Quote Originally Posted by Colossus1980 View Post
Jane Thor's comic run is memorable. Most of Carol's comics are forgettable. You have to wonder why Marvel is not paying for top talent to work on their 'Wonder Woman'.
I'd argue because Carol's stories are basically written like she's facing the villain of the week. Her comic book of it was a cartoon would just be basically fillers. She needs a set of epic arcs and filler reads in between each epic.

She needs a story that basically captivates readers. Using Wonder Woman like a First Born type story, See Wakanda and Die stuff like that. A story that would expand her mythology and introduce a credible threat. Like how Gorr the Godbutcher was for Thor, The First Lantern for Hal, The Dead King for Aquaman, etc. Those are epics with memorable villains

Also show she's awesome by the stuff she does, not by saying it. Jane comes off badass by her actions and hell the fact her actions are killing her. Show Carol being a hero instead of repeatedly stating she's the mightiest hero without any merit to it.