[QUOTE=Kingdom X;5458507]I’m really surprised that people are against the larger number of books because one of the main complaints I heard before this era was, [B]“My fave isn’t even showing up in the books so I don’t care.” [/B]So many different mutants are at least getting a chance to shine. If they were somehow able to have 5 to 6 titles with huge team lineups that didn’t crumble under the pressure of balancing the casts then I’d be down for that. I will say that having a lot of books can be a financial burden and I totally empathize (and deal with) that.[/QUOTE]
And that (the bolded) is just one of the main reasons why the line as a whole seems to be failing (in this covid-era, nothing is going to sell as consistently high as they were before...and things were looking dismal even before Covid-2020).
From the threads here and elsewhere it seems as though the majority of fans are only invested in their personal favourites. If Jean is in a book, then the Jean-fans are buying, regardless if the book is mediocre or less than. Same with the Storm fans, the Scott fans etc...today's readers seem hardly interested in ALL the Mutants' Story as a whole. And that's just sad.
I have my personal favourites (plural) but I also love and am invested in how HiX-Man and Co. are pushing the [I][B]entire[/B][/I] X-franchise and where this era is going.
I've been batting around with the argument on why all the X-men are okay with simply living on Krakoa I did and still do expect to see some opposition of main stay character. Being concerned and expressing even a possible distrust of Krakoa, sure the COTA kids and Nightcrawler have expressed some concern but I mean more of mutant leadership. Then again during the Utopia era all of the remaining mutants in the world were willing to live under Cyclops leadership so there is a precedence. I thought even back then with only 198 or 200 mutants left would everyone really be willing to locate to one spot where they could be attacked, moreover there were no other voices of leadership during that era expect for Cyclops until Schism.
So I'm willing to suspend disbelief for at least until we see a little more.
Fallen off a cliff for me. HoXPoX was good and interesting, but X of Swords was guff and all the set-up issues with no follow-up just lost me. The over-reliance on death and resurrection may well be heading somewhere like all its fans say it is and I'm happy they're happy, but it's boiling my urine.
Sticking with Hellions and X-Factor (and I enjoyed Juggernaut) but I'm not getting value for money from other issues (like those Giant Size ones where fat fuck all happened for a fiver a pop) so I'm not gonna waste my money on them.
[QUOTE=Celestialbodies;5460422]I've been batting around with the argument on why all the X-men are okay with simply living on Krakoa I did and still do expect to see some opposition of main stay character. Being concerned and expressing even a possible distrust of Krakoa, sure the COTA kids and Nightcrawler have expressed some concern but I mean more of mutant leadership. Then again during the Utopia era all of the remaining mutants in the world were willing to live under Cyclops leadership so there is a precedence. I thought even back then with only 198 or 200 mutants left would everyone really be willing to locate to one spot where they could be attacked, moreover there were no other voices of leadership during that era expect for Cyclops until Schism.
So I'm willing to suspend disbelief for at least until we see a little more.[/QUOTE]
198 to millions is a really giant difference. Specially when Xavier and Magneto haven't been any trustworth lately
I'm one of the Designated Curmudgeons on this board, so might as well share my expected two cents: its not good and it never was. If you got invested because you were super interested in HoXPoX, then you're probably disappointed. Despite so many stories being churned out, it feels like nothing much has actually happened. HoXPoX looked like there was some kind of epic plot going on and building up to SOMETHING happening, and then pretty much nothing. The only plot beat that got focus was Apocalypse, and X of Swords was a dumpster fire. So many plot points that seem important just get dropped for months. Remember when Beast committed genocide? When a group of old ladies were able to hack their super secure gates and tech? Does any of that matter?
If you like X men for the characters, then you're probably disappointed because nobody is acting like themselves, with the possible exception of Gabby, of all people. Nothing has happened organically, and instead we're constantly being told what's going on with less enthusiasm than the average Cracked.com list. And yet we keep getting more and more books with no indication what actually matters to the ongoing plot.
HoXPoX was overflowing with cynical storytelling with nasty implications, and I've seen nothing that shows that the writers are either capable of or intending to address any of that. Instead we're getting 12 issues of a rich people party. Yay.
