[QUOTE=Kitty&Piotr<3;5734268]That scan says what it says. Only bones to be made about it is whether Jean being racist is additive or too destructive to maintain.
On the Storm/BP and Vita front, I wouldn't bet anything of value that was Vita's plot and that's one of a thousand reasons I am leary of Marvel editorial. These folks still go around telling anyone who will listen that they couldn't do major Storm stories because TaNehisi Coates had her appearing in Black Panther. I don't trust them.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I listened to a Duggan podcast the other day and he said it again. Apparently she was one of two mutants who couldn’t be fully used by the X-office (I believe the other was Franklin Richards). At some level I do believe that he was told that, but my follow-up question is to wonder why no one has the critical thinking skills to be like.. “that don’t make no damn sense.” Storm was a supporting cast at best in BP, yet Magik can teach at Strange Academy and be in Savage Avengers? Don’t even get me started on Wolvie.
[QUOTE=Kingdom X;5734405]Yeah I listened to a Duggan podcast the other day and he said it again. Apparently she was one of two mutants who couldn’t be fully used by the X-office (I believe the other was Franklin Richards). At some level I do believe that he was told that, but my follow-up question is to wonder why no one has the critical thinking skills to be like.. “that don’t make no damn sense.” Storm was a supporting cast at best in BP, yet Magik can teach at Strange Academy and be in Savage Avengers? Don’t even get me started on Wolvie.[/QUOTE]
Coates in another interview said the complete opposite. lolol let me see if I can find it.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5734407]Coates in another interview said the complete opposite. lolol let me see if I can find it.[/QUOTE]
so I misremembered this but he basically says that they (x-offices) were generous in letting him use her and that he didn't own the character. so if anyone wasn't using her it wasn't because of him:
[i]How do you reconcile with the idea that somebody is going to touch T’Challa after you?
I’m totally good with that. You don’t own shit. I’m good with people having their own interpretation in terms of Ororo and T’Challa, and whatever happens there. I was always very much aware of the X-Office and what they were doing over there. [b]And they were very generous in allowing me to do what I was doing over here.[/b] I’ll miss them but these characters don’t belong to me.[/i]
I dont like that instead of saying we ain't using her now (which i guess they kinda did when they said they were waiting for his story to finish up). however, from what I recall of the interview it seemed as though they were saying because Coates has her they couldn't use her which from Coates words doesn't seem to be true. in fact several storm fans made it point to blame Coates and pointing to Duggan interview as to why she wasn't being used and claimed she was a BP property.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5734402]it actually hasn't been coming out every month. I think its been about two between this and the last issue. I'm not sure with sales its actually a really good book even before storm was announced on the team.[/QUOTE]
Oh yh that I was meaning to ask is it that Ewing takes a month hiatus or.... Because I don't see other xbooks suffering from this. It could be because he is cosmic master in marvel but other writer's also juggle multiple books even xbooks.
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5734430]Oh yh that I was meaning to ask is it that Ewing takes a month hiatus or.... Because I don't see other xbooks suffering from this. It could be because he is cosmic master in marvel but other writer's also juggle multiple books even xbooks.[/QUOTE]
he's over all the cosmic line from what I've heard do that could be the reason.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5733787]I thought there was a whole thread proving that Jean was in fact not a racist and this illusion was only caused the prolonged physic rape caused by Mastermind and the then evil Emma Frost?
[COLOR="#A9A9A9"]When I'm bored and have nothing to do I'm going to turn that panel into a meme. That'll be the face I make when someone posts something - what's more polite than dumb?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Well, some folks will go to any length to drive a wedge between Jean and Ororo's friendship.
[QUOTE=Micabe;5734615]Well, some folks will go to any length to drive a wedge between Jean and Ororo's friendship.[/QUOTE]
And some folks will stir the pot just to try and start drama. [IMG]https://c.tenor.com/D_Wj_IKLElIAAAAd/oprah-winfrey-shrug.gif[/IMG]
[QUOTE=Saturius;5733897]No. The closest was Xtreme Xmen 22 I believe. But she has never apologized for it. In fact, she was combative about it. We have seen her apologize to Firestar and others she has wronged, but never Storm, which is why I can never accept them as anything more than tense colleagues. Until that happens, I can't get behind these two being friendly at all. Not realistic and I find it strange that no writer has had Frost actually utter the words I am sorry to Storm in the 30 years or so since it has happened. They're too busy having her shout out witty quips to do that I guess though.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5733910]no not really. the giant size one shot referenced that period which her subconscious thoughts were still upset with Emma's actions.[/quote]
Shit, I have nothing to say about Emma, I like her but I feel sad and frustrated to remember that moment, it's really bad to know that Ororo was almost abused, and then a white woman arrived and did what she did to satiate an old bastard..
