Quote Originally Posted by WebLurker View Post
As far as X-Men goes, I don't want to see the current series discontinued (I was really looking forward to the X-23 movie). If Disney does buy and reboot for the MCU, I'm, thinking that they'll have to go the route that mutants "always" existed in the MCU, but didn't get outed until the present and/or were mistaken for Inhumans or other kinds of superhumans. However, since the MCU has gone for so long without the mutants, I think that it would be a really awkward addition, at best, and would probably be best if they weren't used until the MCU is rebooted from scratch, allowing the X-Men to be around and accounted for from square one.

As far as the F4 goes, if Marvel could make a decent movie, fine. However, I kinda think the F4 have outlived their usefulness. Granted, I have found them the comics with them I've read to be extremely uninteresting, so this could be my bias about that speaking, but I can't shake the feeling that they no longer have a place in the Marvel franchise.

Mileage will vary, of course.
The associated trappings of the FF are more interesting, to me, then the FF themselves.

Annihilus, Galactus, Doom, the Negative Zone, etc.

That said, having a family of adventurers is pretty fun.