Quote Originally Posted by Kurolegacy View Post
Though gotta say, missed opportunity that Cyclops was dead during Secret Empire. Imagine if he was leading the resistance against Hydra.
That could have been insanely cool, if well written.

I could see facing pages, with Captain Hydra looking over one fancy high-tech table with holographic maps and displays and commenting that their enemy's tactics are perplexing and that wherever they strike, the enemy doesn't seem to be, and on the opposite page, facing the other direction over a rattier table in a temporary HQ covered with paper maps (but so that the composition makes it look like they are on opposite sides of the same table), Cyclops is moving resistance cells around to keep ahead of Hydra purges, which require large vehicles and numbers of troops to move into position, and can never quite move as quickly (or covertly) as small cells of resistance fighters.

Ideally written, neither of them would look like chumps, but Hydra Cap would be somewhat handicapped by the size of his forces and the difficulty of moving them around quickly or quietly, and Cyke would be obviously unable to meet them openly, having a much smaller and less-well-armed resistance group, better suited for fast tactical raids, but not open confrontation. (Fortunately for Cyke, the underdog position is pretty much exactly where he lives, and thrives. Cap's actually similar, in that respect, and hindered by being commander of a big force and giant weapons, as he's, from the Invaders to the Avengers, generally been the leader of the small strike force of hard-to-wrangle loners and ego-dominant troublemakers (like Namor and Hawkeye and Stark and T'Challa, who are different flavors of hard to manage, as much as Wolverine, in their own ways) that gets in and out, like Cyclops.)