If I were to conjecture as to what is going on here in Marvel Legacy, I’d say Marvel are staging a return to the basic status of the classical heroes when they appeared in the 1960’s. For example

Fisk and Osborn return as prominent villains
Wonderman/Beast teamup reinstated
Shrapnel in Starks chest again?
Odinson becoming worthy after being punished
Spider-Man is poor
Hulk a menace, as Dark Hulk
Steve Rogers out of time
Luke Cage reacquainted with Diamondback
Doom is premoidal Doom (until Reed appears).

ANAD (Standoff, CWII, Secret Empire) has been just garbage time, before Legacy. ANAD will be seen as just a Dream period and the real beginning of the MU will be this back to basics of the classics. I can almost see ANAD as an extension of Time Runs Out, which ended the confused mess characters became. Secret Wars swept that aside and ANAD was a premoidal Earth till the real Earth of Legacy came back.

I’ve enjoyed the 15 Legacy books I’ve picked up from the 35 possibles published so far. Legacy has an old world feel to it, in that Stark staggers out of a cocoon into a new world with no money. Legacy is almost like the emergence of characters in the Silver Age. You can almost see the demarcation point where characters sit in limbo and are getting ready to step on the surface, fresh and new.