[QUOTE=Stormy;5734647]Shit, I have nothing to say about Emma, I like her but I feel sad and frustrated to remember that moment, it's really bad to know that Ororo was almost abused, and then a white woman arrived and did what she did to satiate an old bastard..[/QUOTE]
The thing with Emma is you have to remember she was a villain. Villain's aren't suppose to be nice! You can dislike her for her b!tchy attitude which I do sometimes, but for past crimes she does have the villain thing pretty much shielding her.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5734651]The thing with Emma is you have to remember she was a villain. Villain's aren't suppose to be nice! You can dislike her for her b!tchy attitude which I do sometimes, but for past crimes she does have the villain thing pretty much shielding her.[/QUOTE]
On the one hand, you're right, for what little I know about Emma, I know she's already gone through a phase of redemption, but I find it very annoying that the two of them never talked about it, as well as Jean...
Changing the subject a bit, [B]Sword #11 cover[/B], I'm really excited to see the Storm kick some alien asses (I'm ignoring Cable in the center of this cover)
[QUOTE=Stormy;5734673]On the one hand, you're right, for what little I know about Emma, I know she's already gone through a phase of redemption, but I find it very annoying that the two of them never talked about it, as well as Jean...
Changing the subject a bit, [B]Sword #11 cover[/B], I'm really excited to see the Storm kick some alien asses (I'm ignoring Cable in the center of this cover)
With Emma it pops up when it's convenient. I don't think the Jean thing is ever really going to be referenced unless there's a writer who really has this idea about it. But even then, editorial may shoot it down.
I know it's just a cover but it annoys me a little that Storm is letting herself get that close to a opponent.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5734685]With Emma it pops up when it's convenient. I don't think the Jean thing is ever really going to be referenced unless there's a writer who really has this idea about it. But even then, editorial may shoot it down.
I know it's just a cover but it annoys me a little that Storm is letting herself get that close to a opponent.[/QUOTE]
its so incredibly silly of her to do that
this one was insanely idiotic.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5733787]I thought there was a whole thread proving that Jean was in fact not a racist and this illusion was only caused the prolonged physic rape caused by Mastermind and the then evil Emma Frost? [/QUOTE]
Claremont never specifies which of Jean's "innermost forbidden needs and desires" Mastermind is manipulating nor with which he is presenting her. What Claremont does make clear, however, is that Mastermind, with the help of Emma Frost, is able to not only control what Jean [I][U]sees[/U][/I] but also what she [I][U]thinks[/U][/I], [I][U]feels[/U][/I], and [I][U]believes[/U][/I]. As Scott notes in the panel below, "This 'ancestor' – Lady Jean Grey, wife of Sir Jason Wyngarde – [b]knows nothing[/b] of the X-Men. Her allegiance is to the Hellfire Club. If they ask her to kill us… I've a nasty feeling she'll do it without a second thought." The villain of the piece making the heroin completely forget who she is, who her friends and family are, and even where and [i]when[/i] she is from seems like a monumental aspect of this story to overlook.
Jean "knows nothing" of people she has known for years, some for decades, and that she literally grew up with, yet is somehow acting totally on her "innermost forbidden needs and desires?" If the implication is that she has always harbored racist feelings, why stop there? Based on the setup, one can suppose that she must have always had a need and desire to fall in love with Mastermind, forget not just her close friends and romantic partner, but her entire life, including her family, identity, and the era into which she was born. One can also assume that she always had a need and desire to live in the antebellum 18th century as a black cape-, bodice-, and panty-wearing woman.
This begs the question, though: If Mastermind was simply giving Jean her "innermost forbidden needs and desires," why would he require the use of such illusions and severe mind control? After all, when Jean finally breaks from his illusions and telepathic hold, he ponders, "She must have broken my [b]control[/b], but how?"
