Quote Originally Posted by oldschool View Post
I can only speak for myself but I really dislike the humor style which is much closer to the airport then it is to Spiderman. And the art is a very cartoony and amateurish in my opinion; definitely not up to Kuberts usual standards.

Huge disappointment for me after this book was hyped as a "return to street level action of huge disappointment for me after this book was hyped as a "return to street level action". Instead, it's a zanier Marvel Team-Up with little to no focus on Peter as a character.
I wonder if there was a shift in what the title was supposed to be about now that ASM is becoming the "back-to-basics" book for Legacy so Spec needed a different niche.

Obviously we have the movie tie-in stuff with Vulture and Tinkerer (though no Shocker in sight), but otherwise this book doesn't seem to have much point outside of showing Peter in team-ups like in practically every major Spider-Man satellite starring Peter since BND.

I guess it's showing what's going on with Jonah, but frankly I expect Slott will probably do something more significant with him at a later point then Zdarsky will.