[QUOTE=Zelena;5507812]How easy do you think it’s to change a personality? I’m still the person I was ten, twenty years ago. Small modifications there and there but nothing life shattering. People are reluctant to change, even when they should… A change so complete is not convincing. Easier to think that the writer has nothing understood of Xavier’s personality or he doesn’t care.[/QUOTE]
I would say you are the exception if you are the same person you were twenty years ago. Most people have changed dramatically whether it be for better or worse. Some have changed religions, realized their sexuality, developed different political beliefs, etc. What makes xavier an extreme case in why he has changed is moira and the fact he was able to absorb the knowledge of her past lives. This would shake anyone to their core and make them second guess every pre-conception they ever had. Not only that, in forming krakoa, he has had to modify his dream to encompass all mutants, instead of a select few who will just blindly follow him. Even before hickman, if you stick with just the 80’s and the claremont era, xavier goes through radical shifts in paradigm. All of the xmen do. This is just how people are. We grow or we regress but we rarely stay the same. Time moves forward and our experiences changes us for better or worse.
[QUOTE=Zelena;5507817]Laws based on nationality not race.[/QUOTE]
krakoan laws are based on nationality.. all mutants on krakoa are krakoan just like citizens of america are american. there are krakoans of all races so the accusation doesn't fit. it would fit more if they let people with powers in despite being human or mutant because it would them show discrimination against a particular branch of humanity.
[QUOTE=Cane_danko;5507827]I would say you are the exception if you are the same person you were twenty years ago. Most people have changed dramatically whether it be for better or worse. Some have changed religions, realized their sexuality, developed different political beliefs, etc. [B]What makes xavier an extreme case in why he has changed is moira [/B]and the fact he was able to absorb the knowledge of her past lives. This would shake anyone to their core and make them second guess every pre-conception they ever had. Not only that, in forming krakoa, he has had to modify his dream to encompass all mutants, instead of a select few who will just blindly follow him. Even before hickman, if you stick with just the 80’s and the claremont era, xavier goes through radical shifts in paradigm. All of the xmen do. This is just how people are. We grow or we regress but we rarely stay the same. Time moves forward and our experiences changes us for better or worse.[/QUOTE]
I agree that real people change. Fictional characters tend to be a bit more rigid.
Xaviers path was always messy, mostly because it usually came in revelations of things that he had done, possibly contrary to his teachings. That bolded is quite mess all by itself. It requires us to have some notion of Xavier having a dream and everything he has done has been to promote that dream, but according to this he may as well never had the dream because the Xavier we believe we have been reading about was already radicalized, so everything he did was a lie? All those different paths he took were motivated by what? There was always some long game they were playing. But all of those things that changed him over the years, and the one thing he never veered from was the thing that was most distant?
[QUOTE=jwatson;5507830]krakoan laws are based on nationality.. all mutants on krakoa are krakoan just like citizens of america are american. there are krakoans of all races so the accusation doesn't fit. it would fit more if they let people with powers in despite being human or mutant because it would them show discrimination against a particular branch of humanity.[/QUOTE]
I don’t think that humans are allowed to be citizens of Krakoa…
People seem to forget Xavier has thousand of years of knowledge. If someone keeps blowing up your house and no one does anything, wouldn't you move. If someone kept kidnapping your children and no one did anything wouldn't you find a way to protect them. It seems a lot of the constants people adhere to they don't insert any variable information. It's easy to remain the same person for 30 or 40 years when you aren't being attacked whenever you find a semblance of peace. Wouldn't you create a safe place for yourself if there was no other safe place for you in the world. It seems a lot of the arguments lack logic and are all "this is what i feel, and this is what i'm use to" but there is no substance to it, everything links back to but this is what they use to be like. "ok?"" You saw over 50 years of what led them to the decision, they remember all of it, so go back and read the issues, should it be repackaged every time someone is telling a story. What more reason does one need to see Xavier had enough and so have mutants. Just read rosenburg crappy runs that shows when ever mutants are down they will be attacked so humans will keep them down until they can get rid of them.
[QUOTE=Zelena;5507849]I don’t think that humans are allowed to be citizens of Krakoa…[/QUOTE]
And mutants are humans so that is an untruth in itself. Though there are laws in the main mu that restrict super powered people. By that logic the main mu is racist and it's heroes support racism every time they want to create a law that impedes on the rights of their powered individuals.
And where are the bans on tech as well. Tchalla, Val, Reed, Doom, Tony Stark, all humans, are far more dangerous than 90% of the mutant population. I would be more scared of them and other smart humans in the marvel world than mutants. Why aren't human ever targeted by these "protection" laws.
