"You Won't Change Me" -- Black Sabbath
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"You Won't Change Me" -- Black Sabbath
Willy Wombat - Detriam City (Level 2 BGM)
This soundtrack as a whole is quite jazz
I love 90s grunge/alternative, especially STP
[B][U]Kind of Blue[/U][/B] - Miles Davis[SIZE=1]
(© 1997 Sony Music Entertainment Inc. / Manufactured by Columbia Records)[/SIZE]
"L-O-V-E" -- D.D. Verni and the Cadillac Band
"Zoot Suit Riot" -- Cherry Poppin' Daddies
"Pleiades" -- King's X
"Within You Without You" -- The Beatles
[B]The Essential Count Basie Volume 3[/B][SIZE=1]
(Ⓒ Ⓟ 1988 CBS Records Inc.)[/SIZE]
"Raise Your Horns" -- Halestorm
"Seasons In the Abyss" -- Slayer
"Strutter" -- KISS
"Twisted Into Form" -- Forbidden
"Another Girl" -- The Beatles