Jamie, since you're a Hickie fan, can I ask you how did he conclude his Avengers run?
Did he leave them changed or wiped the board clean after everything he did and basically left them in the same state as he had found them?
[QUOTE=zvrk;5455791]Jamie, since you're a Hickie fan, can I ask you how did he conclude his Avengers run?
Did he leave them changed or wiped the board clean after everything he did and basically left them in the same state as he had found them?[/QUOTE]
He just wiped them clean, really clean.
Hickmans said he plans to "put all the toys back" when his run on X-Men ends too so he may use the Moira stuff to basically clean slate again to some extent
[QUOTE=Kingdom X;5455088]The pandemic break really hurt momentum. Then Empyre: X-Men was pretty forgettable and IMO X of Swords was overextended.[/QUOTE]
None of these were covid fault, they were badly written. They were too confient that anything that they write people gonna praise
I liked House of X, it was intriguing and thought provoking. Several characters had changed in interesting ways. But after that, nothing really interesting has happened. The characters haven’t evolved since those first few issues.
I think Hickman is one of the worst writers of the new era. Way too much exposition. All tell, and no show. He spent several issues having characters talk and talk and talk just so he could introduce the convoluted mythology needed for X of Swords - an ”event” that was a true snoozefest.
I like SWORD and X-Factor and sometimes Marauders, X-Force and Hellions. Cable has its moments. X-Men is too boring for me. I truly hate Excalibur - worst X-book I have read since Chuck Austen’s X-Men.
But I really have liked seeing the X-books on the charts again. If other people like the books so much that the X-Men have become relevant again, then I am happy for the franchise. It is not my cup of tea, but I am happy that the X-books are popular again.
[QUOTE=Tank;5453983]It’s a drag to be honest. Ready for this cult vibe to be over with, for the characters to matter more than the plot and the xmen to feel like themselves again.[/QUOTE]
Damn, I wish I had seen this post before I wrote my way too long reply. You summed it up perfectly. :-D
[QUOTE=Rufio;5455052]Yep. Totally agree.
I think I hate it too.
I was really ready to give it a chance, but these characters... they’re just following along and there was no real build up to this mass acceptance of Krakoa. [B]Especially with characters like Sinister running around and everyone just accepts it.[/B] My hope is some other (but good) writer comes along and fixes this ooc mess. I’d even be willing to accept Krakoa more if there wasn’t so much cult like behavior with some X-Men actually NOT being on/for Krakoa.
It’s not the worst, but I still hate it.[/QUOTE]
I would have had less time accepting it because he is a total bore.
[QUOTE=Rang10;5455834]None of these were covid fault, they were badly written. They were too confient that anything that they write people gonna praise[/QUOTE]
I wasn’t saying that the quality was COVID’s fault... I said that the momentum was hurt because of the break and then the quality of those two events weren’t great, which got people even less excited.
I thought it was dragging a bit, but I just did a re-read of everything and also finished x of swords just now and feel a lot more positive about everything. I really do love how they worked to make everything feel so connected seamlessly. It really does feel like one big story.
The HOX POX is a pre-COVID disease in a lost-COVID world
[QUOTE=From The Shadows;5455894]I would have had less time accepting it because he is a total bore.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, something about Hickman’s Sinister... It just doesn’t jive with me. Very weird considering Sinister was on his favorites list.
My opinion.
I loved HoX and Pox. That was just great.
On the titles I have one thing I would have liked different in general. Have at least two members of the former team who wearied the same name, so (at least) two former Hellions on Hellions, two on Marauders and two former Fallen Angels. That is a general thing I would have rather seen different.
Most books I like, though I do not agree how they sidelined some big names like Rogue, Ganmbit, Iceman, Colossus, Archangel and Nightcrawler (though the latter two will see a change now soon)
Sword of X was good, but the tournament were bad taste, they should have been real fights, not eating contests and so on.
Fallen Angels was bad, really bad and Excalibur has a great cast, but the wrong team to make the series.
The rest is pretty fine if you ask me. I am enjoying the current era, especially if you look at we had happening to the X-books before Hickman took over.
[QUOTE=gonnagiveittoya;5455829]Hickmans said he plans to "put all the toys back" when his run on X-Men ends too so he may use the Moira stuff to basically clean slate again to some extent[/QUOTE]
If Moira dies, and this all gets wiped clean and none of this sticks around I'd be pretty upset. So much of this has been ground breaking and interesting for the X-Men who really needed something to shake them up. What I absolutely love and hope continues into the future is the idea of "Mutant Culture" and the sovereign nation of Krakoa.
Also I have really been enjoying this take of Sinister...
[QUOTE=PsionicHero;5456422]If Moira dies, and this all gets wiped clean and none of this sticks around I'd be pretty upset. So much of this has been ground breaking and interesting for the X-Men who really needed something to shake them up. What I absolutely love and hope continues into the future is the idea of "Mutant Culture" and the sovereign nation of Krakoa.
Also I have really been enjoying this take of Sinister...[/QUOTE]
Moira dying wipes out the entire Marvel universe back to something like just Kid Colt and the Invaders, depending on what year she is supposed to have been born in the sliding timescale - not sure editorial would be happy with a reset button THAT big being pressed.
[QUOTE=Frobisher;5456432]Moira dying wipes out the entire Marvel universe back to something like just Kid Colt and the Invaders, depending on what year she is supposed to have been born in the sliding timescale - not sure editorial would be happy with a reset button THAT big being pressed.[/QUOTE]
They'd just reset things back to before Hickmans era, and pretend it would have no impact on the other properties.