I would like to see Storm Commune with the plant Mars.
I wonder now with the arrkoies. Will Stom have another transformation going wild like she did with Yukio in Japan.
What kind spiritual sustenance she gets from it.
Sorry I just saw Storm becoming a cosmic character and being out in space for so long she started to grow a little cold, more inline with Emma's&Logan personality.
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5816608]Storm loves her humanity above all else. She revels in her compassion and in her sense of duty. I realized something from when storm spread her consciousness throughout the cosmos to destroy kilmongers fleet that her shedding her mortal form would make her a literally embodiment of the forces of nature throughout the cosmos. And that would remove her from her humanity, the sheer grandeur in this pic
Is unexplainable, she is literally merging her essence with the cosmos and it is kinda terrifying to look at. I think I kinda understand why she wants to keep it at a low for most of the time.[/QUOTE]
I can see where you're coming from and agree with it. But I would be remiss if I didn't point out that Storm does have experience with spreading her coconsciousness over the vastness of creation. What she did in BP was nothing compared to her merging with Eternity. And of course while that wasn't her power, you could tell by her facial expression that she was experiencing something that was far and above anything she'd ever felt before.
See on further marination on this in my head I can't 100% decide if Storm would lose her humanity in the process of shedding her human form OR if ascending and connecting with the life force of all those planets would supercharge her empathy. We know she gets spiritual sustenance from living things (expect people I believe?), so I guess it would be up to the whims of the writer which direction they wanted to head in.
[QUOTE=WallStreeter;5816621]Storm would not have taken over planet Arrako if she had no interest in ascending. She is earning her ascension. By kicking the butts of all those Arraki, Storm is building a name for herself among her new people! Her defeating Tarn, the last holdout among the great council, was huge.
Now that the Arraki know what she is capable of, they believe in her which further empowers Storm. She knows how this works, her being worshipped in Kenya boosted her powers to divinity and then again in Wakanda.
Krakoa would never worship her like the Arrakis would for being such a bad ass.[/QUOTE]
I wasn't really heading in that direction with my thought train but I can see how you could get there. But Storm didn't "take over" Arrako she was uhhh elected? Trial by combat? However you want to put it. But I wasn't putting her to be worshiped by anyone when I was thinking about this. What she would become would just be under her own power.
Also, while I agree that people on Krakoa won't worship Storm as we think of it, I do believe 100% that they would believe in her just as much as the Wakandans did. Furthermore, I'm not entirely sure the mutants of Arrako would worship or even believe in her. Fear her and maybe hate her I could see because that's just who they are. And from what we've seen she has the confidence in some of them but clearly most want her gone or want her seat of power. That's a far cry from worshipping.
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5816643]I think it would remove all the conflict from the xplot. I mean the conflict plot is already contrived as f with the presence of omega mutants and such. Now we have an omega but a god with infinite physicals yh we ain't getting that. I think Ewing knows that and that's why we ain't going to see goddess cred anytime soon if sword is not his last book with storm.
The thing is they make it work with Carol and Thor and whatnot when they want to they can certainly make it work with storm[/QUOTE]
See I used to buy that excuse when it came to boosting Storm but not anymore.
Even these ultra invulnerable type characters can still get hurt. Storm's problem is she doesn't have any threats worth her power. Take Vulcan for example, it's still up in the air on whether she could take him in an actual fight. Now while I don't see them throwing hands, it would be cool if a villain crossed paths with Storm who had similar power levels and control as Vulcan.
If Storm ascended and gained the physical stats of your run of the mill gods it would simply mean that writers would actually have to come up with credible threats for her. And even then it would obviously scale depending on the story. Take Colossus for example, obviously has a high level of invulnerably but those Nimrod sentinels broke both his arms, a celestial gouged a whole in him while he was running on Juggernaut juice, Emma lost an arm in diamond form.
If Storm ever ascended to that level she would need to fight beings worthy of that ascension.