[QUOTE=pkingdom;5461441]I'm one of the Designated Curmudgeons on this board, so might as well share my expected two cents: its not good and it never was. If you got invested because you were super interested in HoXPoX, then you're probably disappointed. Despite so many stories being churned out, it feels like nothing much has actually happened. HoXPoX looked like there was some kind of epic plot going on and building up to SOMETHING happening, and then pretty much nothing. The only plot beat that got focus was Apocalypse, and X of Swords was a dumpster fire. So many plot points that seem important just get dropped for months. Remember when Beast committed genocide? When a group of old ladies were able to hack their super secure gates and tech? Does any of that matter?
If you like X men for the characters, then you're probably disappointed because nobody is acting like themselves, with the possible exception of Gabby, of all people. Nothing has happened organically, and instead we're constantly being told what's going on with less enthusiasm than the average Cracked.com list. And yet we keep getting more and more books with no indication what actually matters to the ongoing plot.
HoXPoX was overflowing with cynical storytelling with nasty implications, and I've seen nothing that shows that the writers are either capable of or intending to address any of that. Instead we're getting 12 issues of a rich people party. Yay.[/QUOTE]
I know we differ on our opinions with a lot of things, but that Cracked.com joke has me dying. Genuinely hope whatever comes next is more to your liking.
X-Men #19 brought the ruckus!
I am back on board baybee!
I wish Hickman wrote more; now I know what George R.R. fans feel like and they've been waiting years for new stuff
[QUOTE=Kingdom X;5461535]I know we differ on our opinions with a lot of things, but that Cracked.com joke has me dying. Genuinely hope whatever comes next is more to your liking.[/QUOTE]
Hah, no joke, the first time I ever heard about some of the dumber X men plots like Cyclops and Emma making out on Jean's grave, it was because of Cracked.com
HoX/PoX was good, but ever since then the books haven't interesting or worth my time(X of Swords was the breaking point). These days I'm only interested in the Wolverine books and X-Force.
[QUOTE=charliehustle415;5461571]X-Men #19 brought the ruckus!
I am back on board baybee!
I wish Hickman wrote more; now I know what George R.R. fans feel like and they've been waiting years for new stuff[/QUOTE]
I think he had to do a lot of world building but not so much anymore. Upcoming issues have Nimrod and then the new XMen team, so seems things are moving along.
I get the impression that at the end of Reign of X, we'll be halfway into Hickman's run. Maybe his XMEN run will be 50 issues?
[QUOTE=RamaBird;5461850]I think he had to do a lot of world building but not so much anymore. Upcoming issues have Nimrod and then the new XMen team, so seems things are moving along.
I get the impression that at the end of Reign of X, we'll be halfway into Hickman's run. Maybe his XMEN run will be 50 issues?[/QUOTE]
Yeah I think so too, I don't know if Hickman ever wrote a title longer than 50ish issues
I am totally up for high drama all of the time
[QUOTE=yogaflame;5457178]Claremont's first run is easily still the best. Right out of the gate(HOX/POX) it looked like Hickman was going to easily supplant Morrison for #2, but considering he's written more issues at this point with less overall impact[than Morrison], I think the New/X-treme Era is still firmly #2. I'm not sure Hickman can recover at this point, but I'll keep my eyes open to see what else he can bring to the table.[/QUOTE]
Personally, I can't stand the Morrison run but I am curious why you feel his run had more of an impact?
haha it's kind of cool Hickman stuff is already expanding in the outside MU. That new Manthing story has Hodleculture in it and gives one of them some family.
The Reign of X era is probably the most interesting the X-men have been in a long time.
His run on X-men is more an acquired taste.
Personally, I'm super not invested in what Hickman himself is doing. But several of the side books I'm enjoying for how they kinda stand as "How these groups of mutants view krakoa"
Like I really enjoy S.W.O.R.D., Hellions and New Mutants. X-factor would be in the same boat if I liked its art better.
I an somewhat annoyed by the constant "here's another stick of dynamite to the pile" that a lot of books do this era though.