Ewing is a thousand leagues better than...whoever that is. (do not remind me of their name...I neither wish nor care to know)
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Ewing is a thousand leagues better than...whoever that is. (do not remind me of their name...I neither wish nor care to know)
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;5607973]I thought I burned all copies of this issues...damn digital.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;5607979]Ewing is a thousand leagues better than...whoever that is. (do not remind me of their name...I neither wish nor care to know)[/QUOTE]
Lol! I apologize to you both.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5607933]With Storm going out into space, I really hope we don't see garbage like this anymore.
I mean I do understand why certain people think she would be powerless in space they believe she controls weather at it pertains to the atmosphere. But as we all here know she doesn't control weather as a single whole but rather a sum of its parts situation. It's annoying some writers dont do research as everywhere you look she states she controls the elemental forces of weather... And the meaning of that in the scope of the entire universe is very very vast in versatility. Like guys there is A LOT of wired weather out there. Some planets have glass falling as rain and others have diamonds, the sun has plasma and on and on an on and on. It's just crazy. In her solo we saw that certain planets have laser lightning and skeleton clouds and she could control these elements. Just as she could control water and air on earth. She can not only control all these elements as a whole but individually making her on earth at least a hydrokinetic, electrokinetic, cryokinetic, thermokinetic, aerokinetic...etc. all these are fascets of her mutant omega power over the elemental forces of the weather which is very complex and highly comprehensive.
But of all these fun things to use we have writer's just letting her shoot lightning when she has stated that it is among the least if her arsenal. Not to talk of the writer's that state that she can only control weather as a system.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5607933]With Storm going out into space, I really hope we don't see garbage like this anymore.
Garbage is right!
I cringe every time I read those panels. I like Ewing so I'm definitely looking forward to what he will do for Storm.
Garbage is right!
I cringe every time I read those panels. I like Ewing so I'm definitely looking forward to what he will do for Storm.[/QUOTE]
Ugh agreed! That scene always urked the hell out of me. May he NEVER get his hands on Storm ever again. I mean 3K degree heat for someone who channels pure lightning through her body that is 50K degrees…seriously?!). I would retcon the hell put of that scene. Hell I’d retcon that entire run and his subsequent run that Doom sent a Stormbot in her place to discredit her as payback for the RogueStorm beating.
[QUOTE=Grunty;5607877]I got the impression that since the later 2000's early 2010's writer begann to more and more substitute giving her characterization with just having her do something impressive and then putting her on the backburner again to occasionaly do some "lightning lass" things, because apparently they didn't knew what to do with her as character anymore.
However i can't specifically pinpoint the exact stories i admit, so you may chalk that up as simply me having the wrong impression or being unintentionaly arrogant to great moments which didn't involve her zapping someone or doing something overly elaborate with her powers.
I'm actualy aware of that since a long time ago (since the mid 2000's). Which at the time actualy made me laugh, because i didn't expect someone would have expanded her powers to be able to manipulate "metaphorical" weather like solar wind too and then provided further explanations and expansion.
Though i didn't reject that, it just made me laugh, because it was such a cape comic thing to do.
Also while the official powers may give her a suitable role in space, the way her pop culture image works makes me think she isn't bound for it in the long run.
To put it bluntly. Superman may have adventures in space, but sooner or later he is back on Earth in Metropolis, despite actualy being an alien, because that's where his pop culture image places him. The Guardians of the Galaxy may have adventures on Earth but ultimately their pop culture image puts them back in space.
And then there are characters like the various Green Laterns who are free to be both Earth bound or in space traveling heros depending on what their respective series at the time focues on.
Storm meanwhile, as far as i can see is an earth bound character by her pop culture image. So while you may throw her in space, eventualy she will drop back to earth, because that's where the common expectation for the character is. Because that's how she and the X-men in general were centered for decades.
Does that mean she can't become a character like Green Lantern who is expected to work equaly in both worlds? Of course she can. But i feel it's an uphill battle against her own pop culture image and it will not only take years of the comics holding her up there, but also video games, toys, cartoons and other media which a much more broader audience consumes to change her image.
The better a character is known outside the comics, the less free they are to change or be altered in completely new ways and have it stick. That's an easy to recognize pattern.
