what exactly is the relationship of these children to Amora? Who is the father?
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what exactly is the relationship of these children to Amora? Who is the father?
[QUOTE=Hypestyle;5658572]what exactly is the relationship of these children to Amora? Who is the father?[/QUOTE]
It is said it was a palace guard, it's kinda not known his name, it seems to be known for everyone on Asgard but the mother's name seems more like a secret it's surprising it was Amora their mother considering she was keeping that part as a deal with their father to not keep them being hurt.
Amora seemed to love them even if she was an absent mother all the time.
I can't understand the Ove thing because is something more for Captain Marvel book than other thing personally I choose to ignore it
It's funny that Amora is neither with Skurge, nor Heimdall nor Thor, just a random average guy from maybe her teenage days who we have to know and that it has to be special considering what kind of person is Amora and what she always wanted in her whole life.
As I said before some days ago, Amora has many secrets, this is just one of them and looks like it’s one of the biggest ones if you think about her not still explained past instead of knowing Lorelei her younger sister and that in her teen days, she was an apprentice of Karnilla or her past and dealings with the Valkyrior (something Jason Aaron choose to ignore to tell conveniently his story).
And I found something from her appearances that maybe it would be focused on her as it was Women of Marvel from a few years ago but considering reading it, it was someone’else story same with the Black Widow and the Marvel Girls first issue a few years ago too.
The main reason why I always complain so bitterly almost 100% of the time is because of things like this, if someone really believes that Marvel does things right with her, it is a lie and it is not normal, For me it is not involuntary, it is completely voluntary and it has been happening for more than 20 years.
Things like this cover of Thor vol 2 65 in which even the information of the comic itself [I]("Solicit Info: "SPIRAL" Pt. 6-SPIRAL heats up as the Enchantress takes center stage...")[/I] and everything is like what is called ClickandBait, for me they give me an illusion to read something focused on her but then when reading the comic it turned out not to be real, Amora did not appear in the whole comic, then in this issue 74, Amora does not appear on the cover and she was important in the story, it appears just a normal and ordinary random girl as if nothing happened and then we would have what happens in the issue 80 of the same volume of Thor in which Amora dies in a completely random way just for the sake of it (I know, the story of Oeming it was called Ragnarok but she deserved better than it).
Things like these are what awoked in me the feeling that Marvel never cared about the character and that she is always treated very badly by all the writers who came after and the beginning of trying to vindicate a character who needs much more affection than what she has been given.
For things like this is it is why I always complain and always say what I say even though I live on a constant loop most of the time but I believe and think that I am right.
For me, it is difficult to settle and be positive on this issue because the evidence is there.
I try to be a little optimistic. I just hope Strange Academy doesn't do what CM did with Amora's character.
[QUOTE=Doom'nGloom;5662096]I try to be a little optimistic. I just hope Strange Academy doesn't do what CM did with Amora's character.[/QUOTE]
I'm hoping for it, I really need to see a real change. I can't live always like this all the time, thinking that no writer loves her.
Amora cameo in Fantastic Four 60 aniversary cover
[QUOTE=juan678;5663009]Amora cameo in Fantastic Four 60 aniversary cover
Have Amora and FF crossed paths before?
[QUOTE=Doom'nGloom;5663162]Have Amora and FF crossed paths before?[/QUOTE]
No never, she wasn't interested in the Team, she was always because of some relationship more of Avengers (Thor) or Defenders (Valkyrie)
Nice cover I like it though I don't care much for cameos unless means something.
[QUOTE=Charlie_1981;5649651]Me too but why the change when something it's so good, it's make her different and unique, even Sylvie Lushton and Lorelei (Lorelei looks like a warrior now, at least she is not a copy of Red Sonja) looks changed and still can change, if we are going to see Sylvie Lushton again you can expect a look similar to the Sylvie of Loki tv series[/QUOTE]
To me Sylvie in the Loki tv serie has way more in common with Amora than Sylvie Rushton. It’s like they decided that her arc is how she became the Enchantress.
[QUOTE=WallStreeter;5664198]To me Sylvie in the Loki tv serie has way more in common with Amora than Sylvie Rushton. It’s like they decided that her arc is how she became the Enchantress.[/QUOTE]
And exactly what else does she have in common with Amora more than with Sylvie Lushton?
