Dissapointed and not interested.
Larraz and Gracia art is the best thing about current era.
HOXPOX was just a prelude and everything after it had lower quality.
My favorite characters are used only as wallpapers.
I don't get these sorts of threads lol
[QUOTE=Tank;5453983]It’s a drag to be honest. Ready for this cult vibe to be over with, for the characters to matter more than the plot and the xmen to feel like themselves again.[/QUOTE]
It has been dragging, specially that Hickman is writing decompressed and letting other writers do their events. It's not that Hickman stuff read better in trade, he is not puting effort.
It has it's gems and blanks, but it's a bold new direction and I'm willing to follow it to the end of Moira's tenth life.
[QUOTE=OblivionX33;5454164]I don't get these sorts of threads lol[/QUOTE]
What kinds of threads do you like best?
From the little I have read... It's not for me.
Like every other era, it has its ups and downs. I think my biggest issue is that the bits of world building that should really be earth-shaking game changers feel like they're only really being explored in a couple of books. I'm going to give X-Corp a try because I really want to see the seeds planted in X-Men #4 explored a lot more deeply. That was something I thought we'd see more of in Marauders, but it kinda just became the Kitty Pryde show, so I dropped it. X-Factor is feeding me well when it comes to the Resurrection Protocols, so no complaints there. New Mutants under Vita Ayala also seems like it's tackling a few tricky questions regarding the new status quo, so again, enjoying that book a lot. Way of X also looks like it might be asking some hard questions, so that's on pre-order. Ditto Planet X. Excalibur seemed like it was trying to do something cool, but the execution just didn't grab me. X-Men just takes too long to follow up on ideas, so right now, I'm waiting for the execution to play out in other books and going back to read the red issues after the other shoe drops. SWORD pretty much showed up and went right into cross-overs, so I'm avoiding, but will probably catch up later. CotA I'm reading reviews on and will probably trade wait, depending on what I hear. Everything else is more or less off my radar right now.
[QUOTE=zvrk;5454168]It has it's gems and blanks, but it's a bold new direction and I'm willing to follow it to the end of Moira's tenth life.
What kinds of threads do you like best?[/QUOTE]
The whole thing is subjective, no one will ever be happy with any era of the X-men. Even those before the claremont era going into it. Didn't like claremont and it took a while for some to get with the program and that trend followed, after he moved on. Some liking and not liking Grant Morrisons run, or Josh Whedons - don't me started on X-Factor. Talking some of the best runs in my opinion. Still everyone isn't going to get what they want out of Hickman, he's not going to asnwer all your questions, he'll just add on to them (i've heard a few ppl call Hickman a try hard or someone that's jacking Alan Moore style or some such). Before peicing things together, which isn't out of place to X-men but this is a new beginning coming from one mind for the most part and things are going to feel off in that area. Like for example; I wasn't a huge fan of Generaton X, even though it should have been in my wheelhouse. So gauging interest is just a pointless thing to do on such a large scale. Unless the ppl reading are reviewing it or happen to be in marketing for marvel studios, cause i'm sure if ppl weren't interested then most threads for Dawn of X wouldn't reach page 15 for the past two years. Unless it's to shit on it. lol
I'm significantly less invested in whatever story Hickman is telling, but I'm getting a lot out of individual books (X-Factor, New Mutants, SWORD). I'm also excited for Way of X and X-Corp.
I don't really blame Hickman because he does have a ton of responsibilities as Head of X, but I feel like one-off stories weren't the best bet if his title was going to be monthly. Hopefully the reveal of the X-Men team will be the jumpstart that gets me invested in the main title again.
