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  1. #1

    Default Several questions about Tolkien-verse

    I love LOTR as I am sure most people do. Yes, I even enjoyed the movies*, despite that being an unpopular opinion around here :P But I would never claim to be a diehard fan. I've never dug around in the rich lore of the universe as much as I probably should. Nevertheless I find myself pondering certain scenarios, and I was hoping my fellow Rumblers could think tank a few things for me.

    What would have happened if Galadriel had in fact taken the Ring when offered? Obviously she hints that it may be bad, but in detail. Likewise for Gandalf near the beginning.

    What if Smaug had found the One Ring and was aware of what it was?

    Separate scenario, what if Smaug hadnt died near Lake Town, but was merely hurt. Years later he resurfaces in the same area, healed and aware of Saurons gathering strength. How does this change the landscape of LOTR? What would he do?

    Were the stupid stone giants in the hobbit movie canon? Cuz I REALLY don't remember that in the books lol.

    Had Gandalf and the Witch King fought, how would it end up? Would it be close?

    Do we know whatever happens to Radagast?

    In the books, the undead army Aragorn summons can't actually hurt or kill people right? Just scare them?

    Probably ill think up some more soon. :P
    *I did prefer the books obviously. I grew up reading them
    "At the end of the day, Arby is a pretty prolific poster proposing a plurality of proper posts for us."
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  2. #2
    Amazing Member Zach's Avatar
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    Yup. The scene with the trolls was in the Hobbit. It was one of my favorite parts as a kid.

  3. #3


    Ohhh fair enough on the confusion. But I meant this-
    "At the end of the day, Arby is a pretty prolific poster proposing a plurality of proper posts for us."
    - big_adventure

  4. #4
    The Weeping Mod Sharpandpointies's Avatar
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    Despite being on an iPhone in Japan, I will list some short answers - more Monday if thread is still around.

    Yes, Stne Giants canon, didn’t happen like that, gets minor mention, easy to miss.

    Galadriel taking ring would be bad. Possible she wins against Sauron, then gets corrupted. More likely she just loses.

    Gandalf should have won after a hell of a fight.

    Radagast kind of gets the short end of the stick. Didn’t do his job, muchly, so presumably doesn’t go back to Valinor. Or does, it’s not clear, really.

    No, Aragorn does not have a cheap, snot tidal wave in the books that obviates nearly all of the sacrifice and heroism of the siege. It just scares the Corsair a into leaving their ships.
    Why are we here?

    "Superboy Prime (the yelling guy if he needs clarification)..." - Postmania
    "...dropping an orca whale made of fire on your enemies is a pretty strong opening move." - Nik
    "Why throw punches when you can be making everyone around you sterile mutant corpses?" - Pendaran, regarding Dr. Fate

  5. #5


    Ah, thanks for taking the time out of your vacation Sharp! =)

    Thank god on the snot army thing. I couldn't remember. They honestly ruined that whole fight.

    More questions:
    Palantir just seer stones? Or more uses or potency?

    Are orcs actually twisted elves? In the literal sense or philosophical?

    Were the flying mounts of the Nazgul ancient or new? Were dragons based on them, or they on dragons?
    "At the end of the day, Arby is a pretty prolific poster proposing a plurality of proper posts for us."
    - big_adventure

  6. #6
    Amazing Member WarrenPeace's Avatar
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    Okay, I don't think it matters much who takes possession of the one ring. The ring is a piece of Sauron and it twists and taints the person wearing it. I think the end result would be the same as if Gollum was wearing it only it would be a longer process considering you're talking about a wizard or an elf.
    I don't think Smaug has an interest in enslaving the races of Middle Earth and I think he would just treat it as another piece of treasure until the ring found its way back to Sauron.
    Gandalf would've beat the Witch King considering he has chased off black riders with his patronus and he has also defeated the balrog in the mines of Moria.
    I think the stone giants were mentioned in one of the books IIRC.
    I don't recall whatever happened to Radigast.
    And I think that army of the dead did actually physically hurt orcs and such, otherwise what's the point of Aragorn calling them out?

    And I posted this before I saw Sharp's post, that flippin ninja...
    Didn't mean to repeat a lot of his stuff lol
    Last edited by WarrenPeace; 12-01-2017 at 06:55 PM.
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  7. #7
    She/Her Cthulhu_of_R'lyeh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Arbiter View Post
    Ah, thanks for taking the time out of your vacation Sharp! =)

    Thank god on the snot army thing. I couldn't remember. They honestly ruined that whole fight.

    More questions:
    Palantir just seer stones? Or more uses or potency?

    Are orcs actually twisted elves? In the literal sense or philosophical?

    Were the flying mounts of the Nazgul ancient or new? Were dragons based on them, or they on dragons?
    When you invoke the LotR movies, Sharp is contractually obligated to respond. Those things were horrible and should be treated as such.

    As far as the Fell creatures that (some of the)Nine rode, where exactly they're from is a mystery. It's assumed by some they were bred by Sauron from something in the Elder Days, but again, no real note about a true source, from what I recall.

    They're also not- at least not specifically, from what I recall- Dragonkin. That's a Peter Jackson thing. Here's the description:

    It was a winged creature: if bird, then greater than all other birds, and it was naked, and neither quill nor feather did it bear, and its vast pinions were as webs of hide between horned fingers; and it stank. A creature of an older world maybe it was.
    Tolkien himself admitted in one of the letters resembled a pterosaur, and might have been something from an older era, but like... Definitely didn't say they were Dragon, anywhere. Peter made them look like Wyvern though.

    The bastard.
    Yeah, but if you... man, we're getting into weird analogy territory, like if you disintegrated Superman's arms he wouldn't be able to go "fool! Little did you know that my arms and I are one and can be remade from me!" and will his arms back into being from pure nothingness. - Pendaran

    Arx Inosaan

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