Though if someone can convince Marvel Studios to do a "Storm and the Heros of S.W.O.R.D." cartoon show (without the Krakoa status quo) and make it good and sell toys, i think that could do wonders to establish her as a space heroine too.
... Damn. Now i really would like to see such a cartoon. What would it's theme song be like?
I was refering to her fight in Uncanny X-men 325, because it was about her ripping someone's heart out. Again Callisto vs. Storm is still the more iconic moment. But the heart removale scene seems to become a pretty populat triva to bring up regarding what Storm is capable of when pushed.
Because of how over the top it sounds, especialy for a character usualy associated with elegance and heroism, even when handling knives.[/QUOTE]
1. I mean I can count on maybe one hand in the xbooks (not a solo or storm-centric book) where she had big feats or moments:
I think that's actually it. she would typically show up do the occasional tornado or lightning barrage but nothing that would indicate she was overpowered.
2. I agree that it makes sense for Ororo to be linked to earth simply from a canonical perspective regarding her empathic bind to the planet. That said, putting her in space shouldn't or doesn't make her a fish out of water. You must keep in mind her powers very early on was described as manipulating energy patterns that result in eeather phenomenon. Energy exists in on earth in various forms as well as in space. I dont expect her ever to be a character like green lantern but put her in outer space shouldn't inhibit her abilities in any way is my only point.
3. She may be known for elegance and heroism but she was at a very dark place at that period and considering her inner turmoil it made sense:
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5607933]With Storm going out into space, I really hope we don't see garbage like this anymore.
the fact that he recognized hadari yao is already enough evidence he would never have her utter such foolishness
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5607933]With Storm going out into space, I really hope we don't see garbage like this anymore.
The thing is its been shown for like the last 30 [;is years that any mutant who is a high end energy manipulator is more powerful in space.. from Storm to Firestar to Polaris.. So it struck me is super odd that all of a sudden Storm couldnt do shit when its been shown time and again that mutants who manipulated high levels of energy could really cut loose with out any restrictions in space..No shade to the writer but this whole storm can do stuff in space or in hell is and was just anti black to me.. It didnt make no sense!!! Despite folks trying give so many rationalizations why it just doesn't..
[QUOTE=Paleo_Rage;5608288]The thing is its been shown for like the last 30 [;is years that any mutant who is a high end energy manipulator is more powerful in space.. from Storm to Firestar to Polaris.. So it struck me is super odd that all of a sudden Storm couldnt do shit when its been shown time and again that mutants who manipulated high levels of energy could really cut loose with out any restrictions in space..No shade to the writer but this whole storm can do stuff in space or in hell is and was just anti black to me.. It didnt make no sense!!! Despite folks trying give so many rationalizations why it just doesn't..[/QUOTE]
this man told me in person he finds it hard to write her doing anything beyond wind and lightning. none of what he wrote after he told me that surprised me.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5608319]this man told me in person he finds it hard to write her doing anything beyond wind and lightning. none of what he wrote after he told me that surprised me.[/QUOTE]
he should have enrolled in more science courses and did some research. Its not that hard and him saying he found it hard was really his anti blackness jumping out.. He just couldn't put it it words why she couldn't do more from despite having source material with a lot of damn feats from his to build from and use again..
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5608319]this man told me in person he finds it hard to write her doing anything beyond wind and lightning. none of what he wrote after he told me that surprised me.[/QUOTE]
Sigh, the reason, I have little faith in today's X-Writers.
Anyway, Storm taking out a Skrull starship.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5608319]this man told me in person he finds it hard to write her doing anything beyond wind and lightning. none of what he wrote after he told me that surprised me.[/QUOTE]
So, he just happened to miss everything written by past writers when she was in space?
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;5608349]Sigh, the reason, I have little faith in today's X-Writers.
Anyway, Storm taking out a Skrull starship.
I'll take who is the Female version of Vulcan for $1,000, Alex.;)
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;5608349]Sigh, the reason, I have little faith in today's X-Writers.
Anyway, Storm taking out a Skrull starship.
that was around the time xmen gold was out but when he told me that and he had really good knowledge of her mythos I was kinda taken aback.
So, he just happened to miss everything written by past writers when she was in space?[/QUOTE]
he said all that stuff about her manipulating energy was a retcon. I kno a mess lol
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5608388]he said all that stuff about her manipulating energy was a retcon. I kno a mess lol[/QUOTE]
Wew! Yeah, please keep him away from Storm and pretty much anyone with a power level above Black Widow. How the hell do you retcon the core of how her powers operate?
