[QUOTE=Journey;5468722]Gods don't get crushed by humans & robots on a regular basis. These people stay dying & cloning.[/QUOTE]
Look at what they've done!
No more
No more
No more
House of X 1
Magneto "You have new gods now."
I’m probably in the minority but I have heen immensely enjoying the Hickman era so far (buying more titles than I have in a long long time). I am loving take on X-Men and the place of mutants in the MU society as a whole.
[QUOTE=Wind Rider;5468774]I’m probably in the minority but I have heen immensely enjoying the Hickman era so far (buying more titles than I have in a long long time). I am loving take on X-Men and the place of mutants in the MU society as a whole.[/QUOTE]
Majority actually. Its revitalized the franchise and lit a fire in readership across the internet.
well.... less so here.
[QUOTE=Wind Rider;5468774]I’m probably in the minority but I have heen immensely enjoying the Hickman era so far (buying more titles than I have in a long long time). I am loving take on X-Men and the place of mutants in the MU society as a whole.[/QUOTE]
I would say you are in a majority here. Though no one can say how it reflects in the actualy reader-/buyership, or on a casual audience.
[QUOTE=Fokken;5468783]Majority actually. Its revitalized the franchise and lit a fire in readership across the internet.
well.... less so here.[/QUOTE]
It created a lot to talk and speculate about, which is definetly still going on, though the revitalization of general interest (outside discussion boards and media) seems to have been temporary, since the last sales data showed a general decrease since Hox/Pox which can't just be linked to the pandemic.
So this direction might slowly decline. At least in single issue sales. But interest and attention still are generaly high. Which makes it difficult to pinpoint the overall state of the current X-men comics.
However i can't say that this forum is a hotspot for negativity. Most reactions i see to the various books here are positive to excited, with smaller amount of people being directly negative or just critical of the direction or quality of individual books at the moment.
Being positive or supportive for this direction should be just as acceptable as being negative or critical, as long as nobody is being a jerk, considering these comics are an artistic medium ripe for subjective views.
[QUOTE=Fokken;5468783]Majority actually. Its revitalized the franchise and lit a fire in readership across the internet.
well.... less so here.[/QUOTE]
Yeah across the twitter, not so much on actual sales
Here I think it is very explit, like 60% like and 40% dislike. This post should have been a poll
[QUOTE=Rang10;5468845]Yeah across the twitter, not so much on actual sales
Here I think it is very explit, like 60% like and 40% dislike. This post should have been a poll[/QUOTE]
How can it be representative? Most of people who didn’t think Hickman’s run interesting have stopped reading it a long time ago and stopped writing on this thread.
[QUOTE=Grunty;5468698]I also find it somewhat problematic for the mutant metaphor, given that millions of people around the world are suffering and dying daily because of various horrible circumstances from persecution, armed conflicts, or industrial exploitation. Compared to that, do mutants deserve more attention and special treatment than all the normal humans suffering, because the mutants have super powers and the others don't?[/QUOTE]
It was how I understood the “protect a world that feared and hated them”. The focus was made on the heroic attitude: ”our life is not easy, people don’t make it easy for us and still, we think about others, everybody, good or bad. We don’t make judgement”. It has shifted to “the world fears and hates us”. It’s about them now and only them.
It also makes some of Xavier's words from one of these pages posted somewhat problematic in my opinion:
Xavier: "They've murdered so many of us, the world has grown used to it." "This is just... how things are for... those people. Mutants."
Excuse me, but isn't that how things are for many humans since the dawn of mankind?
Does Xavier really believe normal humans aren't suffering just as much if not more on a much grander scale than mutants? Is he ignoring all the people persecuted for their appearance, sexuality or culture? [/QUOTE]
It’s so out of character for Xavier, it has never been his belief. It just comes out of the blue. A change so radical without an explanation…
I don't think Xavier is under the impression that others aren't suffering for who they are. But nobody in the Marvel universe prioritizes mutants to the point where they pretty much have to look out for themselves. The response to the mutants carving out their one corner in the world was for ORCHIS to reactivate some murder bots and keep on that path when Mother Mold went into instant "KILL ALL THE MONKEYS" mode as soon as she woke up.