It is clear that what Mastermind was tapping into and giving Jean was a manufactured sense of love, romance, danger, and power based on her "innermost forbidden needs and desires" for [I]those things[/I], i.e., love, romance, danger, and power, [I]not[/I] the illusions he cloaked them in nor the mind control he used to force those illusion [i]inside[/i] of her, amongst – shudder the thought – other things. I hardly doubt that Claremont intended to suggest that, in addition to "need[ing]" and "desir[ing]" to be a racist and own a slave, Jean also "need[ed]" and "desire[ed]" to forget her entire identity and loved ones, live in the antebellum period, frolic around in a bodice and panties, and enslave all of her friends. After all, Claremont did write "needs and desires," not "true thoughts and feelings."
Of course, people who like to pretend to be aghast at this scene to claim that Jean is a racist character do not seem to mind the author who penned this tale. In fact, they even lavish praise on him and sometimes proudly promote his name like a brand in their signatures. I find this puzzling, especially if the intent is to call out racism and not really just to insult a character they seem to hate, along with trying to sully and shame said character's fans. (After all, these characters are fictional and their thoughts, feelings, and intentions are dictated by the writers...) The fact that they so easily "sweep" the psychic and strongly implied physical rape "under the rug" as if it were just an insignificant little detail certainly does not belie their intentions.
The real unspoken crime and tragedy of the Dark Phoenix Saga and how some choose to view it for their own nefarious reasons is not the racism that some maliciously and unfoundedly claim Jean "need[ed] and desire[d]," but the willingness to overlook the abuse a character was subjected to as if one should call it by any other name. A woman's psyche was invaded only to be contorted, contaminated, and, ultimately, controlled. If that weren't bad enough, the woman was also sexualized and placed in sexually compromising positions, to say the least. The redemptive irony here is that the one character that intuited and truly got what had transpired just so happens to be the character that should have been the most incensed and offended; that is, of course, if this claim of Jean being a racist contained a modicum of logic, critical thinking, or veracity.
Finally, to add insult to injury, the same character that was instrumental in the carrying out of the aforementioned perpetrations against Jean would later take control of and use Ororo's body in questionable ways, including in a sexually provocative way. However, that isn't given much thought and consideration because she's "a bad girl." Food for thought.
Storm keeps proving she has psionic empathy abilities that arent just nature-based.
1. When the matrix energy was beginning to fade Roma turned to the energy of Otherworld as her power source that sustains her and the nexus of creation Otherworld.
2. It was stated in the early 2000s that the magical energy of Otherworld was the source of magic in the Marvel Multiverse. Otherworld is the dimension that intercepts all universes in existence.
3. Otherworld is a pan-dimension realm that would make the energy there pan-dimensional
4. Meggan used this power to close the rift in reality that would contain the chaos wave. Once again stated the powers of Otherworld is pan-dimensional
5. Though she lost Roma was able to put up a fight against the Chaos Wave
6. The power of Otherworld is powerful enough to do all this yet when Roma uses it at full power on Adversary, he laughs it off. Yet he easily got overpowered by Storm's goddess powers.
So my question is do you'll think Hadari Yao and Phoenix Jean are one the same level?
It's always interesting to me that while the characters have clearly moved past and moved on from personal grievances the fans are still stuck toting feelings and resentments, decades later. Assuming Storm and Emma haven't dealt with their past in some manner...how does sitting down and dredging it up now serve any storytelling purpose? Because logically speaking, to get to the point where they're hugging it out over the death of a character they both love and admire means they would have to have come to some easy understanding at least over past transgressions.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5734402]it actually hasn't been coming out every month. I think its been about two between this and the last issue. I'm not sure with sales its actually a really good book even before storm was announced on the team.[/QUOTE]
This has been my issue with the book. How often it comes out then its story was paused for that knull mess. Its frustrating since it's a great book. I love what Ewing has been doing with Eden.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5734628]And some folks will stir the pot just to try and start drama. [IMG]https://c.tenor.com/D_Wj_IKLElIAAAAd/oprah-winfrey-shrug.gif[/IMG][/QUOTE]
boom and there it is!!
[QUOTE=twisted sun;5734995]This has been my issue with the book. How often it comes out then its story was paused for that knull mess. Its frustrating since it's a great book. I love what Ewing has been doing with Eden.[/QUOTE]
yea the event certainly didn't help and the long gaps between each issue really hurts the book.
can we just pause and take a moment to reflect on the one panel that broke the internet!!!
