[QUOTE=Houseofhick;5465868]I don't like Morrison's X-Men but many people love it and I am fine with that. It doesn't matter what other people think because if you like it then that is all that matters.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, i was not talking about them not liking it. That is perfectly fine. I am regarding the way people complain and use hyperbole as a means of criticism. It makes discussing these things an exercise in futility as it becomes more about just being right or wrong rather than trying to have an understanding of where one another are coming from. This frustrates me to no end with most fandoms but with xmen i feel that the soul of the xmen is about bringing in new people to the fold. By just trashing morrison or hickman or whoever you set the stage of gatekeeping why this xmen is inferior to that of previous iterations. Its gatekeeping at its worst but at the very least it detracts from having any critical analysis of the work because it just leads to no one listening to what the other is really trying to express as we get so caught up in our personal views that all else just falls to the wayside.
[QUOTE=Cane_danko;5465757]Naysayers. Lots and lots of naysayers. If you think the xmen have not been good since claremont i really question the validity of your familiarization with the xmen since his time was over. I get not liking a run. There have been many i have not liked. The level of negativity expressed through some of your posts though comes across as pretentious i am sorry to say.[/QUOTE]
I just said that I liked past runs on X-men
Claremont realy build the x-men. There is good runs after him, but I feels like the franchise turned to be the opposite of what he was doing[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Rang10;5465880]I just said that I liked past runs on X-men[/QUOTE]
Okay. Fair enough. I feel the opposite though. If anything, claremont went with his own vision in regards to the original xmen. As well as he should have, seeing as how he catapulted the xmen to be the most successful comic in the industry. That being said, he still kept the basis of what the xmen were about and went from there. Hickman is no different. If anything, i would argue hickman is even better at doing so as so much of claremont’s work is just a product of the times and a lot of it is outdated.
[QUOTE=Cane_danko;5465823]Though, tbf, i think a lot of it is probably they do not know how to pinpoint what it is they don’t like about it.[/QUOTE]
For my part, I do. The same as Agent Grayson:
[QUOTE=Agent Grayson;5464954]However, none of this really lands for me because these simply aren't the characters I know and love.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Cane_danko;5465836]Yeah, i am aware his work is regarded as a critical success. It just bums me when people just trashing him without giving him a fair chance. Like yeah not 100% of the issues have been brilliant, but do you really want something that just gives us fan service every month without doing anything new with the xmen? I dunno maybe i am just being to hard on people[/QUOTE]
Of course I gave him a chance and then e blew out all of them.
[QUOTE=Zelena;5465939]For my part, I do. The same as Agent Grayson:[/QUOTE]
People point out many reasons: slow pace, characters acting completely different and strange, cynicals takes on x-men/race/humanity
For anyone curious, I found that interview I mentioned before. [url]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExIDuiPXAAMQWo8?format=jpg&name=medium[/url]
[QUOTE=pkingdom;5466637]For anyone curious, I found that interview I mentioned before. [url]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExIDuiPXAAMQWo8?format=jpg&name=medium[/url][/QUOTE]
What is that from?
Also, to expand on my previous post in this thread, I think the X-Men now are the best they've been in 20+ years. I'm not saying there weren't good runs in between that time as I thought messiah complex was great as well but not quite to this level. I think when it's all said and done Hickman will have written my favorite run on 616 X-Men.
Side note, nothing will ever top the Millar run on Ultimate X-Men for me, Remender tied it with Uncanny X-Force and Hickman may end up tying it as well but I'm not sure about that yet.
I've enjoyed the whole concept of the mutants on Krakoa, I look forward to more contact with the outside world though.
[QUOTE=Cane_danko;5465823]No, because honestly, i should not have said it. I am just getting annoyed at the constant negativity i see about hickman. It would be different if i felt people were coming from an honest place with their criticism. Though, tbf, i think a lot of it is probably they do not know how to pinpoint what it is they don’t like about it. The constant gaslighting and hyperbole i see thrown around just gets me riled up and for that i am at fault.[/QUOTE]
You got to take these forums for that they are. A piece of advice I'm still working on.
I have seen many good posts with a lot of technical critique. Posts that never leads into any actual discussion. Instead it's some part of that post that gets quoted and the rest gets forgotten. If the post gets quoted at all that is.
The same for many threads where someone just posts "I liked it". These are not the posts that seemingly drives this forum.
If you where to do actual statistic on who and how many that posts then you would get a more accurate picture of what is happening.
Yeah, according to this forum Wolverine is the least popular X-man, so you’ve got to take all the negativity with a grain of salt. It’s not necessarily reflective of fandom as a whole, but rather a niche segment of it. So definitely take these forums for what they are. I enjoy them, but don’t see them as a barometer for what sells honestly.
[QUOTE=Cane_danko;5465823]No, because honestly, i should not have said it. I am just getting annoyed at the constant negativity i see about hickman. It would be different if i felt people were coming from an honest place with their criticism. Though, tbf, i think a lot of it is probably they do not know how to pinpoint what it is they don’t like about it. The constant gaslighting and hyperbole i see thrown around just gets me riled up and for that i am at fault.[/QUOTE]
I can definitely relate in that I loved the teenage all new xmen and it seemed negativity was in every thread.
But this thread is specifically asking about a report card in our opinion this far into hickma:
Run. Probably one of the lest threads to decide and point out the naysayers (which i do agree there are many in general on the board. Like, If I don’t like something, I don’t post about it. In general. But this thread kinda is asking for it.)
Well, this era of X-Men has demotivated me so much that I hadn't posted anything in months. I appreciate that there's many on here who are loving this run, I'm happy for them, and I'm not even saying that these are [I]bad[/I] comics exactly... but at least with bad comics ([I]Red, Rosenberg Uncanny[/I]) I could get a laugh. There's no excuse for the pacing, plot over characters, too many books, decisions that I just don't agree with.
[QUOTE=Hizashi;5467229]Well, this era of X-Men has demotivated me so much that I hadn't posted anything in months. I appreciate that there's many on here who are loving this run, I'm happy for them, and I'm not even saying that these are [I]bad[/I] comics exactly... but at least with bad comics ([I]Red, Rosenberg Uncanny[/I]) I could get a laugh. There's no excuse for the pacing, plot over characters, too many books, decisions that I just don't agree with.[/QUOTE]
That is actually a well thought out and honest response.
It started off good with some interesting ideas but now it feels like it's stalling. An idea will be introduced only instead of looking at it more it will be skipped over for something else only to come back to it much later.
House of X/Powers of X was too good of an opening salvo. I didn't agree with a lot of it but not many can deny that it wasn't bold and invigorating. But nothing since has reached those highs. Just varying degrees of mediocrity with a few blips of greatness. He needs to get it together. I feel like we are treating water and not enough interesting things are happening. The movement needs to get better.