[QUOTE=Kingdom X;5454358]he does have a ton of responsibilities as Head of X[/QUOTE]
Maybe too much...hence the monthly timeline
[QUOTE=OblivionX33;5454353]The whole thing is subjective, no one will ever be happy with any era of the X-men. Even those before the claremont era going into it. Didn't like claremont and it took a while for some to get with the program and that trend followed, after he moved on. Some liking and not liking Grant Morrisons run, or Josh Whedons - don't me started on X-Factor. Talking some of the best runs in my opinion. Still everyone isn't going to get what they want out of Hickman, he's not going to asnwer all your questions, he'll just add on to them (i've heard a few ppl call Hickman a try hard or someone that's jacking Alan Moore style or some such). Before peicing things together, which isn't out of place to X-men but this is a new beginning coming from one mind for the most part and things are going to feel off in that area. Like for example; I wasn't a huge fan of Generaton X, even though it should have been in my wheelhouse. So gauging interest is just a pointless thing to do on such a large scale. Unless the ppl reading are reviewing it or happen to be in marketing for marvel studios, cause i'm sure if ppl weren't interested then most threads for Dawn of X wouldn't reach page 15 for the past two years. Unless it's to shit on it. lol[/QUOTE]
Of course it's subjective, that is why we read comics. For the warm fuzzy feeling the characters, the world they live in, ideals they strive for, stupid decisions they make give us.
You're right, every generation cries not my X-Men, and every generation fights for what they hold dear about the X-Men in their hearts to come back and relive it again, but alas, even if it happened, it would never give the same results, because those writers that you/I/we all loved, they are not the same, and their perspective on the world changed, as probably their writing style, which may not jive with today's writing trends in the comic books. We all want something new and fresh, but inside we crave for comfort, not change, and that's a paradox, because we all change but fear the same change. Our favorite characters might have gotten past that lovable stage we loved them for and we cry FOUL PLAY, and that applies for the direction the franchise sails on.
This type of thread is maybe gauging interest, but most of the time is for the verbal poop. It's why the internet is for.
I'm really enjoying it so far, Excalibur notwithstanding.
[QUOTE=zvrk;5454469]You're right, every generation cries not my X-Men, and every generation fights for what they hold dear about the X-Men in their hearts to come back and relive it again, but alas, even if it happened, it would never give the same results, because those writers that you/I/we all loved, they are not the same, and their perspective on the world changed, as probably their writing style, which may not jive with today's writing trends in the comic books. We all want something new and fresh, but inside we crave for comfort, not change, and that's a paradox, because we all change but fear the same change. Our favorite characters might have gotten past that lovable stage we loved them for and we cry FOUL PLAY, and that applies for the direction the franchise sails on. [/QUOTE]
There’s more than nostalgy: they are supposed to be the same characters. Different writers, different artists but the name of the characters, their general appearance… it is the same. The same puppets with a different puppetmaster. There’s something dishonest, here: there’s at minimum a promise of basic continuity… to be almost each time betrayed.
I would be enjoying this so much more if Hickman was doing more writing. HOX/POX and the Krakoa concept had tremendous potential. But the rest of these riders aren’t really executing to the level that I expected, and more often than not, I’m bored. I still have hope that Hickman can pull this out
[QUOTE=zvrk;5454469]Of course it's subjective, that is why we read comics. For the warm fuzzy feeling the characters, the world they live in, ideals they strive for, stupid decisions they make give us.
You're right, every generation cries not my X-Men, and every generation fights for what they hold dear about the X-Men in their hearts to come back and relive it again, but alas, even if it happened, it would never give the same results, because those writers that you/I/we all loved, they are not the same, and their perspective on the world changed, as probably their writing style, which may not jive with today's writing trends in the comic books. We all want something new and fresh, but inside we crave for comfort, not change, and that's a paradox, because we all change but fear the same change. Our favorite characters might have gotten past that lovable stage we loved them for and we cry FOUL PLAY, and that applies for the direction the franchise sails on.
This type of thread is maybe gauging interest, but most of the time is for the verbal poop. It's why the internet is for.[/QUOTE]
Damn, you really floored me with this one and summed it up perfectly. I totally agree, that because the world changes, the writers will change but so do some readers. But others will not want to change at all within the fanbase and that's where some of the issues start to began to show itself. Creating a impass of ideals, were folks see these characters in certain lights and are used to them reacting or interaction with stories and situations that are consistence (or relatively inconsistent but interesting). So when creators ppl like or may not like come on to do comic book runs, there's a tug of war of creative principles. Where the reader will only, give writers a couple of chances - or fewer - to meet their specific criteria from whatever era that gold standard was established. Making the margin for error a mile wide but an inch deep and we get stuck in this cycle, as these runs get weak supporter and lack in sells than we do this all over again. In shorter and shorter brust since the XOffice has to continue to keep the boat on course.
Thanks for your response and perspective!