[QUOTE=chief12d;5816717]I think thatÂ’s a really good way of putting it. We donÂ’t see it very often but gods in the MU really exist on a fundamentally different level than mortals. Their sense of time, their ability to connect to others, etc. is completely warped by their power and I could see a part of Storm that doesnÂ’t want to take her divine powers to their natural endpoint if it means losing her sense of self. I mean even relatively well adjusted gods like Bast tend to seem soÂ… lonely? Bored? Static? Idk the word for it but I 100% think Storm values her humanity over power and probably isnÂ’t pressed to explore that element of herself unless the situation calls for it. I honestly donÂ’t see her being interested in say usurping the role of Oshtur and becoming the new embodiment of divine light for Earth.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I remember in a somewhat recent issue of Thor he had a talk with Captain American about how time flows differently for him compared to mortals.
And you're right, I don't see that as an endgame goal for her either.
[QUOTE=BlkGldBlu;5816898]I would like to see Storm Commune with the plant Mars.
I wonder now with the arrkoies. Will Stom have another transformation going wild like she did with Yukio in Japan.
What kind spiritual sustenance she gets from it.
Sorry I just saw Storm becoming a cosmic character and being out in space for so long she started to grow a little cold, more inline with Emma's&Logan personality.[/QUOTE]
I think the connection is already there and growing stronger by the second. We saw in Planet Size that she could sense the planet was 'happy'. But yeah, I would also like to see how her connection to the new world around her influences her.
Man I just want them to stop getting lazy with her powers... Like challenge her God damnit. Test her powers and your creativity as a writer do something! Besides lighting strike fancy cloud. But oh well.
Does anyone know if the new lethal legion has any other appearances outside SWORDS? I was researching about them and I didn't find much about .
Storm will have a tough day tomorrow especially against Half-Bot who seems to be the most powerful and dangerous of this new team.
[QUOTE=HeraldOfStorm;5817609]Does anyone know if the new lethal legion has any other appearances outside SWORDS? I was researching about them and I didn't find much about .
Storm will have a tough day tomorrow especially against Half-Bot who seems to be the most powerful and dangerous of this new team.[/QUOTE]
Nope to the best of my knowledge they are new characters
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5817607]Man I just want them to stop getting lazy with her powers... Like challenge her God damnit. Test her powers and your creativity as a writer do something! Besides lighting strike fancy cloud. But oh well.[/QUOTE]
From your fingertips to the writers eyes and brain.
[QUOTE=Thirteen;5815157]Cloud hair storm FOREVER.
I do like the cloud hair.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5816310]I can see your pov and I somewhat agree. The main thing that I would point out is that while she has claimed her title she has yet to truly embrace her divinity in the 'physicals' sense. And of course it's not a mandatory requirement to be bullet proof to be a Goddess (no one is worshipping Frenzy for example), it would cement her status as one in the eyes of many. We know the Wakandan gods are suppose to have infinite physicals according to their data chart yet we've yet to see Storm display anything near that. In fact I think the recent preview from S..W.O.R.D. was a glowing neon missed chance by Ewing to finally show us that Goddess durability OR an elemental form.
But going back to my earlier post, I think that her using her power to one shot Adversary was giving her a taste of her power (much like rogue Storm) and that's why she's so hesitant about tapping into it further. I mean I'm not expecting Storm to wipe out a planet like in that Black Vortex mirror scan, but it would be nice to see that the power is in there and she could use it IF the situation came up.
I do agree 100% that writers are confused when it comes to her. No one is confused when it comes to Thor or Doctor Strange or Ms. Marvel (Carol) or any number of the other powerhouses, but everyone is confused about Storm.[/QUOTE]
I come to announce that featz are on the way friends! Ororo is not here for the games
#xmenweds, #bplegends2, #sword10
I think we should revisit this discussion after sword 11. I think ororo is going to have to do more than her typical weather stunts for whats to come.
Oh wow. I look good here
[QUOTE=Rosa Snarks;5818061]Oh wow. I look good here[/QUOTE]
you always slay honey!
[QUOTE=BlkGldBlu;5816898]I would like to see Storm Commune with the plant Mars.
I wonder now with the arrkoies. Will Stom have another transformation going wild like she did with Yukio in Japan.
What kind spiritual sustenance she gets from it.
