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  1. #16
    Astonishing Member
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    Sep 2015


    Outside of killing them have OML take them back to the wasteland and never speak of this again. They have no point of existing after mother vine.

  2. #17
    hate cant reach you here Harpsikord's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    I don't think we know for certain that the teen O5 will be around once Jean Grey is back, though? At least not in the same capacity. We have the crossover with Venom happening, sure, but we don't know if that happens before Phoenix Rez or after.

    Not just that, Blue's team is about to undergo a pretty serious shift and we haven't seen any of the other members of the O5 in any other books. We'll know soon enough either way, I'm sure, but don't be surprised if the O5 actually ARE gone soon.
    "We come into this world alone and we leave the same way. The time we spent in between - time spent alive, sharing, learning together... is all that makes life worth living." - Jean Grey

  3. #18
    Astonishing Member Ulfhammer's Avatar
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    Nov 2016


    Time travel or magic retcon you say? Sounds like a problem free idea that will upset no one...

    Any material changes that occur between the old and new versions of the characters has the capability to completely rewrite continuity. That's a disaster of an outcome in my mind. If this is Marvel building up to a wipe, where they can pick and choose what continuity to keep, I'd be even more concerned. These sorts of things fundamentally effect the characters and how I think of them. That's like Charles without Onslaught (ok that be good) or Jean without the DPS (that be bad) but regardless the impacts are just too big.

    Also aging up characters is pointless. It's not the 05's age that's the problem. The real issue is their lack of experience and that they haven't lived through the stuff we all associate with those characters. Age has no effect on that.

    Marvel has painted themselves into yet another corner with the O5 and it's one that there are no easy ways out of. If they kill them off they admit complete defeat of 5 years of publication history. If they keep them that's just too many redundant characters that clearly no longer serve a purpose, if they ever did. If Marvel tries to integrate them with their older versions we potentially lose a lot of history and development. If there exiled to a AU it basically the same as killing them off since they effectively stop interacting with main stream continuity. I don't see a clean way out of this maze now.

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