The mutants prioritizing themselves when nobody else will, at least while they try to get their own shit together before they can worry about anyone else, is sensible.
Xavier has even said he hasn't given up on the dream, but he isn't going to be a naive martyr anymore either.
I think its problematic for people to judge and criticize any minority group for prioritizing helping the group they belong to. If Xavier wants to focus his efforts on helping his persecuted people, why is that an issue or problem for anyone? He isnt doing it at the expense of anyone. Its not like he's taking away from non-mutants or persecuting, conquering and/or killing them in order to elevate mutants
I think the X-men are able to do now more than they did as full time superheros, they can address different situations and not only what a regular super hero would need to deal with on a daily basis and that´s something that can be explored during this era. Now they don´t only fight bad guys, they can give refuge, give medicine for almost any sickness, they can help on the local level which leaves a better impression than fighting sentinels and leaving behind all the rubble for someone else to pick up. I think we only need to see a little more of this.
[QUOTE=Havok83;5468943]I think its problematic for people to judge and criticize any minority group for prioritizing helping the group they belong to. If Xavier wants to focus his efforts on helping his persecuted people, why is that an issue or problem for anyone? He isnt doing it at the expense of anyone. Its not like he's taking away from non-mutants or persecuting, conquering and/or killing them in order to elevate mutants[/QUOTE]
The greatest tragedies of our world came from divisions.
And now former heroes in a comic support them, consider them as normal…
It’s a paradigm shift.
[QUOTE=SiegePerilous02;5468928]I don't think Xavier is under the impression that others aren't suffering for who they are. But nobody in the Marvel universe prioritizes mutants to the point where they pretty much have to look out for themselves. The response to the mutants carving out their one corner in the world was for ORCHIS to reactivate some murder bots and keep on that path when Mother Mold went into instant "KILL ALL THE MONKEYS" mode as soon as she woke up.[/QUOTE]
Good points.
But i still argue the narration can make it SOUNDS like he is very single minded on the victimhood of mutants to the point of appearing both ignorant to the suffering of other humans and to the crimes and murders commited by mutants.
Apcoalypse has caused untold suffering and countless deaths over the centuries in his believe to be right to do so and the X-men know of alternate universes and futures in which Apcoalypse succeeded and killed even more (Cable's future, AOA, etc.). Those aren't extreme circumstances. That's what Apocalypse does when he gets his chance and he does it with glee.
Yet Xavier isn't despairing over how many normal human deaths and suffering were caused at the hand of just this mutant alone. No he welcomes this mutant to Krakoa and brings him to an international summit where he openly declares he caused the bronze age collapse which again involved direct and indirect death of countless human lifes at his actions.
Not to forget all the other mutants who murdered and done worse to other humans without second thoughts. Welcomed to Krakoa. An act of realpolitik or to keep them secure on Krakoa i admit, but still just as guilty of creating suffering to everyone as much as unpowered humans caused to mutants.
But how many mutants have normal humans killed?
Until the destruction of Genosha, the largest massacre of mutants was that of the Morlocks. But it wasn't humans who did it, it were other mutants, at the command of a man who himself caused even more deaths of mutants via horrible experiments. Where is that man now? On the Council fo Krakoa. Invited by Xavier for his knowledge he gained via the suffering of mutants.
And Genosha itself? The biggest death toll of mutants in history? Who did that? A normal human? No an alien being directly related to Xavier himself.
And the next big moment of suffering described? The one million mutants losing their X-genes? Was that a normal human? No, it was a meta human, who at the time believed herself to be a mutant, because of the man who believed himself to be her father and tried to indoctrinate her on his "mutant above all else" ideology, which harmed her for years afterwards and was part of the madness which caused her to depower mutants. It wasn't anti-mutant ideology which caused Decimation, it was the mutant superiority ideology of Magneto. A man now standing side by side with Xavier and organizing his mutant nation.