Sorry I just saw Storm becoming a cosmic character and being out in space for so long she started to grow a little cold, more inline with Emma's&Logan personality.[/QUOTE]
I felt this established her connection or communion with Arrako as she states the planet is alive.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5818034]I come to announce that featz are on the way friends! Ororo is not here for the games
#xmenweds, #bplegends2, #sword10
I think we should revisit this discussion after sword 11. I think ororo is going to have to do more than her typical weather stunts for whats to come.[/QUOTE]
Oh sh!t! I'm ready to EATTTTT!
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5818034]I come to announce that featz are on the way friends! Ororo is not here for the games
#xmenweds, #bplegends2, #sword10
I think we should revisit this discussion after sword 11. I think ororo is going to have to do more than her typical weather stunts for whats to come.[/QUOTE]
I hope someone is choking again.....ahahah kidding....yes!!! Its good decision to take a leave from work today -- sorry job storm is more important today ahahaha
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5818034]I come to announce that featz are on the way friends! Ororo is not here for the games
#xmenweds, #bplegends2, #sword10
I think we should revisit this discussion after sword 11. I think ororo is going to have to do more than her typical weather stunts for whats to come.[/QUOTE]
I received a few pages of issue #10 of SWORD, and it made me very intrigued, I have the feeling that all this story that's been going on about mutation and divinity could lead to something similar to these scans.
[B]X-men Gold #25[/B]
Some here aren't very fond of that title, as Storm wasn't respected, and I agree, but she had few good moments, this one being one. Where she got over her claustrophobic fear, and then her power was too much for an anti-mutant collar to handle.
[B]Black Panther #172[/B]
One of the most amazing things Coates has ever done, her god power is greater than any mutation, she just needs to pull the key and really get deeper into the facet of her real power, her divinity.
I don't know if you've had a chance to read the pages, but whoever has seen it knows more or less where I'm going with all this, lol.
I also have a feeling that Arakko needs to recognize the Storm as a Goddess, explaining, they see her as a fierce warrior woman, worthy of being the ruler, but they still don't see her as a Literal Goddess, and maybe that could be one of the scripts/plot of all of this, and Al Ewing would be respecting and following in Coates' footsteps, what it really takes is courage, and creativity, and I know him have it.
[QUOTE=Stormy;5818158]I received a few pages of issue #10 of SWORD, and it made me very intrigued, I have the feeling that all this story that's been going on about mutation and divinity could lead to something similar to these scans.
[B]X-men Gold #25[/B]
Some here aren't very fond of that title, as Storm wasn't respected, and I agree, but she had few good moments, this one being one. Where she got over her claustrophobic fear, and then her power was too much for an anti-mutant collar to handle.
[B]Black Panther #172[/B]
One of the most amazing things Coates has ever done, her god power is greater than any mutation, she just needs to pull the key and really get deeper into the facet of her real power, her divinity.
I don't know if you've had a chance to read the pages, but whoever has seen it knows more or less where I'm going with all this, lol.
I also have a feeling that Arakko needs to recognize the Storm as a Goddess, explaining, they see her as a fierce warrior woman, worthy of being the ruler, but they still don't see her as a Literal Goddess, and maybe that could be one of the scripts/plot of all of this, and Al Ewing would be respecting and following in Coates' footsteps, what it really takes is courage, and creativity, and I know him have it.[/QUOTE]
Hopefully we get goddess cred and we finally see some of ororo's ancestors 😭😭😭😭 it's been sooo long.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5818034]I come to announce that featz are on the way friends! Ororo is not here for the games
#xmenweds, #bplegends2, #sword10
I think we should revisit this discussion after sword 11. I think ororo is going to have to do more than her typical weather stunts for whats to come.[/QUOTE]
I really hope I eat my words.
Pondering other regalia for Storm as she functions as regent besides her Hellfire Gala raiment...
So I read S.W.O.R.D. and I can see why Butterfly said we need to circle back here for issue 11. The fight Storm SHOULD be having is going to be insane *hopefully*! And special shoutout to the toughest brick in Mutantdom, Frenzy! #LittleThings
Also, BP legends was cute and my only gripe was that [spoil] I wish he had given her a knife instead of a spear, just as a possible nod to her future affection towards knives.[/spoil] But it is BP's story so I'm fine with it just the way it is.
No 13. Just, no.
I love Bianchi as an artist (gorgeous, gorgeous work) but ABSOLUTELY and VEHEMENTLY NO!!! to his design being used for diplomatic functions as Regent of Arakko.