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5734685]With Emma it pops up when it's convenient. I don't think the Jean thing is ever really going to be referenced unless there's a writer who really has this idea about it. But even then, editorial may shoot it down.
I know it's just a cover but it annoys me a little that Storm is letting herself get that close to a opponent.[/QUOTE]
if Jean wasn't there, the Guardians would kick Emma lolol
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5734832]its so incredibly silly of her to do that
this one was insanely idiotic.
I don't really like this phase of the x-mens, and it was one of the first ones I read lol
[QUOTE=KLY360;5734945]1. When the matrix energy was beginning to fade Roma turned to the energy of Otherworld as her power source that sustains her and the nexus of creation Otherworld.
2. It was stated in the early 2000s that the magical energy of Otherworld was the source of magic in the Marvel Multiverse. Otherworld is the dimension that intercepts all universes in existence.
3. Otherworld is a pan-dimension realm that would make the energy there pan-dimensional
4. Meggan used this power to close the rift in reality that would contain the chaos wave. Once again stated the powers of Otherworld is pan-dimensional
5. Though she lost Roma was able to put up a fight against the Chaos Wave
6. The power of Otherworld is powerful enough to do all this yet when Roma uses it at full power on Adversary, he laughs it off. Yet he easily got overpowered by Storm's goddess powers.
So my question is do you'll think Hadari Yao and Phoenix Jean are one the same level?[/QUOTE]
Is the opponent a multiversal or omniversal being?
I wish I had seen more in Coates' run, Hadari Yao vs. Sekafo, him causing a massive distortion, using chaos, and then he was defeated, Hadari Yao using his forces to reverse all distortion, referencing who Hadari is Yao, but I liked it anyway..
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5735521] can we just pause and take a moment to reflect on the one panel that broke the internet!!!
I'm not seeing any lies on this panel lolol
can we just pause and take a moment to reflect on the one panel that broke the internet!!!
I'll never get over posters saying Storm needs to humble herself to Doom and Magneto of all people. It's so ridiculous that I am still struggling how anyone in their right mind could type out such a thing and be serious about it. Lol. So pathetic.
[QUOTE=Saturius;5735564]I'll never get over posters saying Storm needs to humble herself to Doom and Magneto of all people. It's so ridiculous that I am still struggling how anyone in their right mind could type out such a thing and be serious about it. Lol. So pathetic.[/QUOTE]
Some people are afraid of powerful women.
Two new Demon Days covers featuring Storm!
And a variant
Excerpt from one of the reviews for TLA: Wakanda
Well thank you Narcisse -- waiting for Ewing /Ridley to follow along....another hiatus till Sword 8 ugh cant wait!
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5734309]we didn't. just like we ain't come out for sword now its a mess.[/QUOTE]
She hasn't been promoted as the lead in Sword though, not counting people who already read it and so know what her current title is.
Thank you for that thorough breakdown, Mercury. Much appreciated.
[QUOTE=Devaishwarya;5734963]It's always interesting to me that while the characters have clearly moved past and moved on from personal grievances the fans are still stuck toting feelings and resentments, decades later. Assuming Storm and Emma haven't dealt with their past in some manner...how does sitting down and dredging it up now serve any storytelling purpose? Because logically speaking, to get to the point where they're hugging it out over the death of a character they both love and admire means they would have to have come to some easy understanding at least over past transgressions.[/QUOTE]
I just assumed stuff like that happened off panel tbh. If we take into consideration everything that has happened between them since then I think it's a relative safe bet to say that Storm has moved beyond what Emma did to her. But I don't think they'll ever really be friends. Not due to Storm holding any real grudges but just because Emma's personality in general is total opposite to Storm, lol.
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5735521]boom and there it is!!
Like I say, when it comes to me, you get the energy you put out.
yea the event certainly didn't help and the long gaps between each issue really hurts the book.
can we just pause and take a moment to reflect on the one panel that broke the internet!!!
One panel of one line in a whole ass book that wasn't even about her. The power she has. The influence she has. The haters she has.
[QUOTE=Stormy;5735542]if Jean wasn't there, the Guardians would kick Emma lolol
I don't really like this phase of the x-mens, and it was one of the first ones I read lol[/QUOTE]
I mean it's not really all that surprising that Storm's mental defense is too much for Emma. So the snake guardian almost killing her is pretty accurate imo.