Why is Xavier seemingly only blaming normal humans for the suffering of mutantkind, when both have suffered under the same outside and inside influences and mutants have harmed normal humans just as much if not more?
Not to say his reaction isn't understandable, but from an objective point this one sided perspective and blaming towards their situation seems partial ignorant to me.
I can also understand him blaming normal humans on a constant smaller scale harm towards mutants though. Because that's where the mutant metaphor still fits. Though it ignores aspects like micro-agression and positiv discrimination in favor of blunt scenes of direct images.
However in the context of what Hox/Pox eventualy revealed about Moira X it also makes sense for him to act this way in the overall story. She broke him by showing him several lifes in which mutants were wiped out at the hand of normal humans and the machines they created. Creating a prioritized image of who he should perceive as their greatest enemy. How convinient though that all these memories can never be proven to be true, but are so well designed to break Xavier's resolve for his original plans.
And that's where i become skeptic of what ever this narration is meant to be blindly accepted by us readers or questioned. Perhaps i just prefer the later because it seems more interesting for me to discuss.
Also i give you that ORCHIS are definetly a major enemy that needed to be fought and stopped at any cost, not just for the harm they can do to mutantkind but mankind as a whole. Though i was under the impression they aimed to eradicate all mutants because of the general fear of their returning numbers, rather than just because of Krakoa (i should reread Hox/Pox i guess).
[QUOTE=SiegePerilous02;5468928]The mutants prioritizing themselves when nobody else will, at least while they try to get their own shit together before they can worry about anyone else, is sensible.[/QUOTE]
Also true, i just question the rethoric they display.
[QUOTE=SiegePerilous02;5468928]Xavier has even said he hasn't given up on the dream, but he isn't going to be a naive martyr anymore either.[/QUOTE]
Again i'm skeptic here, because that's what he said officialy. In a summit where he pressured the major nations into basicly letting Krakoa be for their benefit and to avoid a major war with a nation full of super powered beings, one who openly just declared having caused countless death and suffering of people.
We also never get much of his inner thoughts or know what his endgame is.
Though him smiling towards Cyclops declaring he restarts the X-men leaves it ambigious to me how much he believes what he is doing to be the right thing and leaving the door open for others to stop him should he be wrong.
[QUOTE=Havok83;5468943]I think its problematic for people to judge and criticize any minority group for prioritizing helping the group they belong to. If Xavier wants to focus his efforts on helping his persecuted people, why is that an issue or problem for anyone? He isnt doing it at the expense of anyone. Its not like he's taking away from non-mutants or persecuting, conquering and/or killing them in order to elevate mutants[/QUOTE]
They aren't "just" any minority group though. They are a minority group of super powered people, with the largest collective of super heros and villains on Earth.
It's akin to a persecuted minority of people who also sit on a massive nuclear arsenal and have some of the best trained soldiers in the world. So their actions, plans and motivations become a lot more loaded and need to be considered with more care than just those of "any" minority who fight for their own place and acceptance in the world.
Especialy when said group now contains various megalomaniacs and their leader who wants to improve their situation has been manipulated by woman who claims to have reset the universe 9 times because his people will always get annihilated by normal humans.
The "species" and superiority rethoric isn't helping.
[QUOTE=Zelena;5468992]The greatest tragedies of our world came from divisions.
And now former heroes in a comic support them, consider them as normal…
It’s a paradigm shift.[/QUOTE]
Im not sure I get your stance....
[QUOTE=Havok83;5468943]I think its problematic for people to judge and criticize any minority group for prioritizing helping the group they belong to. If Xavier wants to focus his efforts on helping his persecuted people, why is that an issue or problem for anyone? He isnt doing it at the expense of anyone. Its not like he's taking away from non-mutants or persecuting, conquering and/or killing them in order to elevate mutants[/QUOTE]
I think X-men are right to prioritizing mutants. What they aren't right is use derrogatory terms against humans
[QUOTE=Rang10;5469020]I think X-men are right to prioritizing mutants. What they aren't right is use derrogatory terms against humans[/QUOTE]
Like what?