First off I don't hate the art. I was a little iffy on the cover and had avoided looking at interiors so I wouldn't be upset.

Runaways art has always been a little iffy anyways.

Secondly we only get three of the 5 stars in this issue which was a bit of a bummer but I'm glad they jumped right to the good stuff which was them saving Gert

Nico is all mopey and then poof comes Chase with Gert in his arms just seconds away from death by stab wound.

The big problem is that Nico is running out of spells to use and while she pulls it off (like we knew she would) it's still stressful.

The artist seems to like side scrolling rather than keeping each page seperate.

The cliffhanger ending is someone watching Chase, Nico and Gert whilst stroking a kitty Blofeld style.

The issue was certainly better than any of the reboot/continuations of the series previously (Whedon and whoever brought it back after him) didn't read the third one that wasn't really the runaways.

Can't wait for October 11th

Also I really thought the doctor Nick summoned was gonna be Claire at first.