[QUOTE=Kitty&Piotr<3;5735904]She hasn't been promoted as the lead in Sword though, not counting people who already read it and so know what her current title is.[/QUOTE]
As far as I'm concerned S.W.O.R.D. is still Brand's book. Storm is just a big name in that book due to the Regent status. If Marvel was REALLY serious about going all out for Storm they'd spring shot off this and give her a solo title that deals with all the Regent stuff and maybe even what it means when your name is known throughout the cosmos.
I suppose they could still do it but damn if they aren't dragging their collective feet.
[QUOTE=pkingdom;5735841]Two new Demon Days covers featuring Storm!
And a variant
Swear I'm serious but in that first cover is that suppose to be a gender swapped Psylocke or is it a new character?
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5735920]Swear I'm serious but in that first cover is that suppose to be a gender swapped Psylocke or is it a new character?[/QUOTE]
Looks like it can be Armour by the looks of the power manifesting. She is Japanese but I'm not sure about the cover it looks conflicting it could be Psylocke.
I'm honestly not sure if its Psylock or Armor tbh.
Storm has been importance-adjacent this entire relaunch. She's on the Council, one of the leaders of Krakoa! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand does almost nothing. Maybe has a few lines reacting to other characters. She helps lead the Marauders! But largely plays second fiddle to Emma. Now she's Queen of Mars! But still hasn't shown up much and is likely being manipulated by Brand.
To put it another way, Storm hasn't had much agency in this relaunch. She'll show up and say something or do a cool thing, but its largely spectacle. She doesn't push plots forward on her own, and instead its characters like Xavier, Magneto, Emma and Beast who have real narrative thrust.
[QUOTE=pkingdom;5735982]I'm honestly not sure if its Psylock or Armor tbh.
Storm has been importance-adjacent this entire relaunch. She's on the Council, one of the leaders of Krakoa! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand does almost nothing. Maybe has a few lines reacting to other characters. She helps lead the Marauders! But largely plays second fiddle to Emma. Now she's Queen of Mars! But still hasn't shown up much and is likely being manipulated by Brand.
To put it another way, Storm hasn't had much agency in this relaunch. She'll show up and say something or do a cool thing, but its largely spectacle. She doesn't push plots forward on her own, and instead its characters like Xavier, Magneto, Emma and Beast who have real narrative thrust.[/QUOTE]
Is it wierd that you just put into words what I have been fearing and feeling but couldn't really articulate because I didn't know how to. You just gave flesh to my subconscious thoughts.
I ain't gonna lie this era has been amazing it gave us official omega status and it gave us a few spectacular feats and storm became queen of Sol. But charachterwise she still feel very unimportant to the big picture and I am still wondering how that even is possible. Like sword is an Abigail brand book, marauders is Kate and Emma and xmen was cyclops and fam now cyclops and Jean, wolverine has 5 solos now xmen unlimited is wolverine extension.
Like storm pops up here and there but generally I hate to say it you could take ororo out of the entire era and the entire story won't really change and a reality warper could easily have conjured up the mars climate and well brand is the voice of Sol when you really think about it.
I had this nagging feeling and I simply couldn't place it. it intensified this week when I read last annihilation wakanda for some reason but became solidified in the sword 11 solicit. STORM IS A TOKEN, AGAIN!
And we are falling for it because she says cool stuff here and There and she has some fancy new titles. But she is still ultimately unimportant. Like you said Emma, beast, cyclops, jean, xavier, magneto, hell even mystique are more important to the mythos than her and are actually doing something storywise yet storm is queen of Sol and ohk? I am really hoping Ewing turns this around but I don't think even he set out to write a storm centric story he set out to write a brand centric story I don't even think storm being in sword was the original intent. If memory serves me right Hickman said covid changed the plans they had for her.
But as at now even as queen of Sol she still feels like a token to the story of mutantkind, the only council member less "useful" to the plot than her is exodus the rest are all making power moves.
But I don't think they actually thought things out with storm being pivotal in any way. And I feel we have been deluding ourselves that they did or they do.
[QUOTE=KLY360;5735959]Looks like it can be Armour by the looks of the power manifesting. She is Japanese but I'm not sure about the cover it looks conflicting it could be Psylocke.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=pkingdom;5735982]I'm honestly not sure if its Psylock or Armor tbh.