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5608398]Wew! Yeah, please keep him away from Storm and pretty much anyone with a power level above Black Widow. How the hell do you retcon the core of how her powers operate?[/QUOTE]
exactly I was so confused by it. I dont think any character powers where necessarily explained how they functioned im the giant size issue so it would make any subsequent detail regarding it a retcon based on that logic lol
[QUOTE=LordAllMIghty;5608349]Sigh, the reason, I have little faith in today's X-Writers.
Anyway, Storm taking out a Skrull starship.
Uuuughhhhhh things like this just helps me love the fact that Storm was literally the original female heavy hitter on the X-Men team. I think a lot of people forget the fact that Claremont really put Storm in the Forefront when it came to taking out villains. Like Storm literally hit the ground running lol
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5608404]exactly I was so confused by it. I dont think any character powers where necessarily explained how they functioned im the giant size issue so it would make any subsequent detail regarding it a retcon based on that logic lol[/QUOTE]
But thats the thing every ones powers expanded and where fleshed out by the 1980s and 1990s... like it wasnt just storm who powers were deepened.. jean, Iceman, Invisible Woman, Dazzler, Wolverines healing factor like loads of folks powers were fine tuned.. hell all telepaths were upgraded a lot.. I just think its funny how he acted like controlling energy to manipulate weather was to odd when weather is all about various types of energy. He never took a damn weather and climate class I see . I hope he never touches another writers another comic book again.
[QUOTE=Paleo_Rage;5608426]But thats the thing every ones powers expanded and where fleshed out by the 1980s and 1990s... like it wasnt just storm who powers were deepened.. jean, Iceman, Invisible Woman, Dazzler, Wolverines healing factor like loads of folks powers were fine tuned.. hell all telepaths were upgraded a lot.. I just think its funny how he acted like controlling energy to manipulate weather was to odd when weather is all about various types of energy. He never took a damn weather and climate class I see . I hope he never touches another writers another comic book again.[/QUOTE]
very interesting. the earliest issue where I can recall where this was explained for her was in '79 round up to '80 so you're absolutely right:
he also didn't think she was a real goddess which he also incorporated into gold.
Wait all of this was Guggs?
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5608463]very interesting. the earliest issue where I can recall where this was explained for her was in '79 round up to '80 so you're absolutely right:
[B]he also didn't think she was a real goddess[/B] which he also incorporated into gold.[/QUOTE]
As the regent of a planet I’m sure she is going to be written at a high power level.
[QUOTE=loke13;5608472]Wait all of this was Guggs?[/QUOTE]
what are you referring to?
[QUOTE=WallStreeter;5608479]As the regent of a planet I’m sure she is going to be written at a high power level.[/QUOTE]
Most definitely
[QUOTE=WallStreeter;5608479]As the regent of a planet I’m sure she is going to be written at a high power level.[/QUOTE]
I hope so too. Especially when you sit down and unpack how she basically wrote the rules of the atmosphere on Mars, instead of just following preexisting rules like she normally does on earth. The possibilities here are endless.
[QUOTE=Rosa Snarks;5608687]I hope so too. Especially when you sit down and unpack how she basically wrote the rules of the atmosphere on Mars, instead of just following preexisting rules like she normally does on earth. The possibilities here are endless.[/QUOTE]
This! This right here is what makes me excited. The temperatures fluctuating etc,i think it's going to turn out to be mars reacting to storm emotion. Just imagine her literally hearing something on the wind, or the planet itself warning her of things. lol. Also really enjoyed the JDW interview it was the first time i've ever felt he WANTED to talk about Storm. I also appreciate the candor, at one point Storm was given away to the BP office, water under the bridge but i truly appreciate they didn't just give the goddess away this time.
Also everrrrrybody who was all " yes lets give storm away to another office fully." should not work on an x-book again. jmo.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5608319]this man told me in person he finds it hard to write her doing anything beyond wind and lightning. none of what he wrote after he told me that surprised me.[/QUOTE]
Throw him and any writer who agrees with him away! That really infuriates me.
