Quote Originally Posted by Jokerz79 View Post
I still firmly believe a Time Lord can't truly be in love with a human. They can love us but not be in love I mean the knowledge of a Time Lord would kill a human so I agree with Missy we're basically puppies when compared to a Time Lord. So The Doctor had PTSD after the Time War and Rose was his service dog which makes The Rise of the Cybermen even funnier to me.

As for love and the Doctor I only accept Romana and River since she is part Time Lord but there is a caveat they just go on adventures together never anything domestic the Doctor being domestic is wrong.

Oh yes a I agree with Miles to Go Rose was more bareable with 9 than 10.
Sure, the Doctor can have all the knowledge in the universe, but he can still learn from other less evolved species, and he did from many of his companions. And he did from companions like Rose and Donna. Stuff like courage, compassion and to live in the moment. They made him laugh a lot. They were able to move the Doctor deeply and be less rigid with his time laws, and they also surprised him when they risked everything to save him. Pets can't carry a conversation with you like humans. And I think dogs and many animals are very smart. maybe the Doctor likes us because we are more simple.

Quote Originally Posted by Cyke View Post
Indeed, that was one of the reasons they wrote Rose with that origin. Class means nothing compared to everything she and the Doctor had faced. RTD sometimes went overboard in trying to depict lower class life (look! this is the food they eat!) but he was really big into showing people spectacularly exceed society's shitty expectations of them. Donna was a temp who couldn't figure out her life, and there she was saving the universe.