Storm has been importance-adjacent this entire relaunch. She's on the Council, one of the leaders of Krakoa! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand does almost nothing. Maybe has a few lines reacting to other characters. She helps lead the Marauders! But largely plays second fiddle to Emma. Now she's Queen of Mars! But still hasn't shown up much and is likely being manipulated by Brand.
To put it another way, Storm hasn't had much agency in this relaunch. She'll show up and say something or do a cool thing, but its largely spectacle. She doesn't push plots forward on her own, and instead its characters like Xavier, Magneto, Emma and Beast who have real narrative thrust.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5736210]Is it wierd that you just put into words what I have been fearing and feeling but couldn't really articulate because I didn't know how to. You just gave flesh to my subconscious thoughts.
I ain't gonna lie this era has been amazing it gave us official omega status and it gave us a few spectacular feats and storm became queen of Sol. But charachterwise she still feel very unimportant to the big picture and I am still wondering how that even is possible. Like sword is an Abigail brand book, marauders is Kate and Emma and xmen was cyclops and fam now cyclops and Jean, wolverine has 5 solos now xmen unlimited is wolverine extension.
Like storm pops up here and there but generally I hate to say it you could take ororo out of the entire era and the entire story won't really change and a reality warper could easily have conjured up the mars climate and well brand is the voice of Sol when you really think about it.
I had this nagging feeling and I simply couldn't place it. it intensified this week when I read last annihilation wakanda for some reason but became solidified in the sword 11 solicit. STORM IS A TOKEN, AGAIN!
And we are falling for it because she says cool stuff here and There and she has some fancy new titles. But she is still ultimately unimportant. Like you said Emma, beast, cyclops, jean, xavier, magneto, hell even mystique are more important to the mythos than her and are actually doing something storywise yet storm is queen of Sol and ohk? I am really hoping Ewing turns this around but I don't think even he set out to write a storm centric story he set out to write a brand centric story I don't even think storm being in sword was the original intent. If memory serves me right Hickman said covid changed the plans they had for her.
But as at now even as queen of Sol she still feels like a token to the story of mutantkind, the only council member less "useful" to the plot than her is exodus the rest are all making power moves.
But I don't think they actually thought things out with storm being pivotal in any way. And I feel we have been deluding ourselves that they did or they do.[/QUOTE]
I'm agreeing with all of this but the optimistic side of me is really hoping they haven't set all this up just to keep Storm a background character.
[QUOTE=Stormy;5735550]I'm not seeing any lies on this panel lolol[/QUOTE]
not one single lie was told lol
[QUOTE=Saturius;5735564]I'll never get over posters saying Storm needs to humble herself to Doom and Magneto of all people. It's so ridiculous that I am still struggling how anyone in their right mind could type out such a thing and be serious about it. Lol. So pathetic.[/QUOTE]
its very pathetic but I think its due to lashing out because the narrative many of those readers posed was she wasn't on the caliber of doom and/or magneto. to now see marvel embrace the alternative position it must be jarring for them. that said, its pathetic but not entirely unexpected lol.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5735910]Thank you for that thorough breakdown, Mercury. Much appreciated.
I just assumed stuff like that happened off panel tbh. If we take into consideration everything that has happened between them since then I think it's a relative safe bet to say that Storm has moved beyond what Emma did to her. But I don't think they'll ever really be friends. Not due to Storm holding any real grudges but just because Emma's personality in general is total opposite to Storm, lol.
One panel of one line in a whole ass book that wasn't even about her. The power she has. The influence she has. The haters she has.
I mean it's not really all that surprising that Storm's mental defense is too much for Emma. So the snake guardian almost killing her is pretty accurate imo.[/QUOTE]
yes yes yes boo. you always stating the facts.
[QUOTE=Kitty&Piotr<3;5735904]She hasn't been promoted as the lead in Sword though, not counting people who already read it and so know what her current title is.[/QUOTE]
thats very true its very much so Abigail so good and fair point
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5736230]I'm agreeing with all of this but the optimistic side of me is really hoping they haven't set all this up just to keep Storm a background character.[/QUOTE]
When I say that the post didn't give me an epiphany then I will be lying. It's like everything just clicked finally why storm gets so few panels of dialogue and is essentially glorified wall paper.
