Since Justice League is coming really close and we all know that Superman is going to be the rock star at some part of this movie, I thought about making a thread to see how many people like Superman in DCEU the way he is, because I was "informed" that people who into comic books since earliest of ages don't and will never like DCEU Superman in his current form, that he is appealing only to younger audience and those who never saw comic books and I would like to see how wrong that statement is and I would highly appreciate if only those who truly love this Superman will be posting in this thread. I would love to find like-minded people.

Anyway I would love to start with talking about my Top 5 favorite DCEU Superman moments that define this version of Superman in my eyes and maybe you can name some of your favorite moments. Lets go!

5. The dialogue between Jonathan and Clark in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Very important moment in a sense of formation this Superman as a character in this universe. For the most part of the movie he encounters with nothing else but criticism for his actions, no matter how much of a good he did, majority still looked at him with a suspicion, even though all he ever wanted is for people to follow his example and become heroes of their own, for people to see him like his closest ones do. In this scene Jonathan told Clark a story from his childhood where his heroic deed caused an unfortunate result, which morally broke him. Keep in mind that right before this Superman witnessed bombing of the entire senate and he thought it was his fault for not being more cautious so he could prevent it. So he was most likely thinking something along the lines like what is the point of even trying if it takes one mistake in order for the entire world to turn on you? But back to Jonathan, in his story he and his father saved their farm from being sunk by a river, but because of them changing river’s direction, Lang’s farm suffered the consequences and all their horses died. Because of it Jonathan started seeing nightames and hearing cries of those horses while trying to sleep. This story was meant to mirror Clark’s situation, because in Man of Steel even though he was saving the world, a lot of people died in the process of his fight with Zod and he also couldn’t save those people back at the senate. When Clark asks if nightmares ever stopped for Jonathan, his father’s answer was yes, when he met Martha. She helped him to believe in good of this world again, she became his world. I think this way Joanthan was trying to explain to Clark that if there is any good in this world, even if it is one person, this reason is enough to keep fighting and doing what is right, because where is one, there will be many. Every action leads to certain consequences and your failures shouldn’t cause you to stop doing what you believe in, you just have to keep in mind that outcomes might not always be the ones you expect Good of the world doesn’t stop existing if you failed one or more times, it is always there. The world is worth saving for those who still believes in good and in better tomorrow. While those who oppose you will either come to terms and follow your example or will fail themselves. In the end I just love how they compared Clark and Lois’s relationship to Jonathan and Martha’s.

4. The dialogue between Martha and Clark in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. One more very important scene and is very dear to me as Superman’s fan. Martha explains to Clark that he doesn’t owe this world anything, he is not forced to do what he does, he has a choice who he wants to be and to become and this choice he has to make on his own and only like that. That way by the end of the movie we get that kind of Superman who does what he does because he wants to, because he sincerely and selflessly enjoys doing good and relieved people’s faces is all he would ever need in return like in that scene when he saves the girl from burning building. DCEU Superman becomes a hero not because he has to, but because he wants to and this is very important. This is the Superman that I love.

3. Saving the girl from the burning building in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I love the entire sequence, starting from the moment when Clark notices the TV news about Day of the Dead. He was in the process of his journalistic investigation about Batman vigilante and about his means to achieve justice in Gotham He got suspicious of Bruce once he heard his communication with Alfred through hidden coms and started following him. But in the process he stopped once he overheard the message on TV on a foreign for him language and when he realized that no one is going to rescue her, he immediately forgets about right now and started undoing his tie and flew to save her. In that moment I realized that this Superman is always listening, he is always cautious and on guard in order if somebody is going to need his help and when somebody does need his help, he puts that situation above anything else. Which is exactly why senate bombing harmed him that much as it did and why it made him feel guilty. Unfortunately they didn’t shoot how Kal-El was undressing from Clark into Superman. We immediately go to the moment he carries the girl in his hands, which also is a very cool moment that showcases how fast Superman is, because girl was already in the burning building when TV news were streaming the accident and it was in Mexico, so he had to be very fast in order to be in time. What I love the most about this scene is that Superman carries the girl with a smile towards her parents, you can literally see how happy he is and how much he enjoys what he is doing. Even though his expression changes a bit later, it is only because he doesn’t want people to see him as a messiah, he wants them to see him as a guy who is trying to do the right thing and for them to follow this example so people will be willing to help each other no matter the odds. He wants to show that in order to be a hero you don’t need super powers, all you need is a good and kind heart and will to do what is right for those around you.

2. Lois saves Superman, Superman saves Lois in Man of Steel.

Very strong and cool scene where Lois teams up with AI Jor-El in order to save Kal-El, which is followed by a very badass escape on Lois’s part, during which we are witnessing her military roots, since she was very good on using that alien gun, she was literally headshoting those kryptonians. But as soon as Lois gets to saving pod, it gets damaged by kryptonian lady and as a result she starts falling to Earth. When Superman gets his powers back thanks to Lois using his kryptonian key that had AI Jor-El inside of it and he reprogrammed kryptonian atmosphere of the ship to Earth’s, his biological father appears in front of him and explains how he and Lara wanted him to learn what it meant to be human first, so that one day when the time was right, he could be the bridge between two peoples. Kal-El smashes the wall of the ship to open space and after that dialogues occurred, Jor-El pointed Clark to look outside to see Lois which is followed by: “You can save her, Kal. You can save all of them”. In that exact moment Clark/Kal-El becomes Superman and goes to do his job of saving Lois and the world. What is especially great about this entire sequence is that through Lois we are witnessing that in order to be hero you don’t need super powers, you need to be brave and have a good heart that is willing to help those in need and Superman was the one in need that time around. All of that leads us one more time to the point that everyone can be a hero in his/hers own way.

1. Superman’s first Flight in Man of Steel. I need to be clear that I love this entire scene from the moment when Clark is learning about this kryptonian heritage through Jor-El. This entire dialogue that leads them to Superman’s costume and Jor-El explaining that the symbol of House of El mean hope and it embodies a fundamental belief that potential of every person to be a force for good and this is exactly what Superman is going to become for every living being in the universe. Every time Jor-El open’s his mouth he speaks Superman is a sense that he defines all that this character means, what he is and what he will be. The meaning behind symbol of House of El defines the word hero, that all it needs is to be hopeful and do good however you can, super powers are not necessary, it’s just an instrument, but we can all contribute as far as our capabilities allow. Which again leads me to the point of DCEU’s Superman and DCEU in general - everyone can be a hero and it is expressed through various supporting characters. And of course my most favorite part of this scene is Russell Crowe quoting Grant Morrison’s All-Star Superman: “You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you. They will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders” and right after that Superman takes his first Flight and I love so much how Henry Cavill expressed the reaction to such an event. This Clark was happy as if like a human being suddenly discovered that you can fly and this is freaking amazing! He is so happy and so amazed by himself that it just warms my heart every single time I rewatch this scene. As Jor-El said, Superman embodies the best from two worlds, two different civilizations, he expresses unity, that different cultures can exist together and be embodied in a person. But most importantly, he shows humanity’s potential, even while being an alien, he takes the best from us and through his example shows what we can become, that we can be our own heroes from the world around us.