Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
That said, superhero comics are generally about unlicensed vigilantes who are filling a necessary role in a dangerous universe full of extra-dimensional threats and alien invaders and superhuman villains that the governments of most nations are pretty much useless against, so if you want a pro-government, pro-regulation sort of entertainment, superhero comics are probably never going to be your thing.
Is this what the thread has been reduced to? Can't discuss politics on an even footing so you try to present me as some sort of jackbooted thug that loves the government and wants to cover the world in endless bureaucracy? Then you finish up with the usual rhetoric of 'if you don't like it leave', completly oblivious of the widespread discontent amongst the Marvel fanbase. It's exactly this sort of drivel that has no place in comic books today, when nobody can have a reasoned discussion before ideological groupthink seeps into the conversation and turns everything into politics. There is a whole world outside Tumblr and the sooner Marvel realises that fact the better off they will be.