbara wouldn't make much sense. Same here. I dont have a military background but in terms of seniority those with longer time on will not find themselves in scenarios taking orders from those with less time. Storm has vastly more time than Kitty.[/QUOTE]
Baby Beyonce is a good singer but she's never been and never will be considered one of the greatest vocalists. Her voice is good but it gives nothing special and she can't emote.
[QUOTE=loke13;5317066]But that's not the point though. Kate has more than earned her accolades at this point. Hell she was even leader of the X-Men for awhile just like Storm and Cyclops.
Do you honestly believe Storm would be so petty as to be like "Sorry Boo Boo Kitty even though you've been a member of the X-Men for years, gone on a 1000+ adventures, have combat and leadership experience comparable to my own AND was leader of the X-men for a time, you haven't quite hit your age requirement yet so I think I'm going to take over."
I mean I get you want Storm to be in the spotlight more but as far as canon goes but there's nothing wrong with Storm differing to Kate, she's more than earned Storm's respect at this point.[/QUOTE]
Kitty has never lead a team as long as Storm and definitely not as long as Cyclops.
I don't believe there would be a scenario that makes sense to where Storm would take orders from Kitty.
I didn't say anything about her wanting more of a spotlight so not sure the point of this last statement. She csn have her respect for her without taking orders from him.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5317070]Kitty in no way has any level of leadership experience comparable to Ororo, and Storm handing her the reigns after IvX was [writer-induced]nonsense. Entrusting international trade and refugee management to a moody/bratty alcoholic 21 year old is nonsense.[/QUOTE]
Agreed! And especially that last part.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5317099]Two arcs is not comparable experience.[/QUOTE]
Not even close. Storm’s tenure as xmen leader should never be equated to Kitty's
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;5317003]100% Truth.
My interest in Marauders is about to drop significantly.[/QUOTE]
Well hopefully she goes out with a bang. honestly bishop, pryo, and iceman have all been grossly under developed.
get ready children: