It's the poll people! Vote & let's chat comics?

Last time around
didn't garner many votes or discussion sadly, but let's see how it shakes out this time. The Walking Dead won pretty convincingly though, taking the series' third win of the year.

This week Eternal Empire wraps up its first storyline, as does Youngblood, whilst Royal City begins a new one, Luther Strode gets a deluxe hardcover reprint... and that's it?!

Nope! Three new series are beginning this week:
1.) Immediate contender for coolest title Atomahawk will soon be resuming over at Image. To get started they're reprinting all the old material from Heavy Metal into a single oversized zero issue. Grant Morrison calls it "A screaming black hole feedback squall of death metal Kirby-kozmik energy spinning straight towards your prefrontal cortex" and I really don't think I can top that.

2.) Second up is Justin Jordan's (Luther Strode, Spread) new series The Family Trade, about spies, steampunk, alchemy and assassin's on a remote isolated island where the world developed quite differently than it did elsewhere.

3.) Lastly, Paul Jenkins is penning a new series called God Complex, and I'm just gonna copy the solicit text here because talking about mythological gods from the future is quite hard: "In the futuristic city of Delphi, a young digital-forensics investigator named Seneca finds himself embroiled in the bizarre murders of three church acolytes. Guided by his cryptic mentor, the Ruler named Hermes, Seneca uncovers a stunning conspiracy and a mystery that will turn his entire world upside down."
With art from Hendry Praseyta (Power Rangers).

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