Im sorry if theres already a thread for this, I tried doing a search but it didnt really zero in on the keyword Avatar very well... and im also new here so I'm not sure how things work around these parts. But I hope this threads okay,

Im sure all of us who buy physical comics have that one dude (or few dudes) at the store who know your taste, and get excited to tell you about a new comic they know youll love when they see you come in, for me one of the best examples of that was at Atomic Comics in philly (if you live near philly you know the place, its the epicenter of the city,right on South St). And the comic was BEDLAM, written by the destined to be legendary Nick Spencer who seems to have risen very quickly after his success with Marvel (specially The Superior Foes of Spiderman which might be the funniest book ive ever read).

Bedlam had my name written all over it, the way I describe it to my friends now when im pitching it is : Imagine that focused on a character similar to The Joker but is more sane, but still super fucked up and slightly more serious, but Batman REALLY sucked at his job. Because Thats kinda what Madder Red is like to me. I am still mortified that this comic ended after two short arcs. But then again too much of a good thing often loses its magic.

Im sure some of you are fans of Bedlam right? and on top of Bedlam, Avatar had like a ton of hitters come out all around the same time including Ennis' Rover Red Charlie, the most unique zombie comic ever, not to mention Crossed (a more adult/less fan servicy Walking Dead) which is big as hell now also originating with Ennis, as well as Uber and God is Dead (which is at least fun for one volume). And plenty more.

So, any fans?