I have utterly no idea who Inferno squad is and the biggest problem being that I don't know who Iden Versio is. I have no idea who our main character is and I really struggled to give a damn about her adventures.
My biggest issue is how quickly she changes teams in this. It's not a struggle of ideals or what the Empire means to Iden, it's that she isn't comfortable with the destruction of her homeworld which is a fine enough catalyst for change, but yet she is comfortable with a Death Star. It's to say that her motivation didn't make much sense when you have to consider that Iden eventually would've had to deal with the Death Star destroying an Imperial world. Alderaann is stil a mass of space debris, so at the end of the day the Empire is only evil when it's her own planet but that leads me to my next point.

Why do I care about Vardos?
Seriously. The only time we go to it is in the mission where she defects. We know nothing about how this planet operates under the Empire, how Iden grew up here, her father is an admiral so what was that like? Shouldn't anything related to her father be explored here? We are introduced to her father and maybe a mission later we're turning on him. Why do I care? This is Iden's father and parents are important, but I have no reason to give a damn about Iden's. We know nothing about him other than being a commander so Iden's emotional moment with her father branding her traitor lacks a punch because we haven't met the guy. Stormtroopers on Vardos become just as faceless as the rebels we shot at 20 minutes ago. As well as when Inferno squad breaks up, I was hoping it was to develop everyone and send them on an arc. Del already met Luke and he may be predisposed to rebellion, Hask is loyal, and Iden has to struggle between duty and her friends. But no. Iden joins with del and never contemplates her decision over the course of the game. Never taking the time to find another way or adapt the Imperial ideology or mourn over her friends and coworkers she gladly kills. It never comes up, so when Vardos is getting wrecked and Del/Iden become rebels perhaps 30 minutes in, it means nothing if we don't know how Inferno squad operates. What are they are like in the Empire, and what that relationship looked like before Vardos? I know it's in a book but that's a cheap cop out if you're not going to explain it in-game where most of us are going to see it. It simply doesn't tell us enough about the dynamic for me to care about them. This is a story of rebellion, the marketing lied, Iden might as well be a silent protagonist for all it offers, but the entire team could've been mute because nobody changes post-Vardos.

By the time of Jakku it just didn't matter. Iden was going to make it because nobody is offering any overlap or questioning decisions. Iden is a good guy and she is up against bad guys. It's Jakku so the Empire will lose. This game has no punch to it. How can I be following a team for 4 hours (less considering a fourth of it is cameo missions) and know about as much about the cast if I had simply read a wiki page.