That first Black and Gold design though is FIYAH!!! (LOVED that issue and Kitty's Story)
Bp Legends 2
Was slightly boring. Didn't feel the romantic connection.
I felt all the other showings were way better
The reason for parting was believable.
I just wish they mentioned Ororo is an actual Princess in her own right.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5802176]Enjoy! Let us know if it was good. I'm hearing mixed things, lol.[/QUOTE]
Yep let us know how it was!
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5811697]Yh it's official new episodes will come in 2023[/QUOTE]
Really? I didn't know that... link to the news?
And SWORD #10 was indeed good. I liked it, and hands down to Frenzy, [spoil]the triple agent[/spoil]!
And finally, Storm is getting serious and not holding back, let's hope we see what she will do in Issue 11. When issue 11 is coming again?
[QUOTE=BlkGldBlu;5818844]Bp Legends 2
Was slightly boring. Didn't feel the romantic connection.
I felt all the other showings were way better
The reason for parting was believable.
I just wish they mentioned Ororo is an actual Princess in her own right.[/QUOTE]
I am ashamed to say I dozed halfway through
Storm wins all day.
But the only thing that gives me pause is Korra Metal and earth bending, or attempting to Incase her, bit we seen storm overcome these situations easily.
As for Spirit bending. Storm has the will power,second to none and has the strength of Spirt to housed Eternity within her. And as for the Avatar state, lol, Storm is always in the Avatar state.
The BP:L 02 was...interesting. In a good way. In that it added another element to the story with Storm saving and protecting other children then all meeting up with T'Challa soon after. I was briefly taken out of the story when she mentioned "...they would have internet" and the kimoyo tech...but then realised this story is set further along in our time to seem more current and approachable to newer readers.
[QUOTE=Stormy;5818158]I received a few pages of issue #10 of SWORD, and it made me very intrigued, I have the feeling that all this story that's been going on about mutation and divinity could lead to something similar to these scans.
[B]X-men Gold #25[/B]
Some here aren't very fond of that title, as Storm wasn't respected, and I agree, but she had few good moments, this one being one. Where she got over her claustrophobic fear, and then her power was too much for an anti-mutant collar to handle.
[B]Black Panther #172[/B]
One of the most amazing things Coates has ever done, her god power is greater than any mutation, she just needs to pull the key and really get deeper into the facet of her real power, her divinity.
I don't know if you've had a chance to read the pages, but whoever has seen it knows more or less where I'm going with all this, lol.
I also have a feeling that Arakko needs to recognize the Storm as a Goddess, explaining, they see her as a fierce warrior woman, worthy of being the ruler, but they still don't see her as a Literal Goddess, and maybe that could be one of the scripts/plot of all of this, and Al Ewing would be respecting and following in Coates' footsteps, what it really takes is courage, and creativity, and I know him have it.[/QUOTE]
this is well said stormy.
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5818296]Hopefully we get goddess cred and we finally see some of ororo's ancestors it's been sooo long.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5818297]I really hope I eat my words.[/QUOTE]
I believe you will boo.
So what I really loved about Storm today was that she was able to sense temporal shift in the atmosphere before the army of legion teleported was such an awesome feat. I like her winds instantly imploding half bot but I thought her ability to sense that something was coming showcased her connection to the atmosphere and Arrako.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5819048]this is well said stormy.
So what I really loved about [I][B]Storm today was that she was able to sense temporal shift in the atmosphere before the army of legion teleported was such an awesome feat[/B][/I]. I like her winds instantly imploding half bot but I thought her ability to sense that something was coming showcased her connection to the atmosphere and Arrako.[/QUOTE]
I'm gonna go reread the issue , how'd I miss that.
Ok reread . Hmmm. At first read, I took it as Storm tactical knowledge and obviously knew reinforcement was on the way.
To the point Gladiator had to spell it out.
But upon rereading it Storm state something is coming and after portals do begin opening up.
So good eye butterflykyss.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5819048]this is well said stormy.
I believe you will boo.