Heck thinking about it, Val is so dangerous she created a forever gate that anyone, from anytime, any dimension, and world, can just waltz through and attack earth.
another edit because my mind thought more. lol. I wonder if it would be more acceptable if Xavier was playing a more sinister game. Like a good lawyer could totally rip some of these marvel laws apart. Like when you say super powered what do you mean. I could make the argument someone who has a high intellect is super powered, or someone who ran run 10 mph faster than such and such. They could be playing the propaganda game and ruining lives while advancing their own agenda. A singer who can hit "out of these world notes" she must be powered. Unless specifically it says x-gene somewhere in there.
Why would Krakoa be expected to just open their borders for everyone/anyone? Especially given the animousity towards mutants?
Like any real-world nation...a human/person cannot just show up and announce they want to be a citizen.
That said...
Humans are allowed. As set by the precedent of Jean-Paul's husband Kyle.
Is there a central theme going on in Hickman's X-books. I know he gives individual writers free reign and he had more complete control in previous storylines. He basically wrote all the FF and Avengers stuff but is there a theme. Hindsight looking back everything in Avengers and even further back Fantastic Four led directly into Secret War. There was a plan to it. I am buying most of but not currently caught up with most of the X-titles right now do you sense a central plan going on? The Gala is a big event tie in to everything but is this whole thing going somewhere or is Hickman just basically doing X-men and everyone else is doing there books? Is there like a semi-annual summit to make sure storylines don't contradict but otherwise free rein or is it, do what you want but you need to be at this point in one year because A,B,C & D.
[quote]And where are the bans on tech as well. Tchalla, Val, Reed, Doom, Tony Stark, all humans, are far more dangerous than 90% of the mutant population. I would be more scared of them and other smart humans in the marvel world than mutants. [B]Why aren't human ever targeted by these "protection" laws.[/B][/quote]
Or for something more recent
Or for something more recent
Those are both still targeting super powered individuals. Where are the laws to stop the baseline geniuses that can create novissimo, or grenades that can stun whole blocks, or can create serums to poison people or radioactive spiders to bite people and turn them into spiders. Where are the laws regulating them. Why can't an average everyday, normal IQ person feel safe. W hat if i walk in an alley one night and am turned into the hulk by another human.
The only baseline genius in 616 was the guy who made Punisher's stuff. ;)
[QUOTE=Triniking1234;5508279]The only baseline genius in 616 was the guy who made Punisher's stuff. ;)[/QUOTE]
I just don't understand why Johnny Bravo can't be safe in the marvel universe. Where are the laws? Now that mutants are off the map for testing that makes characters like him prime real estate but they too busy going after the chillin'. When is it going to stop.
[QUOTE=EmeraldGladiator;5508161]Is there a central theme going on in Hickman's X-books. I know he gives individual writers free reign and he had more complete control in previous storylines. He basically wrote all the FF and Avengers stuff but is there a theme. Hindsight looking back everything in Avengers and even further back Fantastic Four led directly into Secret War. There was a plan to it. I am buying most of but not currently caught up with most of the X-titles right now do you sense a central plan going on? The Gala is a big event tie in to everything but is this whole thing going somewhere or is Hickman just basically doing X-men and everyone else is doing there books? Is there like a semi-annual summit to make sure storylines don't contradict but otherwise free rein or is it, do what you want but you need to be at this point in one year because A,B,C & D.[/QUOTE]
The writers are always comunicating via Zoom.
each writer is doing their own issues of the gala event
I'm bored with the Hickman era of X-Men. The characters don't seem like they have teh same kind of personality that they used to have. They're very flat, that cardboard cut outs.
I'm not a fan of the Jean, Cyclops, Wolverine open relationship either. It seems like it emasculates Cyclops to me and Jean comes off selffish like she just using Cyclops and Wolverine.
I hate the old Marvel girl costume.
And my biggest beef is who are the villians? Vampires, the Russians, little kids and a group of old ladies. If heros are only as good as their villians maybe this is why the X-Men suck now.
The whole X-Men part of the Marvel universe is very bland.
[QUOTE=Zelena;5507849]I don’t think that humans are allowed to be citizens of Krakoa…[/QUOTE]
Hard to say.
Some, like Kyle, Northstar's husband, clearly live on the island full-time (although he's said to take a Krakoan gate to 'commute' to work, elsewhere).
Is he a citizen? On a sort of guest-visa? Who knows. Does Krakoa even have visas or passports or official citizenship records? When you visit, does some Krakoan stamp your passport? When a Krakoan officially visits another country, does their passport get stamped? (Officially visit, as in, actually bother to check in like a citizen of any other country and not just teleport or fly in and do whatever the hell they want and then just leave, as if they somehow owned the entire planet.)