[QUOTE=Idiopop;5608860]Throw him and any writer who agrees with him away! That really infuriates me.[/QUOTE]
absolutely. it's why so many people have misconceptions around what she can do. I will never forget that stupid avx story where Jason Aaron had tchalla remove Ororo's powers by putting nanites in the sky. that would remove her ability to manipulate those forces.
So exactly how would that have stopped her from doing something painful but non-lethal like bursting his inner ear or even screwing with his nervous system?
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5608938]absolutely. it's why so many people have misconceptions around what she can do. I will never forget that stupid avx story where Jason Aaron had tchalla remove Ororo's powers by putting nanites in the sky. that would remove her ability to manipulate those forces.
I think regarding the nanites Hickman has retconned that so it can be counted as bogus as in the giant size storm one shot she could control nanites as they were present in the environment hence she able to form a bond with them and use them to create weather phenomena.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5609101]So exactly how would that have stopped her from doing something painful but non-lethal like bursting his inner ear or even screwing with his nervous system?
Literally nothing even the nanites don't make sense storms power isn't just weather patterns they extent to the various elemental forces of the weather. So not being able to control weather patterns for dumb reasons Aaron or whatever writer cooked up. His body is chocked full of elements she can control.
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5609137]Literally nothing even the nanites don't make sense storms power isn't just weather patterns they extent to the various elemental forces of the weather. So not being able to control weather patterns for dumb reasons Aaron or whatever writer cooked up. His body is chocked full of elements she can control.[/QUOTE]
Wasn't it also Aaron who had Iceman freeze hell but had Storm be completely powerless?
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5609148]Wasn't it also Aaron who had Iceman freeze hell but had Storm be completely powerless?[/QUOTE]
yup that was him lol
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5609148]Wasn't it also Aaron who had Iceman freeze hell but had Storm be completely powerless?[/QUOTE]
Hmmmm it's basically those writer's that state how they only see her being able to manipulate wind and lightning and from the way she has been portrayed in the past 10 years for the most part it shows.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5609200]yup that was him lol[/QUOTE]
Not surprised may he never touch a property with storm ever again.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5609148]Wasn't it also Aaron who had Iceman freeze hell but had Storm be completely powerless?[/QUOTE]
Yep. While they could all breathe and talk which means there was obviously air/gasses for her to manipulate. If it were up to me, if he wanted to show off her h2h skills that badly, I would've had Storm creating elemental weapons. Air, Ice, even lightning swords, maces, hammers etc. That was just lazy writing because he didn't care enough about her to be creative.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5609101]So exactly how would that have stopped her from doing something painful but non-lethal like bursting his inner ear or even screwing with his nervous system?
writers like Aaron and Guggenheim believe she must have an atmosphere or weather for her powers to work. it was the same reason she was supposedly powerless in hell but if iceman powers worked hers should have as well:
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5609216]writers like Aaron and Guggenheim believe she must have an atmosphere or weather for her powers to work. it was the same reason she was supposedly powerless in hell but if iceman powers worked hers should have as well:
So what were they breathing in hell then?
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5609214]Not surprised may he never touch a property with storm ever again.[/QUOTE]
ever again!!! he works best with characters that fight h2h. anything above a street leveler he gone f it up.
[QUOTE=Rosa Snarks;5609215]Yep. While they could all breathe and talk which means there was obviously air/gasses for her to manipulate. If it were up to me, if he wanted to show off her h2h skills that badly, I would've had Storm creating elemental weapons. Air, Ice, even lightning swords, maces, hammers etc. That was just lazy writing because he didn't care enough about her to be creative.[/QUOTE]
excellent point. they breathing, there is energy present, air present. she should have been able to use her powers
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5609220]So what were they breathing in hell then?[/QUOTE]
excellent question. iceman was able to freeze the entirety of hell.
this was a very rough period because it did seem like at that time there was a concerted effort to rercon her powers and how they worked. so happy those days are far behind us.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5609223]ever again!!! he works best with characters that fight h2h. anything above a street leveler he gone f it up.
excellent point. they breathing, there is energy present, air present. she should have been able to use her powers[/QUOTE]
He is sooo lazy, like there is heat there is moisture and fluids native to the environment, there are gases all things she can control and manipulate if he wanted to have her use her hand to hand skill he could simply have her state that she would take them out without the elements or better yet have her make constructs with the elements as a user said to beat up the demons.