So what I really loved about Storm today was that she was able to sense temporal shift in the atmosphere before the army of legion teleported was such an awesome feat. I like her winds instantly imploding half bot but I thought her ability to sense that something was coming showcased her connection to the atmosphere and Arrako.[/QUOTE]
See I thought she did that but I wasn't 100% sure! That reminds me of what she did when she was apart of the F4 and sensed when they were arriving in a different dimension!
[QUOTE=Thirteen;5818631]Pondering other regalia for Storm as she functions as regent besides her Hellfire Gala raiment...
I like everything but those boots with knee pads gotta go
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5819065]See I thought she did that but I wasn't 100% sure! That reminds me of what she did when she was apart of the F4 and sensed when they were arriving in a different dimension![/QUOTE]
You're talking about this right:
it also put me in the idea of this too:
[QUOTE=BlkGldBlu;5819058]I'm gonna go reread the issue , how'd I miss that.
Ok reread . Hmmm. At first read, I took it as Storm tactical knowledge and obviously knew reinforcement was on the way.
To the point Gladiator had to spell it out.
But upon rereading it Storm state something is coming and after portals do begin opening up.
So good eye butterflykyss.[/QUOTE]
thank you so much!!! yes she didn't have any visibility or knowledge to that outside of her abilities to sense it. was a great feat imo.
[QUOTE=Thirteen;5818631]Pondering other regalia for Storm as she functions as regent besides her Hellfire Gala raiment...
the Astonishing look was not appealing to me. but the other looks are nice.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5819165]You're talking about this right:
it also put me in the idea of this too:
[img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/1zuihdnaZv-UeTKr5JqbWZofG5MiWzYcWSBOcWZc92ZlqlYxYPpCi1Vj8wwj7A5mLgyPzs2XXFgw2YZSYayNfyuyUu9p1CRuChXgUOW_uFywl-UwCyrxoFMZSWvZydEM_rM3L--LmQ=s1600[/img] [/QUOTE]
I was referring to this particular scene
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5819175]I was referring to this particular scene
what issue is that? need to add to the archives lol
and yes that is a great example of what we saw in sword today!
edit nvm I found it BP 27 thanks for sharing love!!
[QUOTE=metalclouds;5819133]I like everything but those boots with knee pads gotta go[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;5818793]No 13. Just, no.
I love Bianchi as an artist (gorgeous, gorgeous work) but ABSOLUTELY and VEHEMENTLY NO!!! to his design being used for diplomatic functions as Regent of Arakko.
Wondering if the streamlined version by Jimenez lands any better or if it’s too simplified and lacking majesty…
(added top only detail since the lower parts of the design seem to be the most objectionable)
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5819175]I was referring to this particular scene
Wait so what does this mean? That storms connection extends far beyond the physical? Because I was under the impression that she can only connect with existing energy as it pertains to the physical realm. The time stream is metaphysical in nature.
[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;5819029]The BP:L 02 was...interesting. In a good way. In that it added another element to the story with Storm saving and protecting other children then all meeting up with T'Challa soon after. I was briefly taken out of the story when she mentioned "...they would have internet" and the kimoyo tech...but then realised this story is set further along in our time to seem more current and approachable to newer readers.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha sure let the kids enjoy the story...it was incoherent in my taste but what do you expect of one quick pass by issue anyways it at least have that gorgeous cover art from Cassarra -- let the kids rip their parent's money -- but I was confused of Storm's drama here -- and I paid for it...but what is this? oh well again its my choice to invest on a book meant for middle aged readers with a story that almost was made by a middle age too -- so we do get the book for the middle aged and it lessened the importance of the well known story for me -- okay fine its for the kids -- now they hve their version so can we please just let this story go in peace and finally have stories moving forward with them...they can also utilize the new kids on the krakoan block or wakandan block if they want to cater to the "age group" but may this be the last time they play with this story of how the future king and queen of wakanda meet and well build a well (thats it?) remake it like your d grade fan fiction stuff -- heck even fan fiction stuff is better in my opinion ahahah
uhmmm why the animation not cute?? think imma pass.... but maybe others can find some good in this :(
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5819952]uhmmm why the animation not cute?? think imma pass.... but maybe others can find some good in this :(
Oh so that's how it looks like...well we can try to like count how many times Korra can land an attack at least until the entire clip is over ahehehehe