[QUOTE=Phoenixx9;5366675]Thank you again!
Now I understand. I had not seen/read that story. It looked good (at least these scans of our 3 Elementals!)
These 3 ladies could do anything! They should come up with some story where all 3 can work together, maybe on another world or something (we do not want our Earth to be in such bad shape that it would require the powers of all 3 in conjunction to fix it!)[/QUOTE]
I would love to see it. But it seems like all the Inhumans books got canceled after the TV show didnīt do well. Disney gave the Inhumans a huge push when it did not have mutant rights, and as they decide to get mutant rights by buying Fox they simply forgot about the Inhumans.
Crystal used to be a member of both the FF and the Avengers but they forgot her team connections to just have her with her family.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5366682]This was during the Death of X story when Emma went mad at the result of Cyclops death do to terrigen mist.
It would be nice to see these elementals working together again. I was kinda surprised the two women were unable to move the mist on their own.[/QUOTE]
Stormīs elemental powers have a way broader range than either Crystal or Iso, plus as we know Storm has her magical abilities. Strange trapped her in the crimson bands of cytorrak and she shattered them.
I wonder what plans does Hickman have for her on her divine/mystical side.
[QUOTE=BlackClaw;5365550]I think what Feige is doing is bringing in the elements that worked best in the FoXmen (Quicksilver and Deadpool) into the MCU. Shipp’s Storm obviously doesn’t fall under that umbrella so I wouldn’t worry too much.[/QUOTE]
I think there is no chance they would bring over Halle Berry or Alexandra Shipp. Overall, Fox did a terrible job in casting and in writing and directing the female X-Men so I donīt think any of them will cross over. Well, Domino, Vanessa, or Teenage Negasonic Warhead could but those are Deadpool cast. Maybe Rebecca Rominīs Mystique could cross over, but not Jennifer Lawrenceīs horrible Mystique.
Feige would still bring Jackman over, or Stewart or McKellan. Glad he brought Evan Peters over and is bring Ryan Reynolds over. But for Storm, Jean Rogue, Mystique we need new actresses.
From New Mutants would love if they brought Magik over. Sheīs a popular actress to boot.
[QUOTE=WallStreeter;5366728]I would love to see it. But it seems like all the Inhumans books got canceled after the TV show didnīt do well. Disney gave the Inhumans a huge push when it did not have mutant rights, and as they decide to get mutant rights by buying Fox they simply forgot about the Inhumans.
Crystal used to be a member of both the FF and the Avengers but they forgot her team connections to just have her with her family.[/QUOTE]
I was actually wondering why I haven't seen anything inhuman related in a while but this makes sense
[QUOTE=WallStreeter;5366733]Stormīs elemental powers have a way broader range than either Crystal or Iso, plus as we know Storm has her magical abilities. Strange trapped her in the crimson bands of cytorrak and she shattered them.
I wonder what plans does Hickman have for her on her divine/mystical side.[/QUOTE]
Thats a good point though I do think some would have argued Crystal's powers were on par with Storm's power level. AND YES YES YES! I loved that showing with the crimson bands too. I would like to think her ability to do this was because of her latent magic abilities.
now to your last part im not convinced he is going to explore her magical/divine aspects. he has written her as stating she is a goddess but I'm wanting a lot more than just words though I did love the shield she finally created in his Xmen book.
[QUOTE=WallStreeter;5366733]Stormīs elemental powers have a way broader range than either Crystal or Iso, plus as we know Storm has her magical abilities. Strange trapped her in the crimson bands of cytorrak and she shattered them.
I wonder what plans does Hickman have for her on her divine/mystical side.[/QUOTE]
I do not know about that.....and not trying to argue or anything, but I do know quite a bit about Crystal. Besides the four natural element of air, earth, fire and water, Crystal can control the weather too. Crystal can combine any of the 4 elements with the other 3, to create for example, duststorm, firestorm, rainstorm, etc. Since Crystal can control earth, her control should also extend to sand (ground rock/earth) and to magma/lava (molten rock under/above earth level). She has created tornados, lightning and besides shockwaves (up to 6.7 magnitude), Crystal can combine her powers to shoot an Elemental Blast of energy.
storm has very rarely shown she can manipulate elements beyond water and air.
fire manipulation:
earth manipulation:
now to be fair these instances are more obscure and crystal has vastly greater showings in these areas; however, manipulation of these elements would be in her purview.
she also did some other interesting displays but by way of magnetic field manipulation and she was tapped into energy she doesn't normally have access to via kenji so because of that I generally never reference this:
Crystal does the four classical elements well, but she's not known for the physical range/scale Storm is(who has many planetary and even several greater scale feats). Crystal and that other wind Nuhuman couldn't move the T-cloud with their combined power, but Storm could move it by herself, for instance.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5366855]Crystal does the four classical elements well, but she's not known for the physical range/scale Storm is(who has many planetary and even several greater scale feats). Crystal and that other wind Nuhuman couldn't move the T-cloud with their combined power, but Storm could move it by herself, for instance.[/QUOTE]
iso powers allow her to manipulate pressure which may explained why she was unable to offer crystal much help. to your point though about the range perhaps this is why she was ineffective against the cloud as well though I was still surprised by this honestly.
and yes storm was shown to move it without any effort or strain:
Right, and this is what I what I was trying to avoid====I am not saying Storm is not powerful. I know Storm is powerful. But Crystal is powerful too, in a different way as an Elemental.
Thank you butterflykyss for the great info and pics/scans.
Peace out.
Storm has shown she can control cosmic storms and solar winds. Anyone who can do that can clearly control fire. Or since regular fire needs AIR to happen, anyone who controls the air to a degree can control fire, especially if they can use lightening to start fires. Storm also is more than just an elemental, there are magical aspects to her powers. She hosted an M-Body of Eternity. She channeleg magical energy and created a bolt of lightening that teleported her and Magik back to Limbo. She helped Forge opened up a date to travel from the earth the Adversary banished them to back to the regular earth. She blasted the Adversary out of our dimension with a mystical lightening bolt.
Sheīs way more powerful than Crystal.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5366867]iso powers allow her to manipulate pressure which may explained why she was unable to offer crystal much help. to your point though about the range perhaps this is why she was ineffective against the cloud as well though I was still surprised by this honestly.
and yes storm was shown to move it without any effort or strain:
Because Storm is the more powerful elemental. Itīs just they way Marvel has consistently written it.
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5366855]Crystal does the four classical elements well, but she's not known for the physical range/scale Storm is(who has many planetary and even several greater scale feats). Crystal and that other wind Nuhuman couldn't move the T-cloud with their combined power, but Storm could move it by herself, for instance.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Storm has done planetary scale feats, plus mystical feats. Plus Storm moving the terrigen cloud by herself, when Crystal could not do it with Isoīs help.
[QUOTE=Phoenixx9;5366875]Right, and this is what I what I was trying to avoid====I am not saying Storm is not powerful. I know Storm is powerful. But Crystal is powerful too, in a different way as an Elemental.
Thank you butterflykyss for the great info and pics/scans.
Peace out.[/QUOTE]
you're welcome beloved dont go lol. I totally understand your point was not to say who was more powerful. its different application but I dont believe anyone would argue storm is a greater earth, fire manipulator than crystal. what I would like to see now that we are on the topic is crystal maybe helping ororo explore fire/earth manipulation to a deeper degree then we've seen..