Both are related to Loki, Sylvie may have never seen Loki because he gave her, powers without her realizing it and from one day to the next she wakes up with them, possibly at first she came to think that she was a mutant or something similar, she wanted to be a heroine but she had bad luck mixing with bad people who have complicated her life and perhaps they have taken away the illusion she had at the beginning, making wrong decisions. And surely to Amora, Sylvie came to see her several times and identified herself with her, hence she decided to call herself Enchantress and decided to pretend that she spoke Asgardian even if it sounded stupid.
Amora in the comics is called like that, she is the Enchantress, the only and incomparable one, she has two recently revealed children, her sister Lorelei, her powers come from experience and having been taught by various magicians and sorceresses of Asgard, she has a complicated relationship with the Valkyries, then we have Skurge, her relationship with Loki is possible that if has certain things that have been brought into the tv series, the chemistry between them was always important, but their lives and paths did not connect as much as it seemed.
I really would like Thor writers uses Amora more and better than only in cameos, explain her untold story, reveal the mystery of her life, I don't feel that the writers of other books when they use her, they do it correctly except for what little I have seen in Strange Academy with the thing of their children that I wish has a continuity and greater importance (at least, they are real and not illusions out of nowhere like those of the Scarlet Witch), because clearly a character as Amora the Enchantress needs a better development that has been stagnant for decades in the same thing with priority and urgency (people get bored and I'm the first to see her always in the same way, I love the character but I need something better than what I have seen so far, not everything has to be always in villainy), I have tried to say it in many ways in this thread and I do not know if people really understand it, for me, it is weird and does not say too much about the writers of the last 50 almost 60 years without a story centered on her to tell.
The thing about an ongoing series of Amora is that with the characters related to her, it is almost written alone (Amora, Lorelei, Loki, Skurge, Thor, Iric and Alvi, the unknown father of the latter two, Sylvie Lushton, even Ove the alternate future child of Amora and Namor, the Valkyries, Karnilla, Hela ...) maybe it can be as funny as it was in its moment She-Hulk byy Byrne, maybe written by Al Ewing or even Scottie Young would be cool.
Zeb Wells can be another alternative. I really like his work on Hellions. His writing has a wicked sense of humor which I think should fit Amora well. The curse of Amora is that writers aren't willing make her step out of her villain role so the character stagnates. It's even worse that they aren't using her that often as a villain either. Taking a new approach may rejuvenate her but Marvel isn't committed to it. My hope is that someone like Ewing makes a pitch and editors let him do whatever he wants. If it's up to the higher ups at marvel she will be trapped in a never ending cycle. It's the same problem Wanda's suffering ever since HoM. The difference is Amora has been suffering from it ever since her inception.
I recently read thor issue 383 secret wars tie in and while having problems with how Amora's powers are depicted I quite enjoyed her character there. Far more than how she's usually written as a villain. It is actually a tragedy since that was written in 1987 and for 34 years the writers didn't let her character grow much.
[QUOTE=Charlie_1981;5684336]I really would like Thor writers uses Amora more and better than only in cameos, explain her untold story, reveal the mystery of her life, I don't feel that the writers of other books when they use her, they do it correctly except for what little I have seen in Strange Academy with the thing of their children that I wish has a continuity and greater importance (at least, they are real and not illusions out of nowhere like those of the Scarlet Witch), because clearly a character as Amora the Enchantress needs a better development that has been stagnant for decades in the same thing with priority and urgency (people get bored and I'm the first to see her always in the same way, I love the character but I need something better than what I have seen so far, not everything has to be always in villainy), I have tried to say it in many ways in this thread and I do not know if people really understand it, for me, it is weird and does not say too much about the writers of the last 50 almost 60 years without a story centered on her to tell.
The thing about an ongoing series of Amora is that with the characters related to her, it is almost written alone (Amora, Lorelei, Loki, Skurge, Thor, Iric and Alvi, the unknown father of the latter two, Sylvie Lushton, even Ove the alternate future child of Amora and Namor, the Valkyries, Karnilla, Hela ...) maybe it can be as funny as it was in its moment She-Hulk byy Byrne, maybe written by Al Ewing or even Scottie Young would be cool.[/QUOTE]
Tbe current Avengers side of Marvel is suffering from bad writing and horrible character development, in particular because the Avengers ended in Endgame in MCU.