A twitter user once tweeted that we storm fans make big deals over very little and the xoffice has picked up on that so to appease they would throw us bones then go on to tell the story the actually want to tell, I laughed it off before but now it feels a bit too real.
I love that some of us are still optimistic things will change eventually with a future movie release. But now? Nothing in the plot indicates storm would move it in anyway except inherit all the rest their fuck ups. Like the entire era is basically magneto was right and we must see if we can rule the universe. This is ultimately magneto story his era.
I don't know why they didn't just simply give him the crown which is already on his head... The whole regent thing when I think about it coupled with the statements that Hickman said coupled with black lives matter protest last summer suddenly makes storm being in charge very fishy to me.
Like Duggan patting himself on the back for marauders #20 as if he did something worthwhile with storm when marauders was almost as bad as xmen gold in terms of treatment of storm also puts this into perspective.
In COTA she was an exulted mammy all over again. Like aside make a speech how did COTA advance Storm's charachter? The biggest charachter defining moments in this era came from giant size where she says no to resurection yet we don't get to delve deeper into how hypocritical it sounds coming from one who champions the resurected as heroes and announces them like a high priest.
Like best case scenario storm becomes integral to the plot eventually but has to clean up everyone's mess like she is their mammy worst case scenario, well, we are living it, token storm!
Now my obligatory I hope and believe Ewing changes things or does something better statement.
I hear the girls are talking about me on Twitter now. why are some so triggered by my appreciation of storm and only her lolol
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5736298]I hear the girls are talking about me on Twitter now. why are some so triggered by my appreciation of storm and only her lolol[/QUOTE]
Well that's the toxically wonderful thing about Twitter, everyone can say anything with very little repercussions.
yes yes yes boo. you always stating the facts.
[QUOTE=dirtynun;5736286]When I say that the post didn't give me an epiphany then I will be lying. It's like everything just clicked finally why storm gets so few panels of dialogue and is essentially glorified wall paper.
A twitter user once tweeted that we storm fans make big deals over very little and the xoffice has picked up on that so to appease they would throw us bones then go on to tell the story the actually want to tell, I laughed it off before but now it feels a bit too real.
I love that some of us are still optimistic things will change eventually with a future movie release. But now? Nothing in the plot indicates storm would move it in anyway except inherit all the rest their fuck ups. Like the entire era is basically magneto was right and we must see if we can rule the universe. This is ultimately magneto story his era.
I don't know why they didn't just simply give him the crown which is already on his head... The whole regent thing when I think about it coupled with the statements that Hickman said coupled with black lives matter protest last summer suddenly makes storm being in charge very fishy to me.
Like Duggan patting himself on the back for marauders #20 as if he did something worthwhile with storm when marauders was almost as bad as xmen gold in terms of treatment of storm also puts this into perspective.
In COTA she was an exulted mammy all over again. Like aside make a speech how did COTA advance Storm's charachter? The biggest charachter defining moments in this era came from giant size where she says no to resurection yet we don't get to delve deeper into how hypocritical it sounds coming from one who champions the resurected as heroes and announces them like a high priest.
Like best case scenario storm becomes integral to the plot eventually but has to clean up everyone's mess like she is their mammy worst case scenario, well, we are living it, token storm!
Now my obligatory I hope and believe Ewing changes things or does something better statement.[/QUOTE]
All facts. I'll be honest, all my eggs are in Ewing's basket. If he drops the ball here then I think I'll be taking a break from the X-Men.
[QUOTE=Subliminally;5736350]Well that's the toxically wonderful thing about Twitter, everyone can say anything with very little repercussions.
All facts. I'll be honest, all my eggs are in Ewing's basket. If he drops the ball here then I think I'll be taking a break from the X-Men.[/QUOTE]
oh I don't mind its actually quite hilarious that my post here and abroad have so many fandoms triggered.
at any rate you loves have a great weekend!
[QUOTE=butterflykyss;5736298]I hear the girls are talking about me on Twitter now. why are some so triggered by my appreciation of storm and only her lolol[/QUOTE]
Mercury speaking as if she were Storm's best fan, the most correct one, lmfao
[QUOTE=Stormy;5736374]Mercury speaking as if she were Storm's best fan, the most correct one, lmfao[/QUOTE]
oh I see you saw it too lolol the hilarity of it all lol