I've been trying to read through the 90s X-Men since it's a bit of a gap in my knowledge, but I'm starting to realize how absurd it would be to read everything. However, normally when I ask for reading advice, people try to suggest only the highlights, which is not what I want. Instead, what I'd like is to include anything that has any meaningful value - either it's a good story or it will come up again. That being said, for some of the solo books (Wolverine, Cable, etc.), I do just want the highlights. I thought the easiest way to ask this question would be to list runs of stories and see which ones people say to skip. I'm starting from exactly where I am right now:

Uncanny X-Men
16-349 - Scott Lobdell
350-365 - Steve Seagle
366-380 - Alan Davis/Terry Kavanaugh
381-389 - Chris Claremont
390-393 - Scott Lodbell
394-409 - Joe Casey
410-443 - Chuck Austen
444-471 - Chris Claremont
472-474 - Tony Bedard
475-503 - Ed Brubaker
504-530 - Matt Fraction
531-534 - Matt Fraction/Kieron Gillen
535-544 - Kieron Gillen

Uncanny X-Men Vol. 2 - Kieron Gillen
Uncanny X-Men Vol. 3 - Brian Michael Bendis
Uncanny X-Men 600 - Brian Michael Bendis
Uncanny X-Men Vol. 4 - Cullen Bunn

X-Men Vol. 2
35-45 - Fabian Nicieza
46-50 - Scott Lobdell
51-56 - Mark Waid
57-69 - Scott Lobdell
70-85 - Joe Kelly
86-87 - Fabian Nicieza
88-99 - Alan Davis
100-109 - Chris Claremont
110-113 - Scott Lobdell

New X-Men
114-154 - Grant Morrison
155-156 - Chuck Austen

X-Men Vol. 2
157-164 - Chuck Austen
165 - Chris Claremont
166-187 - Peter Milligan
188-207 - Mike Carey

X-Men Legacy
208-300 - Mike Carey

All-New X-Men
1-41 - Brian Michael Bendis

All-New X-Men Vol. 2
Dennis Hopeless

Astonishing X-Men
1-24 - Joss Whedon
25-35 - Warren Ellis
36-41 - Daniel Way
42 - Christos Gage
43 - James Asmus
44-47 - Greg Pak
48-68 - Marjorie Liu

Extraordinary X-Men - Jeff Lemire
X-Treme X-Men - Chris Claremont

Breaking this up into multiple posts. I'll return with Excalibur, X-Force, X-Factor, and Generation X.